
Posts Tagged: 'bella+cullen'

Mar. 10th, 2015




I'm so relieved that I didn't accidentally spoil the surprise before everyone had a bite of their cupcakes last night. This telling the truth thing is really tiresome. Any ideas when it might finally be over? But... in happier news...

It's a girl! Aramis, Porthos and I are pleased to announce that our daughter is due to come and meet the world on July 25th. We're still working on names.

Feb. 19th, 2015




I wish my family was in the area instead of traveling. With the new baby coming it would be nice to have them around.


How are you feeling? Do you want me to take Nessie to the park so you have a breather?

Feb. 17th, 2015




I just ate an entire box of Girl Scout Cookies and I'm not sorry.




Well I've finally got Dior off to sleep and I find myself with some free time, so I decided I would try and post on here. So I was thinking of learning a new skill, anyone got any hobbies or skills they would recommend I try a course in?

Feb. 5th, 2015




Maddie and I got asked to be in a magazine for an article about female businesswomen and their pets. It was lots of fun and we got a super new picture :D

Picture )

Doesn't she look adorable?

Feb. 3rd, 2015




Not exactly a midnight feeding when it's 10:30. But close enough. What I wouldn't give for six hours uninterrupted sleep! I'm sure I'll get back to sleeping the night through. When he's eighteen.

I miss my bakery. :(

Feb. 1st, 2015




[cut for trigger warnings; Snape talking about his wife's death... but it's a public post] )

Jan. 20th, 2015




My daughter came up to me today, stomped her little feet and told me her sister was taking too long to get here. Then she started to cry because she wanted to play with her sister now.

Jan. 18th, 2015




Has anyone gone an extended amount of time since they last Dreamed?

Jan. 16th, 2015




Last family photo before the new addition.

Jan. 11th, 2015




I feel like a whale!!

Dec. 22nd, 2014




I'm done Christmas shopping, and it isn't Christmas Eve.

I am also making Christmas cookies, and they don't look bad.

Who wants one of these )

I have way too much time on my hands.

Also, Christmas cuts and colors are on sale at the salon. Let me know if you want an appointment.




I might have said it before, but I'll say it again; the song, Do You Hear What I Hear, always reminds me of Gremlins. Every single time I hear it, I think of that movie cause of the very brief scene when it's playing. I can't be alone in this. Anyone else?

Dec. 14th, 2014




Wow, I can't believe I made it past this week. I didn't think a birthday party would be so hard to plan and pull off. We had to move it inside because of the weather but I think it was still pretty nice. It looked really nice too, before the party. Just to show off what I pulled off here is the before picture.

birthday party )

Dec. 13th, 2014




This has been a super, super strange few days. First the electricity, then the strange birds. Like okay, I wished for snow and it's been snowing forever, but I didn't wish for strange birds, so no one's allowed to blame me. Uh uh. That one? Is not my fault.

Then I'm like... off to the mall, to grab a few last presents and maybe find whatever crazy food it is I'm craving now (because it's nothing in my cupboards or the fridge and I have no idea what it is). Maybe some of the smells in the food court or the little snack shops will tell me what the heck it is the blueberry wants to eat.

But nope, the car was all SLIP SLIP SLIDE and I thought I was going to DIE. Only... no accident actually happened because this huge crosswind kicked up against the car and made it stop sliding. The snow went crazy for a few minutes after that, too, so I kinda just hung out on the side of the road with my mug of hot cocoa.

I'm okay now, just... can we stop with the weirdness please? Between Christmas, New Years, Wedding Planning and growing a life I am SO stretched thin. I really don't think I need any more.

Oh yeah, me and the blueberry are completely fine, just in case people are freaking out.

Dec. 10th, 2014




Day 10 of my Maternity leave, and the natives (ie, me and the baby) are getting restless. [Cut for possible TW involving doctors/pregnancy, but public.] )

How are things going on here? Has anyone been to Baxter Bakery today? Tell them I miss them! They're tired of my constant texting, I'm sure.

Nov. 13th, 2014




We've got a wide variety of Thanksgiving and Fall themed cookies at Baxter Bakery. Order a Sparkling latte and a cookie for a discount on both!

