
Posts Tagged: 'jack+harkness'

May. 10th, 2014




I know that the UK won't win, but I end up watching Eurovision every year anyways.




I may not have lived there for a few years but I do still have to watch Eurovision. It seems you can't rid a Brit of things ingrained since childhood.

May. 7th, 2014




Curious. Does anyone meditate? Practice tai chi or any of that zen type stuff? If you do ... what's it like, I guess?




If wearin' eighteen pounds of black leather in the middle of sunny goddamned california is wrong, I don't want to be right.

May. 6th, 2014




I hadn't realized that today was National Nurses Day too. It's also National Teachers Day, which is ironic, because in real life, I'm a teacher, but in the dreams I'm a nurse. Both professions appreciated on the same day. I got some baked goods and cards from my students today, which was nice, but I don't do this job for that reason. I teach, because I want to help kids, but it's a nice perk.




Today is National Nurses Day so I brought some cupcakes and cookies in from Baxter's for the nurses in my ward. They deserve so much more than that, considering the things they do, but the rest of the week is Nurses Appreciation Week, so I'm sure they'll get more.

May. 5th, 2014




According to my employee, I am in dire need of a social life. And apparently this would be the place to do it so here goes.

Hello, I'm Ianto. I'm the owner of a bookshop called A Page In Time. I have an embarrassingly large movie collection and own a dog named Dali. I'm not even really sure what to put in here so feel free to ask me questions. Maybe that would be slightly less awkward? Or more awkward. I think it may be a toss up.

Apr. 27th, 2014




So much happened in my dream last night. I had died then wound up a Roman Centurion, but Amy didn't remember me because I had been wiped from existence when I died. Amy eventually remembered me as I was forgetting myself, because I wasn't really myself, but plastic or something like that. I had a gun in my hand and accidently shot Amy. The Doctor appeared from the future and gave me a set of instructions. I found our Doctor and we put Amy in the Pandorica, which would revive her, but it took two thousand years. Because I technically wasn't alive, I stood watch. Amy came out of it in the nineties, in a museum and The Doctor and I saved her from a Dalek. Her and her younger self, because the Pandorica needed her DNA blueprint. The TARDIS was exploding and the only way to save the world was for The Doctor to fly the Pandorica straight into the explosion. I didn't really understand it in the dreams and still don't understand it now. Time went by as normal after that. Amy and I got married, but we forgot The Doctor. We forgot him until our wedding when Amy remembered, which triggered my memory I guess and he came back. Of course we left with him after that. How could we not?

The best part, aside from having Amy back was when I punched The Doctor. I guess he was making sure I was really myself and saying that we needed to leave Amy after I'd shot her and me punching him proved I was really myself.

I also woke up to two items from the dreams. My centurion outfit as well as the top hat I wore at our wedding. I suppose they're better than the cell phone I got before, but I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to do with them.

Apr. 15th, 2014




I think I have to sacrifice a child in order to save the world in my dreams.

I don't think I can do it.

I will be so glad when all of this is over. Even if it means I move on and I'm gone for real. I just want the dreams to be over.

In any case, Easter is approaching and I have already eaten my weight in chocolate. Mwahahaha.

Apr. 14th, 2014




Sirius and I will be leaving Saturday for England. We finally decided a few weeks back where we were going to go on our vacation, which is my school vacation and we found tickets that weren't horrendously expensive. The full moon is tomorrow, so we won't have to worry about that. I'm looking forward to this trip quite a lot. It'll be nice to spend time with Sirius with no interruptions.

Seeing as neither of us have been to England before, except in our dreams, what should we see for sure while we're there? I know there's quite a lot of people here who are from England.

