
Posts Tagged: 'leonard+mccoy'

Jan. 8th, 2015




Just finished stitching up about a dozen guys--two sides of a knife fight. No one brought a gun. I think they're all gonna live. That was about ten hours of my life I could have back, thanks. Going home to sleep for a day or two.

Jan. 3rd, 2015




And now I remember why I hate Legos.

Dec. 13th, 2014




Another long night. The nights leading up to the holidays seem almost worse than the nights that come after them. I'll likely have a few days off between Christmas and New Years. Now I just have to figure out what to do with them.

Oct. 22nd, 2014




Huh. Dream Me is a history teacher, too. It's weird how so much was similar in my dream, but so much was different, too. I think that might actually make it more unsettling in a way.

Oct. 20th, 2014




The deal is that I get to veto any Halloween costume ideas that I find to be inappropriate for a twelve year old. Not sure about this Monster High business. I'll have to do a bit more research before I can give an answer to that one.

Why is it that young girls' costumes just keep getting smaller and smaller?

Oct. 5th, 2014




A few days ago a strange girl woman woke up in my apartment. Strange as in a stranger, not as in weird. She's actually quite nice. So far it's been good having her around. Joanna thinks she's great, and her bedside manner is much better than mine.

I see we're not the only ones who are stuck in this sort of predicament.

Sep. 28th, 2014



I've been out of prison a year today. It's been weird adjusting to the world. I've had to build myself up from nothing. I've only just now been able to afford a computer. Probably not a good idea to be broadcasting any info about myself, but it's goddamn lonely sometime. I mean, what are the odds anyone from my past is even on this thing anyway?

Sep. 24th, 2014




This is not starting out to be a good day. Woke up to find a new piece of jewlery on my finger, no less, then spilled coffee all over myself like an idiot, and my shoelace tore off while I was lacing it.

I need a drink. And it's 6am. Doesn't bode well for me today.

Aug. 21st, 2014




So I had my first dreams last night. Supposedly I was married at some time and Atlantis is real.

I have to say it was interesting, I would love to do the work I was doing in my dreams, it seemed absolutely fascinating.

So did you know that you were my boss at some point in this dreams?

So I'm dreaming of the Stargate. You were amazing in that dream. Is that what you're dreams are of?

Aug. 13th, 2014




I woke up this morning to find my medical kit on the bedside table. From the Dreams. Tools and technology from a far distant future. I thought everything had gone with the Enterprise when Jim and Hermione left. But here they are.

Aug. 8th, 2014




I have a rare evening off, and I'm considering taking my girlfriend to a movie. Recommendations?

Aug. 5th, 2014




No, you don't have Ebola. Stop asking.

Can you believe I had four patients approach me at work, asking that very thing? Four. For fuck's sake.

Aug. 4th, 2014




Tonight, a customer asked for a sheet of paper or a napkin to write down some chicks phone number. Then he ate it.

Literally like fifteen minutes ago. WTF dude.




I'm not sure if I should be amused or annoyed at Dream Athos flirting horribly with a comtesses. It's a little hard not to be amused. I don't think he has any actual idea how to talk to women.

I seem to be getting 'dreams' rapidly now compare to before. Just nearly every time I close my eyes. Some days they actually feel as though I'll wake up in Paris.

[filter to Aramis]
You may have something to this yoga thing.

[Filter to Porthos]
How are you?

[Another filter to Elizabeth Comstock]
Are you all right?





I think I had bad hot dogs last night.

But damn I think I hate Batarians.




No Filter - Cut for Image! )





Don't hold out on me guys. If I've got to eat one more jello cup, I will puke. This and porn is why these kinds of message boards exist on the internet, right?

Aug. 3rd, 2014




This is totally me.

Aug. 1st, 2014




The Grand Opening of my restaurant Ciao Bella will be tomorrow night at 7pm. If you'd like to come and taste the finest Italian food in Orange County (sorry Mom and Dad) then please come by and eat until your heart is content.

So far, confirmed for the VIP area is:

1. Damon & Elena
2. Mom & Dad
3. Lexi
4. Caroline

Who else can I expect?


5. Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore
6. Jeremy and Katherine (if you two would like to come that is)

Jul. 21st, 2014




Joanna is going to spend August with her mother. So I'll childless for four weeks. Looking forward to having a bit of freedom. And for Joanna to get to spend some time with her mother. She's been chattering nonstop about all the friends she's going to see and things she's going to do when she gets there.




