
Posts Tagged: 'lexi+branson'

Dec. 1st, 2015




And we have snow! Again. Should have expected this, but a tiny part of me didn't think it'd happen again. Guess I was wrong. Gonna wait a little longer to see if more accumulates then make Stefan, Care and Anna go outside with me to make a snowman.

Nov. 24th, 2015





I had another Dream. And this one wasn't as boring as the other ones. I learned that apparently my hair is magic. I'm not quite sure how it's magic, but it is. My mother taught me a song to sing and it starts to glow and then it makes her younger. I'm really not quite sure how this happened, but it's so strange.

And then it was just kind of a mesh of growing up in the tower. Apparently I also love to paint there and basically learn as much as I possible can. You have a lot of free time living in a tower, so I'm trying to learn and do as much as I can.

And my god. My hair - it keeps growing and growing. It's a little freaky how much hair someone can have. I'm a little nervous about that happening here because I swear my hair is a little bit longer after I woke up.

Nov. 5th, 2015




So far it's been a pretty good birthday. Celebrating with friends and family, and I'll have the house to myself this weekend.

Another year older, but it feels like I haven't aged a day.

Nov. 2nd, 2015




I'm thinking of doing some sort of barbeque or something this weekend, in honour of Veteran's Day. If any Veterans aside from myself would be interested in that.

Any takers?

Oct. 30th, 2015




The only thing that annoys me more when I'm shopping than a male store clerk ignoring me for some guy - is when it's a female store clerk. I was standing at the counter box in hand waiting to make my purchase and the girl looked right past me to ask the guy standing in line behind me if he'd found everything he was looking for and was ready to check out. Then she stopped in the middle of ringing me up to go talk to a guy who'd walked in the door and ask if she could help him find anything. I would have reported her to the manager except - she was the store manager.

I decided I didn't like those shoes that much anyway which leaves me in the same position I was in before going into the store. Anyone on here know of a shoe store that isn't staffed by complete assholes people like that?

Oct. 27th, 2015




I very nearly feel as if I should be offended.

Oct. 19th, 2015




I forgot how much fun carving pumpkins is. Good way to get out some aggression, too.

Oct. 11th, 2015




Despite the fact that my birthday seems to be cursed I'm still going to call it a success.

I had so much fun last night! Thanks again Midna. And to everyone who came <3

Can't wait for Vegas in a few weeks!

Oct. 6th, 2015




Making sure your best friend doesn't try to nom on innocent people is an exhausting job, but I did it twice, almost three times, in the dreams so I was prepared for this and I'm glad I'm able to help. Better me than Damon.

Kinda sucks that Vegas was cancelled, but Vegas will be there later.




It's been a very, very, very strange week.

Sep. 12th, 2015




I will always stop and watch Back to the Future if it's on TV. I have loved this movie since I was little and know all the lines. I find myself repeating entire scenes.

Stefan, Care, Anna, we should have a marathon.

Aug. 31st, 2015




Wow. I just totally ripped out the door knob. Uh-ohs...

Aug. 28th, 2015




Soooooo.....is there a number I can call to request new dreams? Because that would be great.

So, not only is evil!dream boyfriend back to normal and not talking to me it has just been decreed that all dhampirs will become guardians at the age of 16. Which is totally bullshit.

So, if that isn't worse - the end of my dreams is a total shit show. Apparently the Queen of the vampires is now dead and apparently it was done with my stake. GUESS WHO IS GOING TO VAMPIRE JAIL AND COULD BE SENTENCED TO DEATH.


Aug. 27th, 2015




My dreams haven't repeated often, but sometimes the good ones repeat and they make me smile. Okay, so it might not have been all good, but the veil being down let me spend time with Stefan, which was nice. Got to have a Bon Jovi dance party and drink and insult Damon. Until ghosty Hunters showed up of course.