Apr. 2nd, 2014




If you've been affected by this latest craziness, please don't get behind the wheel of a car unless you KNOW what you are doing. Wouldn't want anyone crashing into a person or a tree simply because their eyesight wasn't as keen as before this strange aging, or because they couldn't reach the pedals.





she knows me so well i heart her in a purely child like way i just wish she'd let me have a cigarette or some coffee or something but that's okay.


i think i had too much sugary cereal this morning holy curse words batman

Apr. 1st, 2014




I'm old. Like super old. As in, I just got escorted out of my own company's building by security old.

I'm almost as old as my dad.

This is so wrong.

Mar. 29th, 2014




So. New job. New starting points. Feels kinda like I'm starting over, or getting a fresh start. It feels kinda good, actually. I'm digging this working vibe.

I'm gonna need a whole lotta Red Bull.

Mar. 19th, 2014



So. I had an American ask me today, upon hearing I was from Norway, if that was where the penis museum was.

After spluttering and making sure I understood his English, I told him no. And then did some googling, and found out that the Iceland Phallological Museum is in fact in Reykjavik, in Iceland. I do love that there will always be something I can learn about the world. And I admit to having a good laugh, as well.

Mar. 18th, 2014




How many of these damn things are there? Seems like no matter how many we kill, there's always more to take their place!

Mar. 11th, 2014




Happy birthday to me! I've got the day off, so I'm spending the morening relaxing in bed.

Mar. 9th, 2014




I just realized something. I haven't had a "DREAM" in weeks. Anyone else get long breaks from them?

Mar. 6th, 2014




Well then.. I'm President of Gallifrey. That is something. President. Who would have thought that?

I've also met another version of the Doctor. I don't know about his outfit though.

Mar. 3rd, 2014




Okay, I thought I knew all the rubbish about tipping people in America because you lot are too harebrained to pay people a living wage. I hadn't the faintest idea that you're actually supposed to tip the people who package a takeaway order you pick up yourself. And then I got called a "twat" when I said I hadn't got cash.

I'm fucking Irish, mate; don't take it out on me, take it out on your absurd wage laws.




So... the Oscars happened? Like, everyone on Twitter went insane. Not that I ... cough. have a twitter account or anything.

How'd you like the show if you watched it? I totally didn't, actually, I was out last night. But I heard some things.

Feb. 22nd, 2014




Just when you think things can't get worse, you have a dream.

There is nothing more frightening than a child with a gas mask on, walking around and asking 'Are you my mummy?'

Filtered to John )

Filtered to Jack )

Filtered to Martha & Mickey )

Feb. 21st, 2014




Everyone okay so far? No one has gotten seriously injured or worse? At least it gives me time to clean my flat...for the umpteeth time.

Am I the only one interested in going out to see what's going on? I mean, I've seen reports, but have stayed true to the news reports and stayed indoors. But I still can't believe some things I'm reading...trolls? Goblins? Orcs? (What are those anyway?)

[Filtered to Team TARDIS]
I dunno about you guys, but isn't this the kind of thing that really gets the Doctor going? I know there are some of you who don't want me to know who he is, but shouldn't we at least go and investigate? See if we can help in some way? Jack, what about Torchwood? This is something that we can do as a team!

Feb. 20th, 2014




Well, I'm stuck at the hospital for as long as this lasts. Ironically, I'm pretty sure this is about the same time last year that I was stuck here during the blue flu. Hopefully this doesn't last as long as that did.

Maybe I've just had too many dreams, but I feel like this would usually be the part where The Doctor would try to do something, in the dreams, about the volcano and it'd wine up being caused by some alien race.

Feb. 5th, 2014




My mom is so funny sometimes. She spent most of the day texting me pictures of the snow storm in Boston. They got hit pretty bad. For once when they said there was gonna be a storm, there actually was one. I now have pictures of my parents' backyard with over a foot of snow, Leo's car, covered in snow, the front walk as my dad and Leo shoveled and many more. All of these pictures kind of make me miss sledding.

I realized today that next Friday is Valentine's Day and Mickey and I have not made any plans yet. This will be the first time in a long time that I'm not single on Valentine's Day, which will be nice, I have to admit. Just have to make some plans.

