
Posts Tagged: 'veronica+mars'

Aug. 5th, 2020




Nothing like waking up with a black eye to know that my day is going to be a pain in the ass. If I get one more fight club or "being a knock-out is not supposed to be a literal term" crack today, I'm gonna be doing the knocking out.


Slept in today so I didn't get the chance to swing by before work. But you and Chris doing alright?

Aug. 4th, 2020




I really should have listened to my gut when Mina's dad brought up adding daddy to the new campaign we're planning for once things calm down on set. He used to always be a part of our D&D campaigns but when his company took off he had to miss a few.

And now I remember why the loss wasn't all that bad - he decided today that part of his characters backstory involves curing cows of addiction to the game world equivalent of meth.

Aug. 3rd, 2020




I have a rare day off today and I really don't even know what to do with myself.

Aug. 2nd, 2020




At least my latest dream was anticlimactic.

We buried Sofia, and I sat around whittling some bolts out of branches.

Feels like a reprieve, and I have a feeling it's gonna be short lived.

Jul. 24th, 2020




This place may not be Hawaii but the surfing is almost just as good. I'm a little rusty though. Took a few spills before I was able to regain my surfing legs and stand up on the board.

Jul. 22nd, 2020




For anyone who's following the saga of my dreams, still ain't found the girl, but I found her doll. Not sure what that means in the grand scheme of things, but I'm hoping it means I'm on the right track and will find her alive and well, hiding out somewhere. I'm pretty sure it means she's bit and I'll find her turned.

Jul. 19th, 2020




History YouTube can be a dangerous place as it gives me ideas on places where to travel. Both a good thing but with so many options... it can be dangerous in the best way possible.

Jul. 14th, 2020




Still ain't haven't found the little girl, Sofia, in the dreams. Went looking for her in the middle of the night, in the woods. Found some poor sap who opted out, hanged himself. Wasted an arrow to put him out of his misery. Wasn't even anything worth scavenging in his camp.

By morning, we moved on, heading up to the farm where Rick was with Carl. I went out again, looking for Sofia. Found a farmhouse, looks like she might have been there. I took a Cherokee Rose back to her mother and tried to give her hope, but fact is I'm not sure how much more hope I've got. I ain't giving up on that girl, but it's been three days now. Her chances ain't looking so good.

Woke up feeling like road kill. So that's fun.

Jul. 12th, 2020




Erin and I went to Las Vegas this weekend and I am returning a married man! We decided to skip the big wedding and reception and elope.

My father-in-law even surprised us and brought Erin's old team to the wedding. It was nice to catch up with them and have a little bit of Chicago closer to home.

Jul. 8th, 2020




My dream life just never gets a break. This time, when the group of us was headed back to the highway, some chick rides up on a horse just in time to save Andrea from a walker, and she's looking for Lori, says Rick sent her because the kid's been shot. The boy, Carl. Not the girl we're looking for. So Lori goes off with her, and the rest of us head back to the highway. Group's split up now, and we gotta make a choice. Go to the farmhouse where the chick on the horse took Lori, or stay and keep looking for Sofia. Ain't no easy choice, and me? I'd rather stay and look for that little girl, but I think we're gonna go to the farmhouse a few miles away.

My real life isn't so high adrenaline. The restaurant is doing well, we're making a decent profit. But I got a couple positions I need filled. So. Yeah. Anybody's looking for employment in the restaurant business, I might have something for you.

Jul. 5th, 2020



text post: veronica mars

I finally know who killed Lilly. I can't say...it was what I was expecting. And I'm not really sure I feel any better now that I know.

Jul. 4th, 2020




I guess it's safe to assume that these dreams are going to be a frequent thing?

It's hard to believe that there are any truth behind these dreams. My life in my dreams is very different than the one I live. Yet it makes sense all at the same time.




One of the things I’ve always loved about the 4th of July is how into it my father has always been. Part of it was for me, but considering my parents aren’t originally from here, my father has always made it a point for us to go wherever there were fireworks and always had a bbq and all of that. It’s one of the many things I’ve always loved about my dad and the 4th.

And now that I’m an adult, it’s no different. I’m pretty sure I ate way too much this afternoon and we’re going out to watch fireworks later.

Jul. 2nd, 2020




The July 4th weekend is approaching and I want to remind everyone that if you are going to be setting off fireworks, playing with sparklers or anything of the sort that you be careful. I don't want to see you in my ED.

Jul. 1st, 2020




So, in the dreams, the group is moving on, trying to get to Ft Benning. Honestly, I don't have much hope. But at the moment it doesn't matter. We got caught by a hoard, most of them had to hide under cars and hope for the best. The asshole who left my brother cut himself, and I ended up saving his sorry ass by dragging him down and throwing a corpse over him. Not a fun time. Then one of the kids caught a walker's attention and she ended up bolting into the woods and I tried to track her. Apparently dream me is a survivalist or something, because I know my way around hem woods. Didn't find the girl, though, and by mid afternoon a bunch of us headed back to the highway, Rick and Shane and Carl stayed back to have another look around for Sofia. What chance does a 12 year old kid have, alone in the forest that's infested by walkers? It don't look good for her.

