
Posts Tagged: 'lexi+branson'

Apr. 24th, 2017




Okay, show of hands, who actually got a Unicorn Frapp over the weekend? I'm not ashamed to say that I had two during the time they were available. I know some people thought they were disgusting, but I thought they were really good. I like sour things, so I didn't mind the change to tart at the end.

Apr. 1st, 2017




Americans are so strange. Today is a day for pranks and you announce that you are pregnant or gay, or you try to harm each other, for the purpose of entertainment? In France we just put fish on each others' backs. Sometimes the media says things or makes bad jokes but no one is pregnant.

I have never sounded more like a Frenchman in my life and I am a little disgusted with myself.

I have put fish in the store. If you find them then I will give you my discount.

Mar. 14th, 2017




Friday night. St. Patrick's Day. Who's going out? I'm thinking of doing a little bar hopping.

Mar. 13th, 2017




I have to say that being daggered for an uncertain amount of time really does nothing for my looks. My clothes are a wreck, my hair's a mess. I can't even classify it as an attractive level of disheveled. I look like I've been lying in someone's dirty basement for days to weeks. Oh wait. That coupled with the experience of waking up in a house I haven't been invited into. A true delight, I'm sure. Except not so much. Also I thought Elena was Katherine when I woke up, which just brought up far too many flashbacks and some very confusing emotions

Elena But at any rate, things are very interesting in the dreams. I think I'm beginning to like my dream self a little more. But it may just be the heightened levels of sass and the fact that I had a plan in the end. I wasn't going to let them die. I've learned quite a bit more on multiple fronts. Katherine Not all of it I wanted to know, but I know it all the same. Either way, it was very...enlightening.

[Private to Lexi]
I'd hate to assume too much, but I was wondering if we might talk. About the vampire thing.

Feb. 22nd, 2017




Okay. So...because I haven't been gushing about it...

cut for picture, not filtered )

I CANNOT! Stefan is keeping her because the Professor gets all serious face about pets, BUT LOOK AT HERRRRRR! I'm crying!!!!!!! WHY IS SHE SO CUTE? I WILL NEVER RECOVER!

Feb. 17th, 2017




I think I want to take a dance class of some sort. It just seems like fun and I want to get moving a bit more than I do right now. It would also be fun if I could find some kind of couples dance class that I could convince Laura to do with me.

Also yay three day weekend! :D

Feb. 14th, 2017




So apparently the hashtag #BlackGaySlay is trending on Twitter, and it makes me so proud in so many ways to see that. It's so wonderful to see all these beautiful people with beautiful families! And it makes me even happier to have my beautiful family, too. As untraditional and slightly wacky as we may be.

I might be a little misty eyed.

Feb. 11th, 2017




I've said it before and I'll say it again, it upsets me that Rochefort in these dreams is possibly the worst human alive. He was such a good ally in that one set I had, and I'd developed a sort of fondness for him.

Though these dreams have always been something of a mess, I think. I'm forever grateful to have very understanding friends who do not punch me in the face when I do stupid things, and now that the inevitable has happened and I've been arrested for treason I'm certain they'll come to my rescue.

I hope.

Or this is going to be a messy way to end things.




The dreams seem no less unusual the more of them I have. I saw myself in England briefly. Very briefly. I can't say my hairstyle was something I'd ever want to repeat. The clothing either. I also seem to have interesting ways of handling problems. I'm not sure that I'd choose to repeat those either. I suppose if I had to, I would, but

Apparently I am attempting to lure Klaus out to kill him. What sense that is supposed to make, I cannot say My choices seem to make less sense the more of them I see, but I suppose having the full picture might explain a few things, but it isn't explaining anything better at the moment.

Jan. 7th, 2017




The only thing that gets me through the day is watching my daughter. She's perfect, she's everything perfect about Mary Alice. She would have loved our daughter, I think....


I know you don't like me very much, and that's fine, but you're the only one I know who has a history with this--even if it is only in our dreams, but...if I should ever...if I turn it off...bring me back? Please?