I suppose it's time I enter the age of technology. I finally caved and got myself a shiny new smartphone. It was hard to retire my flip phone though. That thing has been through everything. This will just be much easier to check email more often.

I'm rambling. Anyway I'm Emma.

Jul. 19th, 2014




Hello! I thought I'd introduce myself on the network since I'm new to Orange County. I am a transplanted Chicagoan--I came to California for college and ended up staying.

My name is Hank McCoy (I do have a couple of Ph.Ds, but there's no need to call me "Doctor" unless you want to) and I'm in biochemical research, currently. I enjoy cultural events in addition to science--I have a great love of music, musical theatre, and drama.

Jul. 15th, 2014




So Yale astronomers have discovered seven new dwarf galaxies, using a new design of telescope. I find this very exciting but it did make me giggle that the headline they used was 'Snow White still missing' Scientists are so easily amused.

Jul. 14th, 2014




I'm beginning to see a trend in my dreams, and that trend appears to be Tony Stark Almost Dying. I suppose it's a good thing that I'm not human in them, otherwise I'd likely have suffered several heart attacks. I don't know how Pepper does it, really.

Jun. 14th, 2014




My daughter made me a cake for Father's day, and we've already eaten most of it. Happy early Father's Day, everyone.

Jun. 13th, 2014




I'm officially a child of divorce.

Holidays this year will be swell. Wonder how the first tug-o-war of daughters is going to end up, but on the bright side, if we celebrate holidays separately, then our family dinners will taste less like a hateful relationship and more like pot roast.

I need to call my sister.

On the bright side, so glad I moved out. Tonight sounds like a night for rootbeer floats and partying. Anything crazy going on tonight? Or tomorrow night? C'mon, it's the weekend!

Jun. 8th, 2014



Um. Hi! I'm Oliver Queen. I'm a lawyer down in Stanton. I work with the homeless and people who need help with Social Security, disability. That kind of stuff. I got an invite here, and figured I'd check it out. I can't actively troll for clients, but I'm here if anyone needs someone like me.

Jun. 4th, 2014




Now Joanna wants to join the damn skiing team. How does a school in Irvine have a damn skiing team??

May. 25th, 2014




Being a doctor means that I've seen some really gross things, but this might just take the cake.

Public, but cut for possible creepy/grossness )

Now, when I go home, I'm gonna find something on Animal Planet to watch with kittens and puppies to get that image out of my head.

May. 19th, 2014




So apparently "to see aliens in your dream signifies that you are having difficulties adapting and adjusting to your new surroundings. You are feeling 'alienated' and disconnected."

Or I've just been watching too many paranormal reruns before bed.

Either way, my name's Siri. I guess I'm not going to get a more glaring sign to try to be social. Suppose this is the place to do it, yeah? Anyone else having crazy dreams?

May. 18th, 2014




I'm starting to think that most of my time as a sober companion is going to be solving murders.

I feel like Angela Landsbury. How awesome is that?

Also I have an online date. I mean I signed up for one of those online things and now I have a date. I have no idea how this is going to go. Wish me luck.

May. 15th, 2014




This heatwave can stop or I just might be the one passing out from heat exhaustion at the hospital. Wouldn't exactly look very professional of me.

May. 1st, 2014




Today while I was... getting the medical offices settled for the new clinic, I came across an oddity.

Not only did Dr. Hussain leave me a medical scanner so advanced that I'm really unsure how to use it without accidentally killing someone, but I have now come across a ... machina leg... of some kind. It's not any kind of prosthetic limb that I have ever seen before.

So strange!

Apr. 29th, 2014




Does anyone have any plans for next weekend? I apparently need to make friends and do things. Because I don't have any. According to my mother and brother, anyway. I'm 45 and they rule my life. It's not fair.

Apr. 22nd, 2014




It is going to be a very long week.

I'd had a very nice couple of days off. Then it all went to crap.

At least baseball is on. Anyone else watch baseball? Or am I the only weird one?

Apr. 20th, 2014




The ER is deceptively quiet tonight, so what am I doing at my station? Putting together Nessie's Easter Basket. In the break room I have her easter eggs that I am going to dye. All the nurses think it's sweet, the doctors think I'm crazy, but I'll do anything for my little Princess.