Aug. 21st, 2015




Moose is proving to be a very good babysitter, I've found. And lord, look at all that hair Viv's got already. She takes after her father for certain.

cut for adorable image )

Aug. 19th, 2015




Sometimes I feel like I live with the fucking Sunshine Twins and it pisses me off.

Aug. 13th, 2015




I keep getting so emotional over my new little girl. In the best way possible, but sometimes I'm holding her, and she's so small and delicate in my arms, and I get all choked up because I never thought someone like me would be able to have something like this.

Aug. 11th, 2015



Filtered Away From Stefan Salvatore

So my friend Stefan needs to get laid a date.

He's cute. He's nice. He's kind of a dream stalker, but not much here. He has a car that he's very excited about for some reason. He likes the boardwalk and long walks on the beach. Actually I have no clue about the long walks on the beach but he probably would for the right girl.

So yeah. Date Stefan.

Jul. 27th, 2015




Today was completely crazy. And I can't remember ever feeling this overwhelmed with any feeling in my life.

Our baby was born. On Sharon's behalf, I want to say that we're beyond happy to finally meet our little girl. Viviana Margaret Carter - du Vallon. She was born at 6:22pm, and she's 19.2 inches and 6.8 pounds, and she's perfect.

I've never felt so in love in my life.

And Sharon's doing well. And thank you to everyone that was there through it all. I'm so glad to know she's already so loved by everyone.

Jul. 24th, 2015




I love that I get to work with my best friend every day.

Jul. 19th, 2015




I think the stress might be getting to all of us.

I came home the other day to hear shouting from the kitchen, and when I went to see what was wrong I saw Aramis on the counter, chucking things from the spice rack at this giant roach that was sitting on the floor.

He started shouting at me in Spanish, and when I told him I didn't understand he switched to French which didn't help at all.

Finally I squashed the (now very well seasoned) roach and had to go sit down before I hurt myself laughing.

I am now also very well seasoned.

Jul. 18th, 2015




I've never put so much dressing on a salad in my life. It still turns to ash in my mouth.

Jul. 16th, 2015




What do you do when your dreams start unraveling?

I hadn't accounted for the one scenario that would send me into ruin. I hate the bleed through of feelings. I don't like feeling this panicked.

And if I smoke any more I'm probably going to drop dead from lung cancer tomorrow morning.

Jul. 5th, 2015




Hope everyone enjoyed the 4th!

Now that I am done celebrating America I'm off to Europe. Well technically I leave tomorrow but close enough. I've never been before, anyone have places they recommend?

[Filter to friends]
Well I tried the whole relationship thing. That was a fail. Remind me to never do that again. Thanks!

Jun. 29th, 2015




All right, this is California. It's a lot like Florida. Sun. Ocean. Tourists. Just across the country.

Right, I'm Claire. From Florida, obviously, I worked at the Disney World resort there. They sent me here, to take up park operations at Disneyland, because apparently in May there was an incident that caused the former operations manager to not work there anymore. Which isn't ominous at all.

I guess I'm looking forward to it.

Jun. 21st, 2015




I accidentally brushed against someone at the mall today and I saw something...
The giant spider. I predicted this. How?

Filtered to Caroline and Elena

I feel like I'm going crazy.

Jun. 15th, 2015




It's finally summer! No more classes to worry about. Grades are the least of my worries. It looks like my summer plans have changed. I'll be around all summer if anyone wants to hang out. Distractions are good.

Also important dream question. So I know the dreams affect us here, can make us hurt, sick, etc. But what about someone who is in your dreams but they aren't dreaming themselves? If they get sick in my dreams will they still get sick here?

Jun. 14th, 2015




I'm very tired this weekend. I haven't been sleeping well, though, so I suppose that's it. Thank God the nursery is done and the basement will be done ... Soon.

When I do manage to sleep, I dream, and my dreams just make me anxious. Things have hit a snag, in the plot to swap kings. When putting in place such an intricate plan of treason, snags induce near heart attacks. And I still can't shake the ever constant presence of D'Artagnan, and now Athos, too. It's honestly as if you two have very little better to do with your time in Paris than make my life more difficult.