Feb. 3rd, 2014




Hey Rose and Ianto! Think we could get away with putting one of these signs up at work?

Click me )

Feb. 2nd, 2014



So uh, I'm looking for something to do around here in my spare time. Anybody got any recommendations for a pretty shy, socially awkward nerd?

Jan. 28th, 2014





I have a new job with an amazing company! I'll be the desk secretary at Bad Wolf Interactive! Anyone up for a celebratory drink?

On the dream side of everything, I've had a couple more dreams. More aliens, more saving the world. Is it strange that it's becoming normal? There've been a few casualties, one that I was upset about in the dream, but nothing like that second one. It's more that feel of adventure and the impossible happening.

If a man looks you in the eye and tells you (and I quote) "I could save the world but lose you", that means something right? Or he's just being sentimental because we just started traveling together? At least I think we just started traveling together...I heard it's a possibility that the dreams don't go in order, they can jump around? But it feels pretty orderly. At least so far.

Jan. 22nd, 2014




How quickly the tide can change.

It was just the other day I felt on top of the world despite being jobless. I saw it as an opportunity to do something better, not just the same hum drum job. I had plans, I felt motivated...

And then I had another dream.

I saw the world end. Our world. Not only that, but I came thisclose to being burned alive. There were aliens of all kinds, all in despair at the end. There was adventure, but more heartache then I cared for. Even the Doctor had his moments. The only hope I had was him. Despite the heartache and strangeness of the situation, he was there.

I can already tell this man is going to be a constant in my dreams. And I don't think I mind.

[Companions of the Doctors]
Did anyone else have that feeling? That even after all the weird shite we've been through with him, we'll always be there for him? I've only dreamt of him two times and I already have this strange feeling of love and compassion for him. Is that possible?

Jan. 20th, 2014




Something really cool showed up today outside of my flat this morning...

Click Me )




Well, I guess calling your place of work a soul sucking corporation isn't good, especially someplace where they can read it. From here on out, Rose Tyler is no longer working at the local Starbucks just down the street. So those of you who usually stop by to say hello, no need to any longer. Go to Baxter's Bakery (if you don't already), because it was far superior to the 'bucks. Besides, shouldn't everyone be supporting their local shoppe anyway?

You know, I'm not as torn up about it as I may have thought. I have a good amount of savings left, that I think I will take that vacation to Northern California, come back with a new outlook, and actually apply myself.

This year it's a whole new Rose!

Jan. 19th, 2014




I swear I've been around, really, I have! Video games just own my soul lately.

So I've got my handheld video game problem, everyone knows this.

Cut for image, ota. )

But then I've got this AMAZING indie game that I've been obsessed with.

It's called Long Live the Queen and it's ... oh my god. You're a princess and you have to live long enough to be crowned queen, but there's intrigue and magic and poisoned candy and basically you just die OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER and I got to week twenty once but then she was all OH CANDY and stuffed her face and then they were poison and I guess I spent too long on her weapons training and not enough time on detecting friggin' poison.


Jan. 14th, 2014




It's happened! The big day! The dreams! They came!

I am now officially apart of the club!

It was so particular. There was a man...big nose, big ears, but funny. Determined. Random. He had this police call box he traveled around in, I think it's called the TARDIS? And there were these mannequins that were attacking people, but they were really aliens and we had to stop them.

Dear lord, I sound mental don't I? Everyone else has had strange dreams before, it shouldn't be so hard to believe. But it is. Still trying to take it all in. Thank goodness I have today off. I think today is the kind of day to stay in bed, ponder, and have a nice cup of tea.

Jan. 9th, 2014




I think the Consumer Electronics Show has been a great success so far. I've very much enjoyed all the presentations, and I'm enjoying exploring Las Vegas.

I'm presenting myself, tomorrow, and I'm a little nervous. I've never presented at a convention before. But I trust it will go well. I've got my speech memorized, and the displays are all in working order.