Dec. 27th, 2016




I wish I could say I was particularly surprised by this sudden shift in the weather. It seems that everything is quite as I was told now that I'm here. How curious.

[Private to Rebekah and Kol]
Do either of you need anything?

How is my niece doing?

Dec. 19th, 2016




After all this talk of the "strange happenings" in the OC and my sister's habit of mentioning this community, I thought that it might be time to look into it. My name is Elijah Mikaelson. I may be in danger of getting an earful for joining, but I suppose I've lived with worse things.

Rebekah, are you lurking around here somewhere? Kol?

Dec. 18th, 2016




The only good thing about being human again is that I will now age along with Peeta.

But seriously, how the hell am I supposed to plan the wedding of my dreams without my abilities?

Although if this is anything like the past years I’ll probably go back to normal in a few weeks. Thank goodness. It was expensive enough planning the engagement party without discounts.

By the way, thanks for everyone who celebrated with us last night. Hope to see you all at the wedding... which will be sometime in August. Save the date... or well the month :)

Dec. 13th, 2016




I JUST MET RUDOLPH! AHHHHHHHHH! Sorry. This has been an exciting day. Now I just have to find Frosty. Do you think Santa will show up? OMG. Also is anyone else loving all the snow? It's so pretty! I want everything to be snowy! SNOW FOR CHRISTMAS!

Oh oh oh! We can watch White Christmas now! Does anyone want to watch it with me?

Nov. 14th, 2016




I shouldn't have to deal with this bullshit in 2016. Especially not just after Veteran's Day, but it shouldn't happen at all.

I fought for this country. See this scar across my face? I got a Purple goddamn Heart and almost lost an eye for this country. I do not need your All Lives Matter "go back to Mexico" fuckery when I'm out with my husband.

Luckily Aramis punched him before I did, otherwise I probably would not have held back nearly as much.

Aramis isn't even from Mexico. Fuck.

Nov. 12th, 2016




My dream counterpart needs to learn to be a little more discreet, I think. Though knowing him as well as I do, I can't blame him entirely, but it's likely ill advised to be blatantly obvious with your secret affair in front of your current lover. If it even is an affair. I can't exactly say for certain what's going on, really, but I can say that it is not fun to fall from windows, nor did I ever expect Milady to show hints of heroism. This might be the best version of her I've ever dreamt about. Rochefort, on the other hand, is much more sinister than I recall him being and I see trouble brewing on the horizon.

On a better note, dreaming aside, Porthos and I have decided to put our unemployment to use. We'll be doing the farmers market circuit to sell some of our baking. Well. My baking, he helps. Usually by eating things. I naturally strongly encourage people to come buy things, if only to keep me from going crazy with boredom.

Nov. 11th, 2016




I can't believe there's only 8 days until my birthday! Birthday celebrations start one week from today! ;)

Nov. 9th, 2016




I have to admit, I am enjoying seeing peoples' reactions to the decision that you have made. Some are quite hilarious. Americans enjoy overreacting and getting angry at things that have not happened, it seems. It is okay, in my dreams, the French are no different.

It is strange the timing. I went to sleep last night and dreamed that Lamarque died. Joly and Bossuet and I watched his procession. We got very drunk and ate quite well. Oysters. I would not normally eat them when I am drunk, or when I am sober, they are so slimy. But in the dream I seemed to enjoy them, as I woke up this morning on a pile of the shells. What should I do with them?

Oct. 23rd, 2016




I had a Dream again last night about my death. I'd hoped I'd never dream about it again. It's different dreaming about it without Scott. In the Dream I die in his arms, but when I wake up... Well... I don't know. It left me feeling lonely. I think I'll go for a run.

Oct. 16th, 2016




I may or may not have used compulsion on a kid today to make them stop crying. I honestly can't say if I did it on purpose or by accident either. It was near the end of the night and clearly the kid was tired so it was understandable that she was crying and I was all in character as Rapunzel and told her that she shouldn't cry for whatever reason and she was looking right at me and stopped almost instantly. Now it's not the first time I've accidently compelled someone, but definitely the first time I've done it to a kid.