Jun. 22nd, 2020




Since I'm relatively new here, does the OC do anything exciting for the 4th of July?

Jun. 21st, 2020



text post: veronica mars

More dreams. But I still don't know who killed Lilly, and I don't know if I will figure it out. But I hope I do, because Lilly deserves justice. Also the teenage dream me is a sassmaster and pretty damn good at karaoke.

Jun. 15th, 2020




I think it's hilarious that there is apparently a petition to have Confederate statues in New Orleans replaced with statues of Britney Spears. Could you imagine if that actually happened? That would be the funniest thing ever and considering the way this year has been, I wouldn't be surprised at all.

Jun. 14th, 2020




Things I have learned; drowning is a terrible way to die.

But my powers work to phase water out of my lungs when waking up and that was not a party,

So I'm getting up close and personal with Jack Daniels!

Jun. 12th, 2020




Anybody out there know how to handle a crossbow?

I could use some lessons I've got a bow.

I had another dream. The camp got over run with walkers, we some people. And Jim got bit. We had to leave him behind when we moved out. One of the families decided not to go with us. There's still too damn many of us to travel quietly, and I really don't like the cops in the group.

Still haven't found my brother, but we made it to the CDC. Supposed to be help and resources there. Just a bunch of dead bodies and walkers. Seems like we're screwed six ways to Sunday. If it were a TV show, I'd expect my brother to come running out of the shadows to save the day, but I don't think it's gonna happen that way.

Jun. 6th, 2020




I don’t care what Will and Hazel say - I am doing the wedding event on Animal Crossing right. They give me Godzilla as a prop to use in their photo sessions I’m going to use him.

Jun. 3rd, 2020



text post: veronica mars

Trigger warning - mention of rape )




More dreams. I could think of worse dreams than being a pirate. Daughter of Captain Hook in fact. Well, the youngest daughter. A little dark though. Apparently King Beasty? He brought dead villains back to life and trapped them on the Isle of the Lost where they had kids they didn't care about. No food. Well, that's not true. The Isle received the spoiled, rotten leftovers from Auradon.

What a guy.

Jun. 1st, 2020




The center is back on track thankfully and the restaurant is too. So now...it’s time to start my next project right? Probably not since I’m already fairly certain my blood is more caffeine than cells and platelets right now from the schedule I’ve been keeping.

So...the architect and I have made a couple small changes to the design. He’s sending you over an updated copy of the blueprints.

May. 30th, 2020




What is all of this talk about helping animals cross the road? Seems like a strange game to play. A dangerous one too.

May. 15th, 2020



text post: veronica mars

Nothing like dreaming about getting dumped. Guess I'm officially one of you now. It's five o'clock somewhere, right?




So. This is a network of Dreamers. Guess I'm one of you now.

Dreamed up the zombie apocalypse last night. Me and my brother (what?) were part of a group of survivors outside Atlanta (what the what?). I was tracking a deer, my brother went into the city with some of the others. He's a loud mouthed bigot, and he got left behind, handcuffed to a roof. The just left him there, and I? Didn't handle it well.

I didn't grow up with my brother, have had little to no contact with him my whole life. Never felt like brothers, really. He's from my father's first marriage. But in this dream, there was something more familial between us. As intense as the whole zombie apocalypse is, the fear I felt for my brother chained up on that roof was very real.

I'm really glad I have the restaurant grand opening this weekend to distract me.

May. 13th, 2020



text post: veronica mars

Why is it so hard for people to believe I'm a PI? Is it because I'm barely over five feet tall? Short people can be PIs too. Honestly, people. I'm licensed and everything.

Oh, and hi. I'm Veronica. Or Ronnie if you're feeling brave.

Oct. 31st, 2019




It's finally Halloween. Liam is excited about it. Is it bad that I'll get to eat most of the candy myself? He's only 2 1/2, so it's like a parent holiday too at this point.

Oct. 30th, 2019




I was planning on going Trick-or-Treating with Chris tomorrow. Really not my thing, but he was really looking forward to it and I'd already made up our costumes. But I just got told that one of the detectives is out with the flu, and now I've got to pick up a shift tomorrow, which is a load of bullshit. Halloween's one of the worst holidays out there. I don't care if it's on Thursday this year. I'm sure that's not going to cut back on the amount of drunk assholes.

Oct. 25th, 2019




I should definitely find a job. But I'm definitely not going back into retail.

The murderous tendencies are hard enough to keep under control on a daily basis, never mind throwing in incentives to let them loose.

It doesn't leave a lot of options on the table though. Which just results in yet more boredom.

Oct. 22nd, 2019




I knew dream me had some issues. But I didn’t realize just how fucked up she was until last nights dream.