Keep your fingers crossed for me.

Jan. 8th, 2014




My brother thinks he's so funny. When my family was visiting at Christmas, the night we all went to dinner with Mickey, Leo decided to give Mickey the "Brother Talk", which is funny, because I'm older than Leo, but anyway, so Leo texts me randomly today saying he was just checking in to make sure Mickey was still behaving himself and to let him know if he wasn't so he could mess him up. What a goober.

Jan. 7th, 2014




3 days in Las Vegas for the Consumer Electronics Show... Jarvis, you coming with me?

Kevin, I'm assuming you'll be there. David?

It's going to be... interesting.

Jan. 3rd, 2014




You know what?

I think it's going to be a really, really, really brilliant year!

Dec. 31st, 2013



I just want to say that Cybermen are some of the creepiest things I've ever seen. Yes, the dreams are back, annoyingly. I stayed over in the parallel universe fighting Cybermen until they decided to break through into the current world. I will say that Torchwood Institute is a nice place to visit, but apparently they don't do strong background checks if I managed to sneak in among them. And fighting the Cybermen has really changed me and made me more of a BAMF than I was before in these dreams.

Unfortunately even that kind of training doesn't prepare you for when the Daleks decide to come out of the void. Cybermen vs Daleks was one of the more entertaining things I've seen since they both think they're the dominant species. But luckily with the combined smarts of everyone, especially The Doctor, we manage to save this world but Rose/Jackie/and I have to stay in the parallel universe in order for it to happen. A depressing end to a victory.

I'm truly sorry about you and Rose.

Dec. 12th, 2013




When I got home tonight I had attempted to watch some tv and of course I fell asleep, but I had a few more dreams. I met up with The Doctor again and got to meet his Companion after me, Donna Noble. Sontarans tried to take over the Earth and I got cloned, which was really weird. My clone was working with the Sontarans, supporting them in their attempt. The Doctor built a device to clear the poisonous gas that the Sontarans had pumped into the air then he teleported himself to their ship, because he was going to blow it up from the inside, but instead this guy who had been helping them, teleported himself to the ship and The Doctor back and blew it up. After that, I went with The Doctor and Donna to the TARDIS to say goodbye and of the TARDIS started piloting itself and brought us to a planet called Messaline right in the middle of a war between the humans who lived there a creatures called the Hath. Soldiers showed up just after we landed and put The Doctor's hand into a progenation machine, which just happened to be nearby. The machine took the Doctor's DNA and created a daughter from it. The Hath showed up just after that and the soldiers attacked them, causing a cave in, which seperated me and the TARDIS from The Doctor and Donna. So I went with the Hath after I mended a dislocated shoulder for one of them, whose name was Peck. The Hath showed me a holographic map of the tunnels we were in and at one point The Doctor was looking at the same map and did something to it to show new tunnels. He called me shortly after that to make sure I was alright, but my battery died. So I was studying the map and Peck showed me a different view of it and I saw that we weren't as far underground as I'd thought, so I decided to go above ground to beat The Doctor and the others to the Source. Peck came with me, but when I fell into quicksand, he jumped in to save me and wound up sinking. I eventually met up with The Doctor, Donna and Jenny, who was The Doctor's daughter. In the end, The Doctor released the gases from The Source into the air and it started terraforming. Everything looked like it was going to work out well after that, but the leader of the human army didn't want to surrender and tried to shoot The Doctor, but Jenny jumped in the way.

We left shortly after that, after the humans and Hath agreed to give Jenny a proper funeral and The Doctor brought me home.

Of course now I'm wide awake and it's two in the morning. What should I do?

[Filtered Away from The Doctor]

One thing that sticks out in my mind is something I told Donna about The Doctor. I told her that, he's wonderful, he's brilliant, but he's like fire. Stand too close and people get burned.




My daughter found her Christmas presents. They're wrapped already so she didn't see what was in them.

However we need to hide them in a new place.

Any suggestions?

