
March 20th, 2012




Crawling through a dumpster was NOT really how I wanted to spend this morning. I think there's still some beer residue and Mcdonald's nugget sauce in my hair. Not really my best look ever, I'm sorry to say. The library almost didn't let me in, even. All because my jerkass friend decided it'd be funny to dump my bag in there to see if I'd go get it.

Why do I stick around such idiots?



This feels stupid but...

It's been coming to my attention that I need a wardrobe upgrade. Work standard's pretty boring and I don't think it's gonna change, but far as casual, I'm thinking ripped jeans and tshirts don't work when you're at the bar and over thirty.

The thing is, I have absolutely no idea how to dress myself when I'm not in my "uniform" and lab shit. Anybody got suggestions for a poor slob who wants to look like an adult but not a dressed up monkey?

Also, kids? remember when you want to murder someone not to use a real distinctive samurai sword to do that. Cops are on your trail now, honey. Made for a good story though.




I had to drive today.

It's been at least a month and a half since the last time I did that! I had to take some time to remind myself of things like silly USA driving laws and what that one peddle does that isn't the gas and how to differentiate the R from the D.

Cars are hard, sometimes I wish we could all just ride horses. Horses are easy and don't need fuel aside from hay, which is like... pft, just go farm some, that would make all those hippies happy I think, no more plundering the earth's natural resources for making cars go places and things like that.


Red came home last night with two extra kittens. I don't know where he got them from but he stared at me for a long time with his longsuffering stare of 'I'm keeping these and you're going to say yes'. Unfortunately for him I'M the one with thumbs in this situation and also I'm smarter.

I already have 7 cats, I don't need 2 more! There's no room for them anyway, the other cats have already claimed all the rooms, and Midnight will cut me again if I take in more strays. I still have marks on my arm from the last time.

So I bundled them into my car, which was good, because Kano had begun herding them around - apparently it's just Amber and Russet he doesn't like - and he gave me these big big sad cat eyes, but I had to put my FOOT down.

Sometimes you have to do that. SO the kittens are at the shelter now. And I didn't even run anyone over on the way.



If I were a little pony...

Read more... )




My robot is done! My crashing, smashing robot of smashingness! Just in time for the judges to inspect her, too!

Oh I can't wait, I'm going to rent the lorry right this instant so I can bring my baby home. After a suitable demonstration.

I need something to smash with my robot.