
April 2nd, 2012



The funniest damn video.

just watch this. )

I've suddenly got holiday dinner plans. Anybody want to come help me set up, you're welcome. This is going to be the best damned Easter EVER.




I don't make my kids do anything that I'm not willing to do, so Rapunzel's teaching me to paint.

It's not working so well. I feel like I have clumsy man hands.

Probably because I do.

It's supposed to help with inner peace and expression and maybe even anger management. I'm not sure that last part is working, I keep wanting to shove the paintbrush through the canvas and then beat the canvas and easel into the floor.

But that would make Zel cry, and no one wants that.



Filtered to Gaila

Birthday crises averted. Thank you for not doing anything. It's a stupid day. I hate that it falls on April Fool's. It's like the world has it out for me or something.

Hey, I need to talk to you about something. I had a really weird dream last night.




My husband Ted said this might be a good place for me to advertise my bakery so I thought I would give it a go. Hello! My name's Andromeda. I own a bakery shop in Tustin. I make the best angel food cake you'll ever have in your life. Everything else is pretty good too, but that's the only claim I'll make here.