
Posts Tagged: 'raven+darkholme+%28mystique%29'

Sep. 30th, 2013




I feel like I've been so boring lately. Since I went to that bar with Jubilee I haven't really been doing much aside from training. And I'm not even really training towards anything. I also haven't had anymore dreams lately. In the last one I found out that the woman, Lady Shiva, who had killed me that one time was actually my mother and we fought again and I killed her after she killed me a second time and brought me back again. It was really confusing and kind of upsetting, but it was a few weeks ago, so I'm over it more or less.

So, long story short, I need to do something.

Sep. 20th, 2013




Ah will NEVER understand people. Seriously. Who the fuck reaches out and grabs someone's hair and goes "OHMYGAWD IS THAT NATURAL?" in a high pitched squeal, as they be tugging on my white hairs. Seriously. grow up. Leave mah hair alone. Don't touch. Don't gawk. Ah've got ENOUGH problems, ah don't need yer damn advice "oh dye it to match the rest?" ah tried that once. it didn't take. Ah don't need to hear six different types of dye to try. Get yer damn hands off my damn hair.

This is not the first time today that's happened, either. Are people in a mood or something ta be annoying?

Sep. 16th, 2013




It should be noted that I have always used condoms in literally every one of my scenes at work (if you do not know what I do and you are curious, Google me). I also get tested for all STIs and STDs every three months. I have funded campaigns to make this standard practice, actually! I know there is a lot of panic right now surrounding things - I had to film a scene in Arizona, of all places, due to new legislation here.

Never let it be said that Zevran is not sensible.

Sep. 14th, 2013




Dreams can officially fuck off.

Sep. 13th, 2013




Ah dare say, this place never leaves ya a moment to take a breather fer long, eh? Ah'm still a bit scared to look at the damage to mah apartment. my landlord is so kicking me out... god damn it Why do ah 'ave a nasty feelin' ah'm gonna get evicted for property damage?

Sep. 12th, 2013




Well, this is very odd.

I awoke this morning to find I was staring at, well, myself. I thought it was you, Raven. But she - I? - just looked at me, and asked me what on earth I was doing still abed. I replied that it was just now a civilized hour, and she looked at me as though I was daft. Told me I ought to be 'up and at 'em' to 'carpe diem'. All with a very oddly sweet smile.

If someone sees her gallivanting around town - probably skipping, for all I know - can you please kill her? She's ruining my reputation.

Sep. 10th, 2013




My weekend was pretty nice, and to top it off, I made a killing last night. I love being a successful business lady.

Sep. 7th, 2013




OMG these dreams. I am so done with them! Done, do you hear me!? D O N E. That's how you spell the word, the word that I am using for these stupid dreams.

I can't even sing without people getting bored with me and falling asleep!!!!!!!

And I'm some fat round fluffy ... RRGGHHHHHHHHHHHH I don't care if Princy-poo from earlier thought that was interesting, I'm getting SO ANGRY about it. And worse, even worse, is the part where I don't even seem to be able to speak. All I say are things like "Jiggly" and "Puff".





Well then. Ah think ah've had enough of these dreams everyone been talking about already. Ah could have done with out them.

Sep. 2nd, 2013




Bears. Ah've run into Gators. And Cougars. But never a bear. That was... interestin'.

Sep. 1st, 2013




I feel rather lucky I have a job I can do with one hand behind my back. "Sad in Stanton" wants to know if she still has a chance with a man who hasn't spoken to her in three weeks and has apparently changed his phone number to get away from her.

Dear Sad in Stanton, stop being so appallingly anti-feminist and get a hobby; there's no need to snivel over a self-absorbed man-child who's likely only good for one thing, and you can get that in a red light district.

I loathe the weak. They make me want to be undignified.

Aug. 25th, 2013




Ah really do love the beach, ain't gonna lie none. Perfect place ta live. and so many people just leave their stuff lyin' bout anyone got any word on anythin' fun? Ah'm feelin' restless.

Aug. 22nd, 2013




It appears someone has replaced my coffee with flowers at my desk.

I know I said the morning coffee tastes like dirt, I thank you for listening and they're quite lovely, but I'd need like it back now.

Aug. 20th, 2013




Chopped the braids off today, went back to shorter hair. It felt like a good time to do it.

My head feels so light, now. It's pretty amazing how heavy your hair can get.

Aug. 19th, 2013




I've joined the club, and the dreams are quite entertaining.




Ah'm enjoyin' the sun again, and the relative calm after that whole swappin' thing. Ah don't think ah've hugged myself like that before, but oh lordy did ah hug myself when ah was me again.

Filter: Raven & Rogue
Ah wonder, is there more stuff ah can be doin'? Was fun ta dress up like that.

Aug. 16th, 2013




Oh gosh, there's so much to do. Classes start in a few weeks... but before I can even focus on all of that and how super scary it'll be, I need to settle back in.

The person who rented my house out while I was gone painted the outside this... grey color. I'm sure they thought it was very pretty, but I want something more cheerful. And all of the animals have to get settled in, too... Some of the cats are still complaining, you know how cats are.

I don't even know if anyone I knew is on here anymore, but hello, uhm... I'm Minerva. Or Fluttershy. Whatever's best for you, I won't complain.

Aug. 13th, 2013




Ah 'ave to say it's nice bein' in my own body. Ah am rather content to be back in my skin, and if'n that never 'appens again ah'll be happy.


I debated retiring recently, but then I realized I'd be really very bored. So that's straight out. I could use a few more hobbies, though. Knitting or something.

Aug. 10th, 2013




You know, I could imagine being someone else. I'm happy being me, but I think I'd like the...variety.

Aug. 7th, 2013




I think I need more popcorn.

Aug. 12th, 2012




Where is this 'Fluttershy' that, that boisterous, rebellious, and shall I say 'needing of the fashion police' RD, told me I'm friends with?

Anyone care to help me get a hold of her?

Jul. 27th, 2012



Who the hell let those things back in my OR? We had a system, people! This is a sterile environment, not a goddamn barn.

Jul. 24th, 2012



Remy LeBeau - Cajun Superchef.

Hello there, valar net! Guess what tastes like chicken, only slightly spongier, after you skin a bunch of them, rip the nasty poop shoot parts out, and deep fry them?

Hairy critters!

The others that I've found, I done added to jambalaya after properly seasoning them up and they aren't half bad! Sure, everything tastes like chicken, they say. But in some cases, it's the truth. Like this case! :D

One downside is that I think I ate Baby. But Baby was delicious and kept MAKING babies, so...c'est la vie. Got to get rid of them somehow.

I might also have drank a few too many beers during my culinary adventure.


To my housemates? Enjoy. There's leftovers in the fridge.

Jul. 21st, 2012




Anna beat me to it, but hello. I'm Raven. I hope to get to know some of you. very well The best part is always meeting new people.

Jul. 20th, 2012



Mon dieu.

That was the absolute worst time to be going for a joyride on the motorcycle. I really must learn to observe the speedlimit. I'll think about that while I'm applying some colorful bandaids to the scrapes and being grateful that I wear a helmet. I like the Spiderman ones.

Anyone available to kiss it all better? <3 :D