[Cut to save f-lists, Public Viewing!] )




Tomorrow I leave for San Diego, weigh ins are later in the day, then the fight is on Saturday. I'm ready for this. I've got this. I can't wait to see what Alucard has planned, too, he's been making me wait and I'm sorely impatient! I want to know.

Then when I get back, I'm looking forward to catching up with an old friend and getting ready for the start of Christmas events. Although, I'm not sure if we're doing Thanksgiving or not, I suppose we should. At least it'll give me a good excuse to make a turkey.

Nov. 9th, 2014




It looks like the wait is harder the second time around. Even though it felt impossible the first time too but it seems like I had more willpower back then. I wasn’t able to wait to find out. Of course Edward didn’t have a problem finding out either.

It’s a ... )

Oct. 31st, 2014




Halloween in the ER can serve for more nightmarish scenes then any horror movie can come up with. I'd rather be home with my wife taking my daughter trick or treating.

Oct. 23rd, 2014




I have a babysitter for Halloween.


I'm taking Beth trick-or-treating (for my own selfish reasons, I admit, as she's still a little young), and then my mom said she'd take her for the rest of the night.

I'm a bit beside myself right now. I love my kid, but I haven't had an evening to myself in ages.

Oct. 18th, 2014




As it turns out, I'm not going back to work. I already spoke with my boss. I don't know what I'm going to do with myself now.

Edward Cullen
Do you want to find out the gender?

Oct. 16th, 2014




We are officially moved into our new three bedroom condo. Nessie has her new room and I am getting plans ready for the new babies room. While working 12 hour shifts at the hospital and going to college. Super Dad. This is my job folks and I love it.

Oct. 7th, 2014




Well it appears as though I am now free of the enforced attachment to my new friend Bella. I must say it has been rather pleasant meeting her and her family, even though the circumstances were not ideal.

I am going to miss little Nessie a lot, Bella and Edward please remember me when you need a babysitter.

Oct. 1st, 2014




I think I'm going to have Christina's birthday party the day after Halloween. She wants a tea party theme. So, does anyone want to dress like the Mad Hatter and surprise her?

Sep. 23rd, 2014




Annie's already asking me if we are going to Mickey's Halloween Party like last year. We're going to go costume shopping this weekend. Just for ideas. And to hopefully narrow down her selection. Because I'm sure it will change three times by Halloween.

Sep. 21st, 2014




I'm grateful the weather is cooling down. 100 degree weather does not make for a happy toddler or her pregnant mommy.

Sep. 2nd, 2014




I have an outie belly button. It popped out. This is so weird! But the baby's definitely in there, growing and swimming around. Merlin can regularly feel him or her moving now, and so can I. Obviously. Still having cravings. God, do I want tuna. And feta. Things I can't have!

Sep. 1st, 2014



[Private to Friends]

Daisy's birthday breakfast is set for 10 on Saturday morning, September 6. I have reserved a section of the restaurant at the base of the Paradise Pier hotel, where the characters come out and greet the guests. I have paid for the buffet breakfast for all of you, so please come hungry. It's all you can eat. There will be fun activities for the kids with Mickey, Minnie and the rest of the gang.

Then you're welcome to join us in Disneyland. Daisy and I have annual passes, so we won't be purchasing tickets. If you want tickets I suggest you get them ahead of time. The lines will likely be long. The three of us will likely be in the park from noon until closing.

Please let me know if you are still planning on attending.

Aug. 20th, 2014




The summer is almost over, which means I have to get back college and work. I've enjoyed the fact that my father gave me the time off, and is helping us pay for a new condo for our growing family, but it will feel nice to go back to providing for that family.


How are you and littlest babe?

Aug. 17th, 2014




Did anyone else feel that earthquake? I swear I felt something.

Aug. 14th, 2014




I'm planning my daughter's fourth birthday party. This is a very strange moment for me.

[Private to Sev's friends, and those with kids on the Network] )

Aug. 13th, 2014




I swear to God growing a life drains your batteries like Woah. And I can't have caffeine!?!?!?! I'm DYING here guys. Nothing is getting done.

When I'm not eating like a pig and trying to get that little bit of exercise the doctor says is good for me it's like... surprise! Nap time!

I need a pick-me-up that isn't sugar. Hey pregnant ladies club, any of you have any advice on this one?