Jun. 6th, 2015




I am glad it is the weekend, so I have nothing to prioritize. I am sure I will come to appreciate this newest phase of dream strangeness, but for now I would rather not have them. I think I will seclude myself away until this weekend passes.




Is it an acceptable plan to just take the summer off from job searching? I know that I graduated to find a job but I want some sort of break before jumping into a full-time job.

That's what I plan to do...and if I get bored with it, I can always just start filling out applications before summer ends.

[Filtered Away From Iron Bull]
So, my boyfriend lost his eye as a result of a dream...and I feel rather protective of him, right now. I know he can take care of himself; he is a MMA fighter but...I still worry about him. Are there things I can do to help his adjustment to only having one eye?

Jun. 5th, 2015




Bath & Body Works is rereleasing six of their old scents from the 90s, including cucumber melon. This means I need to stock up so bad! I loved cucumber melon and was so sad when it was discontinued. Is it sad how excited I am about this?

Also, it's nice that Disney is back to being vampire free. With the exception of yours truly of course.

May. 28th, 2015




I've returned.

Things became quite strange in my absence.

May. 26th, 2015




I had hoped that I'd come back from the wedding and this whole vampire and demons thing would be taken care of. I guess that was too much to hope for.

May. 19th, 2015



[Filtered Away from Stefan Salvatore]

Alright, I just had to kill two vampires, at least I assume they were vampires, in Disneyland. Why were there vampires in Disneyland? And not the kind from my dreams, so I know they weren't sired by Klaus anyone from mine, but then the question remains, who sired them and why were they in Disney? And I don't think the answer to the second one was, they were on vacation.

May. 14th, 2015




Well, I've become the Superior General of the Jesuits in my dreams. That effectively makes me one of the most powerful men and Europe, which is good, because I'm playing a dangerous game. Still, dream Aramis is clever, clever, clever. At every corner, though, is D'Artagnan. He doesn't quite know what's going on, but he knows well enough that it's something, and I'll be damned if he isn't just causing me inconveniences to stall me until the end game appears. There's no enemy greater than a good friend.

In more pressing and relevant news, I'm getting married in nine days. I think I'm going to be sick. I can't believe how quickly time has gone. It seems ridiculous now to ever not be with Porthos, in any aspect. In every set of dreams I've had, he's had a vital role. I still find the idea of marriage both wonderful and terrifying.

We're flying out to DC tomorrow, to spend the next week making sure everything is ready and in order. I'm excited to see my family. I haven't seen them since Christmas, which I know hasn't been very long, but to me it feels like eternity. I hope you all won't get into too much trouble while we're gon.

Apr. 22nd, 2015




Porthos's birthday yesterday was delightful. I've never been to Disneyland before. We were almost as bad as children. Also, I'm getting married in a month. I'm remarkably nervous already.

I see now where my dreams might be going. How any man can have so much in motion for such purpose is inspiring. Everything hangs in such a balance and yet it always plays out precisely as intended. There is a man in the Bastille who looks like the king. I've used this knowledge to present myself to the Jesuit General, and now I'm left wondering if it will be in vain or not.

Apr. 15th, 2015




Since it's spring, I've started wanting to do more things outside. The weather's just too nice to stay cooped up indoors, you know? So I take Moose for a nice long jog, and then do my usual workout routine on the front steps instead of in the gym.

Apparently a sneaky fiancé took pictures of me when I thought he was busy sunbathing. I can't be angry, really. I look damn good in them.

Apr. 11th, 2015




I need a drink. Or two.

[private: self]

I've been having more dreams, almost every night for this last week and a half. I haven't mentioned anything to Damon especially since we've been talking about making an appointment at the fertility clinic. I don't want him to doubt anything especially since things have been going so good with us lately. It's just that these dreams--memories--whatever, they're so clear like if they happened in real life. Yes I know it's weird because people tell me all the time that these "dreams" were real at one point but to me they don't really feel like it. It's confusing and frustrating and a real pain, the migraines are no party either.