Dec. 8th, 2013




I turned into a creepy, CREEPY ass doll in my dream last night. China doll thing. It was... ridiculous. Sometimes my adventures with the Doctor are ridiculous.

Not that I'd give them up for anything in the world, mind you. But they're often ridiculous.




Bloody hell! I think my laptop has a virus. I don't know how I would have gotten a virus, because I don't download things, but it keep shutting down on me every time I get to the desktop. This wouldn't be so bad if I didn't need my laptop for work. Luckily I don't need anything off it tomorrow and I have the upcoming Science test on a flash drive, but I am going to need things off it before Christmas break. Can anyone help?

Dec. 5th, 2013




So I don't know if I actually had a dream last night or if I just had a regular one. I don't really remember it. I mean, I feel like there was something important about it. Something that I was looking for then I think I met someone, but at the end I just woke up in a random bedroom with one hell of a headache and some bruises then I woke up in my bedroom. Has anyone had dreams like this? I know that The Dreams usually feel real, but I can't even figure out what this felt like. I'm just so confused right now.

Dec. 4th, 2013




I'm so excited! My parents, sister and brother are coming out here for Christmas! They're flying in the weekend before and staying at a nearby hotel. And I'll even get to spend time with them, because we just had two doctors transfer in from Chicago and Boston. More doctors means Martha doesn't have to work a hundred hours a week. I'll finally get to catch up on my sleep and spend more time with my boyfriend and my friends. I almost forgot what having a social life was like.

Nov. 15th, 2013



My birthday was the other day and I'm so glad that I have such a lovely girlfriend to spend it with. Due to this unfortunate ability to always tell the truth she was able to actually spend the day with me and was nice enough to cook me a meal! It's been a long time since someone cooked me a meal for my birthday and I haven't gone out to a restaurant. Definitely one of my better birthdays. Now I just need to figure out if I want to go back to see my grandmother for Thanksgiving in a couple weeks or not.

I was thinking of going out this weekend to celebrate since my birthday fell on a Wednesday. Would anyone be up for that? Not quite sure where to go, so I am definitely open for suggestions.

Nov. 13th, 2013




I finally managed to get in trouble for my big mouth at work today. Like a lot of other people I'm reading about, my 'inside voice' has suddenly decided that it REALLY needs to be heard. Out loud. Every time I'm asked a direct question.

Long story short: she slapepd me across the face, called me all kinds of interesting things, and stormed out of my office. Somehow I doubt I'll be seeing her for the rest of the day.

Nov. 12th, 2013




Well, I've been put on suspension and have to go to sensitivity training this weekend. I still can't believe I said that. I'm still a little mortified, but I guess on the plus side, I'll have a lot of free time for the rest of the week, so I'm going to make dinner for Mickey tomorrow for his birthday.

Nov. 10th, 2013



Good afternoon. My name is Kreia. I come from England, but I spend my winters here in Orange County. The cold is better for my arthritis.

The young woman who set up this account for me seemed astonished that I knew what a "listserv" and a "security key" were. Just because I appear to be an elderly lady does not mean that all my brain cells have died off. For those of you who can accept that and not talk to me like an old fool, I am pleased in advance to meet you.




After twelve hours at the hospital, my eyes are so damn dry. I just tried to put some eye drops in so I'll be able to sleep without them itching and instead of getting the drops in my eyes, I get it all around them. They make it look so easy in the commercials. At least I'm off tomorrow and can get some sleep. Maybe I'll see what Mickey is up to, but for now, sleep.

Oct. 29th, 2013




I have a question about these memories/dreams/whatever they are. Is it common for people from them to be ... Not just dreams or anything themselves? But real? Do you generally find yourselves meeting the people you've dreamt about, I guess, is what I'm asking.

I maybe should have put two-and-two together sooner, but this is the first time I've had these things be more than just blurs to me. I'm just wondering if maybe my actual life is starting to bleed into this, or if it's working the other way around.