Oct. 12th, 2016




Had the weirdest dream. I mean, anyone else have a decade missing? Like mine skipped ten or twelve years, with only the...barest vague memories of the between time.

And then I went to bed early and I woke up from a new dream.

At least now I know where I was a year after Order 66 the end of the Clone Wars.

Oct. 1st, 2016




Oh it feels good to be stateside again. I missed my friends, missed my family. I had to wrap up a couple things with packing, but I'm here now!

For those who weren't here before, my name is Porthos, I'm Aramis's husband. Lovely to meet you all.

Sep. 29th, 2016




This is mostly for the other ladies here. All month other girls I know have been posting on facebook about how it's fall now and they don't have to shave their legs. Maybe it's just me, but I can't go more than two days without shaving my legs. So can someone explain to me why you would stop shaving just because it's fall?

Sep. 18th, 2016




Emmys are tonight! I love awards shows; especially tv and movie ones. Emmy watch party at mine, Anna and Stefan's place tonight for anyone who wants to come.

Oh yeah, Anna and Stefan, I'm having an Emmy watch party tonight. I just decided.

Sep. 11th, 2016




Our theme song is stuck in my head again. Every time I think I'm free, I'm not.

This new girl joined us at school and she doesn't want to play any games and she insulted the class hamster. She's totally spoiled and we had to save the hamster. Because she upset him so much that he knocked his cage over.

Also she is trying to be a Powerpuff Girl. When we told her she couldn't be one, she said that she could pay her way into being a Powerpuff Girl. We were going to give her a chance, but then she decided that she was going to be the 'best Powerpuff Girl ever'. And she messed up our crime fighting and the robbers got away with the money. Long sigh. Then we had to save her from getting blown up. Longer sigh.

Then she came back to the school and has a new suit and attacked us. It took a little bit of work, but we finally defeated her. At least Blossom did it (with a very tiny amount of help from Buttercup and me). She's so awesome. Also don't make her angry, because she will end you. Like scarier than an angry Buttercup, which is saying something. She got arrested, which seems kind of strange when she's also a five year old.

Then the dream shifted and the Gangrene Gang came to our school. We told our teacher that they were bad guys and they made her believe that they were okay. Only they kept spitting on the cookies. WHO DOES THAT? It's terrible. We couldn't even fight them because we can't fight in the classroom. School rules. They're completely weird.

We keep getting in trouble for not being trusting enough, but they were throwing glue at everyone. And everyone is disappointed in us. We got put in time out for behaving poorly when they hadn't done anything bad. Except for everything they were doing. She wouldn't even listen to us about them hurting everyone with dodge balls until one came through the window. Then she let us go outside and play dodge ball...so we could fight them. It was about time.

Sep. 8th, 2016




I've just now realized I haven't announced my return to the county. As if I could stay away for long while all the excitement was happening here. Hopefully it'll be as if I never left, and of course once Porthos gets here we'll have a party for old and new friends.

Sep. 4th, 2016




My body hates me today. Ugghhhhh hungover.


Aug. 29th, 2016




I've finally found the coffee mug I need for long days at work.

Aug. 28th, 2016




Alright, all you pumpkin spice and Halloween people, stop trying to rush the fall. August might be almost over, but summer isn't quite over yet. Lets enjoy the rest of it while it lasts before ushering in the fall.

Aug. 3rd, 2016




Well damn! What I wouldn't give to be Katy Perry right about now. Or just on this beach when these pictures were taken. Wouldn't have guessed that Orlando Bloom was 39. Still looks damn good!




It's official! Bellydancing classes start up next Thursday. It's pretty laid back. Anyone who shows up can be in the class. My salon is at [address].

Jul. 25th, 2016




Who's all seen the new Ghostbusters film? Is it worth it? Date night on Friday, have to decide where we should go.