Apr. 15th, 2014




I fully understand why Jim took the ship on his adventure. If I'd had the Dreams that I had last night before he left, I might have been more convinced to go with him.

Now I'm just waiting for the next set. Seems the current predicament in my Dreams has resolved... does anyone else feel this way? That these Dreams are episodic?

Apr. 7th, 2014




Trying to fill my daughter's schedule for Spring Break, so I won't have to take too much time off of work. She's got sleepovers and day camp, and a trip to the San Diego Wild Animal park with friends.

It's probably time to get her that Disneyland Year Membership she's been begging me for. Maybe I'll get myself one, as well. Take my mind off these dreams. It was easier when Jim was still here

Apr. 2nd, 2014




I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Joan Watson. I work as a surgeon at St. Joseph's. I like baseball and good beer.

I hear there's some odd things going on about dreams? I've noticed a lot of weird things about Orange County, but I think that's just always been that way. I'm kind of sad I'm not a kid. It would be nice to be taken care of and not pay bills for a while.




If you've been affected by this latest craziness, please don't get behind the wheel of a car unless you KNOW what you are doing. Wouldn't want anyone crashing into a person or a tree simply because their eyesight wasn't as keen as before this strange aging, or because they couldn't reach the pedals.

Mar. 28th, 2014




I finally have a moment to sit down at the computer after the mess of earlier this week, and what do I find? Nothing but wangs in socks and the same bs about which state is or isn't standing up for civil rights.

If anyone needs me, I'll be helping my daughter with her homework.

Mar. 27th, 2014




That was..somewhat embarrassing. Got sent home for falling asleep at my desk. Didn't even realize I was tired at all. Guess I should just be grateful I don't snore.




So, who all has heard about this whole #cockinasock thing? Call me crazy, but I don't really get how it has anything to do testicular cancer awareness. I mean, you can't see any testicles. I have to admit though, I'd slightly tempted, but with my luck, someone at the station would see it and I'd get reprimanded or something. No, with my luck, my daughter would find it. Don't want that to happen either.

[Link is NSFW]

Mar. 6th, 2014




This is good to know for any new dads or soon to be dads. I knew some of those, but there are some I wish I'd known when I was eighteen. I'm sure that some of them are different for everyone cause Lian slept in my bed a lot as a baby, but she always slept fine in her crib when I did put her in there instead.

Mar. 5th, 2014




Hello. I'm told I need to be a bit more social. So..yes. Hello. I said that already didn't I? Well I did say this was going to be an attempt in any case. My name is D'Artagnan. I know if you give me a chance we'll probably get along.

Mar. 2nd, 2014




If anyone is experiencing any chest pain or difficulty breathing after the Volcanic Ash incident in February, please don't hesitate to come to Irvine General and get checked out. We're doing free clinics all this week to diagnose any lingering complications from the trouble with the air quality.




Not exactly what I was expecting for my first dream.




Hi everyone! I'm Charlotte. Chuck. Whatever you want to call me, I don't mind (as long as it's Charlotte or Chuck, I mean, let's not try and get creative). I just moved here a month or so ago - how about that volcano, huh? It was so cool scary. Glad it's done, though.

I've been so busy getting into work that I haven't really had any time to see what's all out there in Orange County, or meet any people my own age, and someone mentioned they heard about this network, so here I am. :) So. What's all there out in there in Orange County? Besides Disney - which I really want to check out sometime.

Feb. 17th, 2014




I have been fortunate enough to find a nice job at a local elementary school here in Anaheim. I'm currently teaching 5th grade and while most of my students are wonderful, I cannot believe the behavior some of them show! I've been a nanny in the past and have never allowed any of my charges, regardless of their age, to utter a word of vulgarity! I can only imagine these children pick it up from home or their schoolmates, but why must they be taught these words at such a young age?

And don't even get me started on their use of technology. Is it really necessary for a ten year old to have an iPhone that they try and sneak texts during class? Who are they texting??

Feb. 16th, 2014




A word of advice - if your boss at the job you're leaving asks you to stay until your replacement can start just say NO.

Otherwise you might end up in the hospital stuck eating this food which tastes like crap nothing I actually want to eat. Which brings me to my point - I will give 50 bucks to the first person who brings me a bacon cheeseburger meal. I'm in [hospital room number]

And even with getting shot in the leg - not the worst Valentines Day I've ever had.