
Posts Tagged: 'remy+lebeau+%28gambit%29'

Oct. 11th, 2014




Since I'm like...really bored, I was thinking, who wants to parkour with a sexy vampire? I won't cheat, I promise.

Oct. 8th, 2014




Someone bring me a car to work on. I need distractions today. I'll even give a discount. Big one.




It seems I was wrong about the dreams being finished after all. Just a bit ago I had another I think. Paris again, but bit of a different Paris. I don't know how to explain it, except I had a yellow horse this time around. I'm fairly sure every eye in the city was watching me and insulting it. I ended up fighting with a group of them before I even made it to my final destination which was of course to see Monsieur de Treville. They weren't insulting directly at me, but that horse had been a family gift. I wouldn't stand for it. Naturally I had to stand up for it since it could not itself. It didn't end well.

I challenged a group of men on my own and was over powered. They didn't even face me with swords, they chose shoves and sticks and other random stuff to hit me with. Four to one and I still didn't move to escape. I didn't miss the headache these dreams left us with that's for damn sure.

Oct. 6th, 2014



I've been having some exciting dreams lately. I think I was Indiana Jones in a past life. And a dad. Ugh. Gives me the heebie jeebies.

Sep. 30th, 2014




This is incredible! The beginnings of life...in an interstellar dust cloud!

Sep. 29th, 2014




Pretty sure a vacation isn't supposed to be this tiring before I even leave.

Sep. 28th, 2014




Please tell me I'm seeing things. Please tell me that one of my neighbors does not have Christmas lights on their unit already. It's way too early for this.


I've been out of prison a year today. It's been weird adjusting to the world. I've had to build myself up from nothing. I've only just now been able to afford a computer. Probably not a good idea to be broadcasting any info about myself, but it's goddamn lonely sometime. I mean, what are the odds anyone from my past is even on this thing anyway?




Attention Super Secret Organization with Super Secret Heroes that no one talks about:

Sharon Carter will not be into work on Monday evening or Tuesday.

That is all.




Bored out of my mind.

The last fun thing I did and can't completely remember was Harry's Party.

The last fun thing I did before that was.. well. That's between myself and the lovely lady I did it with.

Who's up for Vegas?

My jet sits twelve. Takes forty-five minutes to get there.



Sep. 26th, 2014




I guess now I know what I'd be doing if I wasn't working for SHIELD. Makes sense.

Feels like closure. Like I've dreamed the whole story. At least, one part of the story, anyway.

Sep. 24th, 2014




Honestly, just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I suck at shooting games and just because you're drunk off your ass definitely doesn't mean you suddenly have skill to go with that 'game' you're running.




[Not filtered, public, image inside] )

Sep. 23rd, 2014




So these dreams...




After living in a hotel for a while I probably shouldn't have watched Hotel Impossible the other night. Now I'm creeped out and paranoid that all of them are that filthy and everything that I had in there needs replacing. I know we've been out for a while but everything I own is making me suspicious. I need to not watch these shows anymore.

[Filtered to Anna]
How are things?

[Filtered to Remy]
Need anything?

Sep. 21st, 2014




As some people know, Friday was National Talk Like a Pirate Day. As a result, Caspian spent the day talking like one and at one point attempted to put an eye patch on Aslan. The cat was having none of it. These are the sort of things I've come to expect from Caspian over the years.




People more experienced with this than myself:

I've been told dating men is easier than dating women.

Contrary to popular belief, I have never dated a man.

Is dating a woman always like needing to care for a small child?

Is dating men any easier?

Sep. 13th, 2014




I've been having these dreams for almost a year and I finally got something from them. I just went to go grab a snack and my sword was on the counter. I have to admit, it's pretty awesome in person.

Cut for image; safe for all. )

I might have given it a swing and accidentally broke the microwave.





I need to meet you.

Sep. 12th, 2014




I have never spent so much time on the internet as I have this past week and a bit. I feel useless. And manic.

I've learned that you can take tours of the Armory in San Francisco, aka the production studios for Kink.com. No one told me this and I'm a bit offended. Apparently they also do workshops.

The shoulders doing well enough. Fingers crossed it does all right on its own, because the thought of having to get surgery to repair the nerves is not very pleasant news. I'll need to clock the hours in at the range.