Apr. 8th, 2015




So, for anyone who doesn't know, I am now a vampire. Have been for about two weeks now. No, I do not talk with a Transylvanian accent all of a sudden and no, I do not turn into a bat or mist or anything like that. Yes, I can go out in the sun because of a certain wizard who generously made me daylight jewelry a few months ago. And no, I'm not going around nomming on people at random. I've been working on my self control, which given who made me in the dreams, is pretty good, if I do say so myself.

So yeah. There it is. Been expecting this for awhile and now it's finally happened.

Mar. 22nd, 2015




I have a craving for red meat like no other, and I'm not sure whether to blame Aramis or Sharon more than that. I will be taking us all out for burgers once Lent is done, however.

I need to stop watching cooking shows until April 7th.

Mar. 10th, 2015




I'm so relieved that I didn't accidentally spoil the surprise before everyone had a bite of their cupcakes last night. This telling the truth thing is really tiresome. Any ideas when it might finally be over? But... in happier news...

It's a girl! Aramis, Porthos and I are pleased to announce that our daughter is due to come and meet the world on July 25th. We're still working on names.

Mar. 9th, 2015




The first shipment of shoes came in! My own designs, in several sizes, colors, shapes, patterns, and they're SO BEAUTIFUL. I might cry. I might actually cry.

Mar. 4th, 2015




An important slice of advice:

Don't allow your girlfriend keys to your home. She will flood it with smoke and almost burn down the walls.

Or perhaps that's just mine. Carry on, then.

Mar. 2nd, 2015




I am so happy that Drag Race is back. I have plenty of guilty pleasures in life but that show takes the cake.

Feb. 22nd, 2015




Who all is watching the Oscars tonight? This is like my Superbowl. I love the awards shows. I love seeing what everyone is wearing and judging them.

Feb. 23rd, 2015




Oh dear god! The Oscars! So many beautiful dresses! I'm not going to get any sleep at this rate...

Feb. 17th, 2015




Turning thirty was a great success. Thank you to everyone who showed up, it was every bit the classy engagement I'd hoped for. I am tremendously hungover and wish there was an IV drip of coffee.

Ah well. Back to bed soon, I think, then I've been promised a pancake feast. It's a shame Lent starts tomorrow. I've decided to have a more traditional practice of it this year, and I got so many cake and pastry molds that will have to wait for April. Unless I break them in tonight.

Feb. 14th, 2015




So much going on this week! I can't remember the last time I've been this busy. Tomorrow is Valentine's day, and then we have Aramis's birthday party on Monday. I think I've got all the arrangements for that down, it should be a blast.

And beyond that, there's a new addition to our little family, which we've mentioned to a few people. But I wanted to introduce him to the group at large.

This is Mousqueton, who I'm calling Moose because that's a little easier to pronounce. He's an absolute sweetheart, and he gets along perfectly with the kitten. He likes to curl around Bazin when he sleeps, to keep him safe I think. Melts my heart.




I had the most amusing conversation with one of my co-workers today. We were at lunch and she asked me if I was going to see 50 Shades of Grey this weekend and when I told her that I wouldn't go see that movie if it was the last movie ever made and she actually called me a prude. Me, a prude. I couldn't help but laugh cause anyone who knows me really well knows that I'm anything but. Has anyone else had this happen to them when telling someone you weren't going to see the movie or hadn't read the books?

But picture it, Rapunzel and Snow White, talking about 50 Shades of Grey.

Feb. 9th, 2015




Award show hangovers are always the most interesting and I'm fully blaming my date for this one. But that was certainly one interesting Grammy's. Kayne West really needs to be seated at the back of the audience so he doesn't have enough time to run up on stage and ruin some poor person's moment.

And now I'm off to find some water to soothe this headache. Not sure what made my headache worse - the drinks or the Dreams that decided to happen last night. Can I take an aspirin to prevent those from happening anymore?