Oct. 7th, 2019




There really is no feeling quite like watching your dream self make decisions that even she knows are going to come back around to bite her in the ass.

And I thought I made bad decisions.

Sep. 9th, 2019




Had to chase a mark today. Ended up in front of him somehow, then accidentally threw him against a wall. I seem to have miraculously gotten super fast and strong overnight.

Aug. 26th, 2019




Waking up from a dream where someone literally has their hand in your chest results in god awful heartburn. Heart ripping being a thing is not something I'm likely to get used to, but it seems like mine might be in a lockbox and doesn't want to leave.

Plus side, finally left the Enchanted Forest (through another portal and got spat out of a well) which means my hair care bills should go back down. Thank god.

Aug. 6th, 2019




Well apparently those three years thinking my dreams were done were a lie.

Not only are my dreams back but I also woke up to this guy. Looks like Backup has a new friend.

Jul. 18th, 2019




Trish called me this morning to wish me a happy birthday, which would have been nice I guess, except for the fact that she was apparently with Dorothy. That, and Trish apparently forgot about the time difference.

Nothing to say 'happy birthday, Jessica' like being woken up at 7 am and listening to your adoptive mother going on for ten minutes about how you're throwing your life away. I need a drink.

Jul. 15th, 2019




I'm so done with these dreams. Like really.

Magic and the fairy tales I can deal with, being sucked into another realm all because I stopped someone from killing the Evil Queen is not okay. What the hell is a reaper anyway? I thought that was just for the people who were dying?

End up sucked through a portal, transported into another realm where we're in like the olden ages or something and we can't get home.

Worst part? I wake up with hair that's been brutally set upon by humidity. Took way too long to shower and get it sorted, I had to skip breakfast just to make it to work on time and I'm grouchy and can't show it.

Not amused Dreams, not amused.

Jul. 5th, 2019




Maybe I should start considering taking the day after the 4th of July off too. I'm way too hungover for this bullshit.

Jun. 27th, 2019




I knew it! I knew that creep had to be here. I could feel it in my gut. Now I have twice the opportunities to nail his ass to the wall.

Jun. 10th, 2019




It's been a few months since anyone has tried to throw something through my windows. At least while I'm at the office. If they have when I'm at it hasn't gotten through. Should have gotten bullet proof windows a long time ago.

May. 19th, 2019




This dream stuff is getting stressful. Nothing is making sense, I'm constantly unsure if I'm on the right track of figuring these things out or if the sheer insanity of it is just getting too deep and I'm starting to lose myself to that too.

Curses and witches and fairytales? Really?

And to top it off, I just got a new car. The bright yellow bug isn't exactly covert either. The ten grand hidden in it was a nice bonus.

[Private; Veronica Mars]
If I asked you if you could looking into old adoption files, would that be something you could do?

Apr. 15th, 2019




Between this weekend, the fucked up dream I had last night, and all these fucking crazies on the street, I'm pretty sure the universe is telling me I need a damn vacation.

I got some holiday time coming up next month, and dammit, Chris and I are taking an extended vacation to Fiji.

Mar. 16th, 2019




I was hired recently by a man who wants me to look into his daughter's personal life, specifically whether or not she's dating the right sort of people, so that he can decide whether or not to keep her in his will. At $150/hour plus all inured expenses paid, it was just too good to pass up.

I'll be following a lead from a very reliable source that she's very interested in volunteering, so I guess I'll have to check out places like Habitat for Humanity and the soup kitchen. Anyone else have any other suggestions?


This seems like it's going to be a very long, complicated case, and I just don't know if I can't handle it myself. How'd you like to be hired on as a consultant?

Mar. 14th, 2019




I got a lighter, a surfboard, and apparently, I joined the Navy. I didn't see the Navy thing coming, but I can say the dreams came full circle.

It's funny that it's been a long time since new things happened. I'm not surprised about some of it. It's always a murder mystery of some sort, always the ups and downs. My girlfriend doesn't trust me. We makeup and break up. If I don't do all the right things, we just don't work. I had totally forgotten about Dick though. He lives up to his name, but there are times that I wish the guy was really around. I need his sense of humor.

After all the stops and starts, and one more mystery - the girl and I end up together. I flew into the sunset and back to finish up my tour in the Navy.

Thank me for this cliff notes version.

Feb. 21st, 2019




Second time this month I've had someone throw a brick through my window. I'm not sure why people think that'd scare me. It just pisses me off that I have to keep replacing my window.

Jan. 5th, 2019




Looks like the post holiday calm is setting in. Who wants to take bets on how long it will last?

Dec. 16th, 2018




Nothing says Christmas in Orange County like mistletoe floating around.

Oct. 12th, 2018




Tailed a supposedly 'blind' man the other day ... as he drove all over town. Looks my client won't be getting sued for making said man blind.

But really, how stupid can you be?




....Is it normal for people to cheer when there is thunder and/or lightning in Southern California?