And apparently my dreams are taking us to war. Against the Huguenots. Like proper Catholics and all.

Sep. 10th, 2014



More Adventures in Dreaming

So, the first dreams were just the tip of the iceberg. Like I'd been seeing only half the picture...or a close up, and then suddenly the camera pulled back and what I thought was a fairly normal existence has been revealed to be...insanity.

My brother is involved in the craziness even more than I thought he was. Which makes me wonder if my brother here is as well. Is there etiquette for that? Somehow I get the feeling you're not supposed to call someone up and just ask.

Also, I'm not entirely sure what's a secret organization and what's public, at this point. Is S.H.I.E.L.D. public or private? Avengers? New Avengers? Dark Avengers? Secret Avengers? West Coast Avengers? Everything's a friggin' team or acronym, whether they're good guys or bad guys--H.A.M.M.E.R, A.I.M., Hydra...it's worse than the military.

Oh, and I was going blind for awhile, before I was deaf. Hawkguy cannot catch a break.

I guess the only good news is that I've reconsidered the relative coolness of Hawkeye as a codename.





Dozens? Really? I wish someone had told me, I'm missing out on sex somewhere!


And I won't even hit you with my car. Sorry, Anna Marie.




This hotel is starting to grate on my nerves. Athos and I took a break and decided to ry the things we've gotten from the dreams. Duno why it took us so long to do but here's the results. I may have gotten carried away.

Cut for pictures but open and viewable to all. )

Sep. 9th, 2014




I just bought Glow-In-The-Dark nail polish and Count Chocula.






I would just like to say to the lovely Miss Rita Skeeter, who so efficiently brings us our daily gossip news: Remind me not to ever do anything to piss you off.


Mssr. LeBeau

Sep. 7th, 2014




[Friends Only] )

Sep. 4th, 2014




[Private to Rogue]

You know how when there's a really bad car accident, the nice family always dies and the drunken asshole who deserves to die walks away without a scratch?

I'm starting to think I'm the asshole who deserves to die.

Why do bad things happen to everyone else, but not me?

Have you gone insane like everyone else?

Sep. 1st, 2014




Ummmm. So the keys on my keyboard? Currently are sticking to my hands. For no reason. None. I peeled them off of my laptop without even thinking about it. My left home row of keys? Gone. I don't

What is this?

Aug. 31st, 2014




Dear Anna's Mother,

I meant no disrespect.

Please do not shoot me.

Thank you,
Mssr. LeBeau




Ever wake up really hung over with a Taylor Swift song in your head? And for some reason your mouth tastes like waffles, when you know damn well you'd remember if you ate waffles last night or not? At least I'm not on the news, so it couldn't have been a TERRIBLE night.

But seriously. Waffles. Must obtain.

Aug. 28th, 2014




Anyone have any good recommendations for a day trip that's not too far from here? And don't say Disney.

Aug. 22nd, 2014



So who is going to take me out tomorrow night?

A girl like me can't stay home on the weekends, that's like criminal.

Aug. 21st, 2014




I really don't know how I feel about this ALS ice bucket challenge. I know it's bring attention to a great cause, but are people actually doing it so they don't have to donate? I'd much rather donate my money to the cause and just be done with it instead of having to dump water on my head while we're in a drought.

I guess I could donate as well as dump the ice water on my head. I'm still trying to figure out what I want to do and I've only got a couple more hours before my 24 hrs are up. Can't believe I got nominated to do this.

Edit: Oh by the way, Hi! I'm Rose and I'm new. Forgot to mention that.

Aug. 20th, 2014




I have to ask..

Is anyone else.. not having weird dreams?

Or am I the one who's the strange one here?




I had to take a business trip back up to wine country and ended up bringing back...well, I would say more wine than I can drink, but that's not entirely true.

More wine than is socially acceptable for one girl to drink?

Anyone else occasionally finding themselves with this problem or is it just me?




Apparently hitting people with your car is more common than I thought.

Does anyone know of a good body shop in the area that deals with foreign antiques?

Aug. 18th, 2014




[Agency message]
We won't be in today. Athos' home was damaged in that spike quake. He's injured.

[Filtered to Musketeers]
We lost the house. Athos is injured, for now we're at a hotel I guess.

