
Posts Tagged: 'zeus'

Mar. 5th, 2013




Haven't been doing too good about talking on here.

Seems like work has been really busy since the blue flu thing went away. And even though Wonderland made the servers turn into ducks, that just made the bosses buy new equipment when the ducks, in the river, changed back and sank. Brand new servers and trunk equipment. It's pretty sweet to get to play with, er, I mean, work on. Heck, working on these things is play to me. They are awesome!

Went to the first D&D game I've been to in years yesterday, and it was fun, just like I remembered it. Somehow, it feels good to get the old dice out again and just play.

My therapist thinks things are turning up, recently and the work situation is helping, so that's good.

Feb. 25th, 2013




You ever wake up with the feeling that nothing really matters and everything sucks?

Yeah, we're probably right. Just saying.




...I am in need of someone who could track down the location of another computer. As in, someone who could figure out from where some emails are being sent.

Feb. 21st, 2013




The OC leveled up. Now I just have to find the boss.

Glad I've got an axe.

Feb. 17th, 2013




They have a funny definition of being the "lucky" one.

Feb. 16th, 2013




Consider me joined to the list of people who dream weird other lives. I don't even want to think about them, but man... I am hoping these dreams were the only ones I will ever have. Man, why did I google how many myths he is in? Why?

So, ah, anyone ever just had like, one set of these dreams and no more?

Feb. 15th, 2013




Zach Jupiter is fucking awesome. If you're the chick he likes, you're lucky. Just putting that out there.




I hope everyone had a positively wonderful day yesterday. I certainly did.

Somehow I've come out of it with a boyfriend, which is mildly disconcerting was definitely not what I expected. And yet I couldn't feel happier about it.


That's all. I felt it was groundbreaking enough to make the announcement. I'm going back to bed, where a good looking blond is waiting for me.

Feb. 14th, 2013




So I'm curious.

You video game players. When something ain't workin' for you in the game. Do you keep tryin' and just cuss til it works? Or do you step away? Cause I swear, I ain't never heard such creative swearing before in all my life.

Feb. 12th, 2013




Free cookies to anyone who brings beads into the shop today. Baxter Bakery is decked out for Mardi Gras! All are welcome!! Come by and bring your friends!!




Next person who asks me to show them my tits is going to walk away with a limp.

Feb. 10th, 2013




Ugggggh, beta testing is possibly the most frustrating thing ever. I don't know how to give positive feedback when your game sucks, stop asking me to be nice. If you wanted nice, you shouldn't have asked me.

Valarnet's a thing, I was told to join it by work, I have, blah blah blah.

Feb. 8th, 2013




Countdown to my last couple of hours of my first week working for Stark Industries. A really great first week if a little awkward. I think I'm going to like it here. This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship, so to speak.

Feb. 7th, 2013



{Locked from non-puncturable Phantom people for a vague reference.}

Another entry for the "things that shouldn't exist but for some reason I want to buy them all" files: action figures featuring American presidents as classic horror movie monsters.

I want to put them all on my desk. And then never get laid again. ... it'd almost be worth it.




Why the fuck do men think it's okay to harass women and cat-call to them out on the street? Do they think that's actually going to work? No I don't fucking want to touch you, or talk to you when you treat me like that. I surely don't fucking want to go out with you on Valentine's Day. What the fuck man?

No woman likes to be cat-called like y'know.. she's a fucking cat. Cut that shit out. Someone's going to get punched in the balls.

Feb. 6th, 2013




Why, yes, that was me rocking out and singing along to "Bye Bye Bye" when it came on the radio at the garage today.




Things I should be doing: studying 18th century music literature and practicing my pieces.

Things I am doing: learning a varying degree of Quilter to play for vocal students and watching re-runs of RuPaul's Drag Race.

Does anyone out there believe in going out on Wednesday nights? If you say yes, first round is on me. I promise. Let's go do something fun.




Wednesday afternoon, on a coffee break. New job isn't that bad, though, it's really, really awkward working with my ex is pretty awesome. It's challenging without being impossible, and I really feel like I'm helping instead of hurting. At the same time I'm still in the training phase, so that all may change.

Feb. 4th, 2013




I need a vacation. Maybe I'll travel a little. I always meant to, but I was never restless enough. I'll go someplace hot and troubled. I'll fight right in. Israel's nice this time of year, right? I'll go do religious stuff, maybe it'll give me some peace. Or I could go to Morocco, I've never been to Africa. I could go cool down in Russia instead I think I speak Russian now. I just need to get out of the house for a while. I've never felt so agitated before.