Aug. 6th, 2014




I need to look into bigger lodgings. Our family is going to be growing by one, and our two bedroom apartment isn't going to cut it.

Aug. 2nd, 2014




I can't believe that one person has so much power over an entire town to be able to shun one person.

Aug. 1st, 2014




Okay so I finally get to announce this! It took us a while 'cause like... Lara was pretty horrified in the beginning and I wanted to give her time to deal. Plus there's that 'danger period' I guess?

But HEY!


I know, right? HOW DID THAT HAPPEN, SAM? Well I'm glad you asked, strangers. As it turns out, when Orange County turns a girl into a man with man parts, those man parts are actually capable of doing what man parts do.

It's currently the size of a lime (but I like to call him or her 'the blueberry') and none of my pants fit, and I think I skipped nausea and went straight to cravings, but we're like... healthy and stuff. And now you know!




Am I the only person who didn't realise you can go whale watching here? They run trips from Newport Beach and it looks amazing.

I've decided I have to go! Another thing off the bucket list :D

Jul. 25th, 2014




Not really a fan of chicken right now.

Jul. 23rd, 2014




I finally managed to locate a singing Olaf doll for Nessie.

She keeps pushing the button.


And over.


Man down, man down. Send back up! I can't take it anymore!

Jul. 19th, 2014




Nessie fell asleep on her way home from Disneyland, but she's a happy little girl. She saw Mickey and Minnie and Bella and I even waited in line for 2 hours so she could see Anna and Elsa. She was more excited about the Olaf animatronic outside.

Jul. 18th, 2014




I just thought of something.

I have a sister.

I have the same parents in my dream. But no sister.

...where the hell is my baby sister?!

Jul. 17th, 2014




OMG you guys, I had no idea that Ninja Warrior was in America! How did I miss that?

Check this out! This chick is amazing! She's the first woman - like literally - to complete the course and she makes it look like she's not even sweating!


Yeah, she's awesome. But you know who's even MORE awesome? LARA! You have to do this, Lara. You could kick her ASS at Ninja Warrior. I bet you and Shepard could have even beaten the Japanese course!

Jul. 16th, 2014




It's only Tuesday and I'm already in desperate need of the weekend. And a night out.

Jul. 15th, 2014




Between Katherine's room and Enzo's kitchen I think I might have missed my calling as a painter.

Jul. 14th, 2014




Well my friends, since my family is originally from France, around here we celebrate Bastille Day as well as the Fourth of July :)!

So my parents have allowed me to host a party tomorrow, for all my friends here on the network! Anyone who'd like to come can come, so long as you wear your party best!

It will be at [address], tomorrow night starting at 7pm. Food and drinks provided.

Even General LaMarque is dressing up, though I haven't decided which outfit to put him in, yet. What do you all think?

Jun. 26th, 2014




After making crowns for myself and Courfeyrac, I decided they were far too pretty not to make a few more! Though instead of crowns and tiaras like I did for me, I decided to make them a little more simple, for those of you who don't want a full head of flowers.

I'm really very pleased with how they all turned out. And such fun to make! I wear my tiara to class all the time!

I ended up making four, so first come first serve. Who would like a flower headband :)?

Jun. 25th, 2014




I need a night out. With no children. And no cleaning up vomit.

And I need a drink. A lot of them. Stupid memories. Who wants to go out?




My clothes are doing surprisingly well. In fact they're doing well enough that the company has asked me to think about creating a young girls line.

I said yes of course, but then I realized that I have no idea what young girls wear and what they like. Surely it has to be different from what I used to wear.

Jun. 24th, 2014




I have absolutely no idea what to wear to Elena and Damon's wedding tomorrow! I have so many clothes, but I can't decide on this. I think I have all my dresses out on my bed now and it's just too difficult to figure out. This shouldn't be this hard.

In other news, I had more dreams. I met a human, named Lee and we fell in love and eventually I turned him, because we couldn't imagine being without each other. Could you imagine spending forever with the same person? Or wanting to become immortal to be with that other person forever? Kinda crazy.

Jun. 22nd, 2014




Oh god. Oh my god. She's not in them. She's not there. I've dreamed all the way up to being sixteen and she's not in any of them.