
Posts Tagged: 'kyle+valenti'

Apr. 29th, 2021




You know, there are some days I question being a surgeon and other days I don't. I prefer it over being a cop, though. No offense to my parents.

Apr. 24th, 2021




One of my brothers is getting married.

I found out from one of the other brothers. The one I actually talk to.

Turns out, I don't think I'm invited.

Which is cool. I don't want to go. I've had enough family time to last a lifetime.

It's still kind of...hurtful, I guess, that he didn't invite me.

But hey, that means I don't have to send a gift.

Apr. 2nd, 2021




Ah, the joys of time jumps in dreams. I got to live through teenage awkwardness last night. Some good, some not so good, some really terrible. But the thing that stands out the most, aside from Kyle being a douche and my dad being...my dad, is how I woke up thinking I still had two legs. But then reality set it, because oh yeah. The dreams took one of them away.

Feb. 27th, 2021




Business has been off the charts this past weekend. Which is awesome. I'm gonna have to hire more staff if this keeps up. Definitely not complaining. Now that Posey and the boys are out of the house, it's good for me to keep busy, so yeah. This is awesome.

Feb. 20th, 2021




I was in the store today and they have Easter stuff out already.

What's everyone's opinion on Peeps? Yay or nay?

I'm not really into it. I think it's Easter's version of candy corn.

Jan. 18th, 2021




Okay, I hadn't had any of these so-called dreams yet and then I get hit with one. Which involve one of my good friends wanting CT scans.

Well, that definitely took an interesting turn... I'm not sure what to do with that.

Also, my best friend's idiot old man showing up. I have a feeling this is going to turn into a very messed up drama. I'm not even sure I want to know what the hell I just walked into. Other than him spewing a bunch of bullshit.

It's the only dream I've had so far and as far as I'm concerned, it can just go the hell away.

Dec. 4th, 2020




It's a bit weird to be back in the OC after so long, but I am. Looks like I'm back for good too.

Feb. 23rd, 2020




So moving across the country seemed like such a good idea at the time but I've got lost on campus twice and I have three classes to make up reading in because even though the class is similar they've covered different things.

My brain's fried.

Also, hi. I'm Peter Parker, nice to meet you all :)

Feb. 18th, 2020




I was hoping to talk to you about the dreams and whereabouts you are as I don't know if I'm ahead or behind you at this point but I've found out more about what happened to Rosa.

You free for a surfing lesson this Sunday?

Feb. 9th, 2020




[Private to Alex]
So I just got to the point in my dreams where I've obtained the actual autopsy on Rosa and the evidence is all pointing to Max given that it was his glowing handprint on Liz's chest when we reunited at the Wild Pony and that same mark is on Rosa's face.

I don't know if that's where Liz is in the dreams so not sure if I should share or keep this to myself?

Jan. 31st, 2020




[after this]

um. is there a way to check and see if you still have glass in a wound if you can't really get a good look at said wound?

i am not asking for a friend, i am definitely asking for me.

Jan. 6th, 2020




It's always good to see the extended family over the festive period but just as nice if not better when they finally leave and you're given your home back.

I love them, I do, but it's nice to have things back to normal.

Or as normal as it gets in Orange County.

Nov. 12th, 2019




Jesus, that was a rough shift.

Huge traffic accident with multiple victims and some of which had to be cut out of their cars so the hospital was sheer insanity.

I'm exhausted.

I should probably Uber home and not drive or I might end up causing an accident myself.

Sep. 24th, 2019




Note to Self: never ask a self involved person 'how's things with you'. You will lose your whole day and end up unable to keep all your appointments!

Between the drink that lasted two hours with this girl talking about herself the whole time (not my idea of fun), Scooby's groomer not knowing how to handle a Great Dane at all, the DMV arguing with me about my own age and my bank freezing my card due to 'suspicious activity', I've been having a bad day.

I hate having to call my parents for help but I literally cannot argue with the DMV and the bank all on one day.

Boy do I need a drink.

Sep. 9th, 2019




Just when I thought things couldn't possibly get any weirder.

Woke up basically kissing the ceiling this morning, took about an hour for me to get back down, and now? Well, now I've frozen the door shut just by breathing on it. What the fuck is going on?

I'll also need a new desk because I definitely broke that in two.

Aug. 25th, 2019




Next time I get into my head that I want to write a research proposal, someone shoot me in the face.

Also, I woke up with a notebook full of spells beside my bed this morning. Add to that my new tattoo and I'm generally not all that pleased with the world today.

Jul. 23rd, 2019




Any surfers out there?

It's been a few years since I've done it and I'd really like to get back into the water, just not alone.

Jul. 21st, 2019




I didn't think I'd actually say this, but for the first time I'm glad I'm here and not in Boston. It's hotter there right now than it is here and it looks like that's going to be the case for a few days. While I miss the East Coast, I don't miss the humidity during their heatwaves.

Jul. 8th, 2019




Anyone else have trouble going back to work after a four day weekend? I'm way too hungover for this

May. 10th, 2019




I can tell you for nothing that being punched twice in the jaw in so many weeks is not fun.

Honestly don't know if the second one even counts when it happened in a dream though the reality of it suggests otherwise.

And reliving a break up? Super fun, by the way.

Apr. 19th, 2019




The clinic is open and magically protected from harm. Come here for safety, or for medical attention! We could even use a few volunteers. I have set up a special burn area as well, as that seems to be the worst of the damage.

Apr. 13th, 2019




... Fire in the sky? Why did I see..?

Is it on fire or..?

Something bad is coming. Something bad. My head has that not so fun splitting feeling.
It's different this time. Dragons?

Apr. 9th, 2019




Some days I think I could have been anything. An athlete, a guy who flips burgers, or a veterinary but no I had to go and pick the one vocation that means I spend pretty much my entire life in a hospital. That means my social life is pretty much dead in the water but that's what I get, I knew what I was signing up for, and yet I'm still complaining.

Go figure.

I mean I blame the fact I haven't slept in like... 16 hours for this rambling post of ramble.

Apr. 8th, 2019




Well, that was a bust. How hard is it to find somewhere decent to rent that has a parking space and doesn't have a dozen flights of stairs?

Three more viewings tomorrow, wish me luck.

[Private: Michael]
Hey, you okay?