Feb. 5th, 2013



[Locked from Zevran]

Provided money was no issue, relatively speaking, and you wanted to plan an amazing surprise honeymoon, where would you consider going? I've got a pretty big chunk left over from a study I was part of last year, and I'm not sure where to start with thinking of these things. I'd considered Spain, but my fiance is FROM Spain, so would somewhere else be better? I'd ask or hint but...it might wreck the surprise aspect.

Any ideas, Valarnet?

Feb. 4th, 2013




Wait, you don't have White Day in this country? Just Valentine's?

Now I have to hurry!

Jan. 30th, 2013




Production on Black Widow is finally starting back up again after that whole virus scare. I really missed working, but spending time at home with my family was really nice. It's kind of been an insane last couple of weeks, both the good and bad kind. I'm honestly just looking forward to getting back to some kind of normalcy in my life.

[Filtered to Gandalf]
What's up, old man? I haven't seen you around in forever! I miss your beard!

Jan. 28th, 2013




Hi, I'm Gwen. A few friends of mine said I should check this thing out. So, here I am! Introduction post. /awkward.

I'm new in town. Weird to find a posting board that's so local. Anyone know a good place to get bagels?


Zach said I should introduce myself on this message thing. He thinks it will help me learn to read better if I do it while talking to people.

I'm not sure about that, but he's been right about other things, and he's my friend, so I'm going to give it a try.

I'm Laura, no delete back one word. Stop that! interested in meeting new people, but I don't know how good this Internet thing will be for that.

Jan. 25th, 2013



OH man.

I'm glad I can't feel my legs, becuase i'm pretty sre they're sore as heck. I've never sanced so much in my life. I never know my cousin Erin was such a good dancer. Hot, too. Don't worry guys, not blood related. I can perv on non-related relatives.

Oka, when I die, hopefully a thousand years int he future, EVRYEBODY MUST GET SUPER STONED. And talk about how great I am. Was. If I'm not (wasnt) great, make stuff up. Say I invented spray cheese or something.

Jan. 24th, 2013




Mother thinks I haven't got enough friends. I guess that's why I'm here.

The name's Penelope. But no one really calls me that. I'll answer to Poppet.

Jan. 22nd, 2013




As strange as my dreams are, there's a certain sense of comfort from some of them. A sense that... well, no matter how hard things can be, the Princess will always manage to save the day.

I just wish I could meet her here. The world needs more people like her.

And not only because it'd make me feel less wary of breaking the taboos

Jan. 21st, 2013




Back to school again today. It seems we're all feeling the same about it - not at all pleased. Can't say I blame any of us. Zoned out more than usual during musical literature of the 18th century, mind wandering to a dream I feel was too short to be properly enjoyed.

Dreamt about a dream within dream. Or it felt like it, anyway. I was writing a letter, and recalling a dream that dream-me had experienced (I hope that makes sense). I looked quite charming, actually, perhaps '30s or '40s, judging by the fashion. Saw myself in a room full of porcelain and china, and began to smash the delicate pieces on to the floor and into walls. Someone else was with me, but out of sight. Infuriating. The best part of all is that as the things broke and shattered, it wasn't the sound of chaos, but of beautiful music that I'd never heard before. Saw myself writing in my letter that all boundaries are conventions, and I wonder, perhaps, if this is my subconscious dwelling on my feelings about school entirely. Ought to be composing things, not sitting in classrooms.

Rushed home immediately to find paper with which to try and write down the piece, hoping to preserve it. In my search for blank paper, I happened upon a rather old looking book (I hesitate to say an original, but it's in poor state). "The Pacific Journal Of Adam Ewing" it's called - has anyone ever read it? The back appears to be torn off but the print is legible. Taking a break from my writing frenzy to see what sort of man this Mr. Ewing was.

PS. Looking to make some extra money this semester to save up for a car. I've decided to make myself available for piano lessons/theory tutoring, and hopefully count it towards credits for school. Fine with holding them at my own home, or traveling to my student's (mileage will be included in the price of lessons). In any case, I could really use something to occupy my time.

Jan. 17th, 2013




So, my therapist thinks I should be on here, talking to people. Since, ah, group didn't work so well. I'm Zachary Jupiter, and I'm, ah, glad to meet you all, so to speak. I've been looking around for people to talk to, and this board seems nice, really. So, hello?

This ah, this plague thing is really kind of messed up, huh? I, ah... anyone else find it just a little freaky how many people are sick? Sure seems like a scary movie come to life to me. Things are dead out in the world, and every time I look outside, it seems like nothing is moving on the streets. Even with the cure out and about, supposedly, with these new inhalers? Will they work? Is anyone getting better?

Sure makes it hard to work, too. Can't really go in and work hard at the job when the government keeps sending you home when you step outside your door. Anyone know any ways to work around this?

Not that I'm sure I could do very well, I mean, with this illness, but... got to pay rent, right?