[Friends filter]

That was Athos's place on the news. We're both okay as can be, staying at a hotel for now.

[Filtered to Remy]
Need a raincheck.

Aug. 17th, 2014




Just hit a woman with my car.

But don't anyone worry-- she was just fine, didn't even get a dent.

And the woman was okay, too.

I bet this sort of thing happens all the time here. It sort of happens all the time in New Orleans, too. Crazy pedestrians everywhere.

On the upside, my new penthouse is sublime. Thank you, Newport Beach, for the beautiful water-front property.

Jun. 13th, 2014




I think I had those dreams everyone keeps talking about. I mean, I'm not really sure. They were kind of like my real life, but really different at the same time. I grew up in the French Quarter, but I was a witch. There was some ritual where me and three other girls were going to be sacrificed, but we would be resurrected, but it turned out that the Elders lied and I was the only one who survived. Marcel was there too and he saved me and hid me. I was apparently so powerful and so angry at the witches for using us that I was able to sense whenever the coven was doing magic. It was strange, but kind of cool too.

Jun. 4th, 2014




Anyone want some jambalaya or gumbo? ah kind of got bored and started cookin' this morning and well, ah've made enough to last me a month for both. Ah guess ah got focused and all this came out.

Kitty? Logan? Remy? Sam? Lara? Lina? Ah've got enough for all ya'll!

May. 27th, 2014



Public Service Announcement

OOC Note: This PSA is The Agency's cover-up for the recent Game Wide Plot, and is for those who are Hard Opted-Out

Around midnight this very early morning/late yesterday evening, it came to the attention of local authorities that hallucinogens may have been carelessly tossed into Orange County's water supply.

If you're seein' weird shit like your best girl friend suddenly becoming a male? You may be affected by this. Please do NOT go to a local hospital, as they will be woefully unable to help you. Instead, drink plenty of bottled water and get some exercise to flush the drugs from your system, and try to take it easy. Local shelters have been provided with a metric shitload of clean, bottled water to provide you with.

Thank you for your time.

[Agency Assets, Employees, Contacts]
Alright, sound off. Who woke up with parts they didn't have before? I know Carter's effected, but like Hell am I sorting through all of these posts.




But how do I pee without getting it on myself? Because it's uh. Not cooperating.

May. 25th, 2014




Ah, California. It's been many years since I've been on this side of America, though I must say that I spent most of that time in San Francisco and not here in Orange County. I am quite happy at the prospect of spending an extended amount of time here.

My name, as I'm certain it's considered standard to introduce oneself, is Max Eisenhardt. I am a professor and will be teaching at UCI come fall. I feel perhaps there aren't many on this network my age, but I do like to keep up with the times. If one does not embrace progress then one will find themselves quickly out of touch, after all. I do wonder perhaps if some of my prospective students are here?

May. 22nd, 2014




Ugh, I am so over school. I really don't want to go back, but I'll be damned if I know what I could do for work besides bartending. Which would be hard for me to do again.

Anybody got any ideas? I'm good at being a smartass, getting into trouble, and saving people. Oh, and magic.

May. 11th, 2014




Mother's Day.

Did you call your mother? Is she still alive and kickin'? Are your fingers broken?

Then get on the damn telephone if you haven't, yet. Except for Pryde, sounds like she's got a good excuse.

May. 9th, 2014




It's such a good feeling to live in a house that's not on wheels. An apartment was a step up from that, but I never was one for modular living. Too many neighbors too close.

May. 2nd, 2014




Best eBay win EVER. I just won a boat. Like, a sailboat of my very own.

Remy just bought us a house, and I just bought us a sailboat. FOR TWENTY DOLLARS. eBay, you're the best.

Now I just have to paint it red, and it'll be almost like my dreams.

Apr. 25th, 2014




Man, there is no better feeling than the one you get when you cut that fucking hospital medical bracelet off of your wrist. Except maybe that first cigarette you get to put in your mouth as you're leaving.

Now all I need is a real vacation.

Apr. 24th, 2014




I had a strange dream that I was packing my suit case to go somewhere, but i kept putting baby ducklings in it instead? Over and over with these baby ducks. I don't..maybe I've eaten too many peeps and now dream ducks want revenge?

Apr. 13th, 2014




Got my first check. Putain, that is a lotta zeroes on one check.