[Private: Bubbles]
That is, assuming you want to go to a movie with me this weekend.

Jul. 22nd, 2016




Apparently my front yard is a Pokestop. I sprayed some little brats with a hose for being outside my house yelling and making noise at 3am this morning. I have a pregnant wife trying to sleep you assholes.




OMG!! Kitten Summer Games is going to be on August 5th. I didn't think there could be anything better than the Kitten Halftime Show, but this is better. This might be better than the actual Olympics. In fact, I think I might have a Kitten Summer Games party.

Jun. 23rd, 2016




I've said it before and I'll say it again, the one thing I really miss about being human is tanning. Sure, I could use self tanner, but it always looks so fake. Even if I can't actually tan, that doesn't stop me from laying out in the yard though. I suppose one up side to not tanning is, I don't need to worry about sun screen and skin cancer.

May. 30th, 2016




Ugh, I do miss tanning.

May. 3rd, 2016




Possible unpopular opinion time. Kim K's ass looked like a disco ball at the Met Gala last night. I don't understand how anyone can think that looks good? Also, not a fan of Beyonce's latex dress. I know everyone else thinks they both slayed last night, but I'm not drinking the Kool-aid. I thought Claire Danes' dress was amazing though! I mean, it was a ball gown that lit up! now that is slaying!

Apr. 30th, 2016




THIS video just made me decide that I'm going to invest in sarongs this summer. This is so cool. Who knew there were so many different ways to tie a sarong?

Apr. 24th, 2016




I did not expect vampires to explode when you stake them.


I do have to say that it's interesting how the vampire world basically runs things their own way. The penalty for killing a "higher life form" is death or you can end up like fucking Bill Compton and have to make new progeny. This is going to be fucking hilarious.

Mar. 19th, 2016




Too many people on my Facebook feed need lessons in selfie taking. If you're taking a selfie, as especially for your profile picture, for the love of God, don't hold the phone down cause all that angle is not flattering in anyone. Always hold your phone or camera up and away and look up at it. That is a much more flattering angle.

Mar. 17th, 2016




Soon Stefan, Anna and I will be looking for another roommate cause Caroline has decided to leave us for a boy. Rude, right? I know. Anyway, the projected time that the room will be open is April. Stefan is actually going to be taking Caroline's old room, but I don't think it'll take Stefan long to move his stuff out and into Caroline's old room. The house is fairly large and we have a hot tub too. More than enough parking too.

Oh and, you'd have to be alright living with two vampires.

Feb. 28th, 2016




I just found this and it is actually one of the cutest things I've EVER SEEN!

[Private to Blossom]
I think I had one of those weird dreams people keep talking about.

Feb. 14th, 2016




Blood rain. Rain made of blood. Not exactly the best thing for a vampire. At least I'm not a newbie. Still not good though.

Feb. 9th, 2016




I got ditched by my best friend and roommates for Valentine's Day. Looks like I'm on my own.

I really don't want to end up one of those bar flies drowning his sorrows in pint after pint on the world's most fabricated holiday.

Feb. 8th, 2016




Did anyone watch the puppy bowl? Eeeee! That was my favorite part of the night!

Jan. 6th, 2016




Well apparently I'm engaged in the dreams... in the future. Or maybe it's the present? I'm not sure. Has anyone else dreamed two different time lines at once?

Jan. 5th, 2016




These Dreams can end now.

Jan. 1st, 2016




oh my god

oh my god I can't believe

[Blocked from James Potter, Sirius Black, and Lily Evans]

What do you do when you dream about one of your best friends killing your three other best friends?

Asking for a friend.

The friend is me.

Dec. 29th, 2015




Okay, so I'm not letting some gremlins get in the way of me having an awesome New Year's Eve. I may not have anyone to kiss on New Years while a certain other blond will probably be all over her new boy toy, but I'll survive somehow cause I'll more than likely just get drunk and not even notice. :)

And Now Two Christmas Pictures )

Dec. 2nd, 2015




I don't want to Dream anymore.