
Posts Tagged: 'h+g+wells'

Apr. 30th, 2016




Bit by scrapsy bit, got my ship nearly altogether! Short some bits and bobs here, but can you imagine? If I get those last thingamabobs, I'll have to consider selling Arthur! Not the horse, of course. Wouldn't dream of selling her! Suppose I could fit her back in my ship now that I think about it. The horse, not the car. Anyway.

Face swappity-swap aside, how are the lot of you denizens of the world's zaniest county?

Apr. 25th, 2016




I gotta say, watching everyone flipping out about this bout of OC weirdness is kinda amusing. For those who were able to find amusement in it, did you prank anyone? Ya know, like pretend to be the person whose body you're in?

Apr. 21st, 2016




Despite being in the process of receiving my green card and becoming an American citizen, I do wish to hold to my English routes and wish the Queen a happy 90th birthday. Not that she would read this, of course, but I will be going back to England in a couple weeks with my wife, so we should be able to catch some of the celebrations. In particular I'd like to try to attend the Trooping the Colour ceremony, which is quite the sight to behold.

Mar. 26th, 2016



blocked from non-puncturable DC characters

Went to see a certain movie. It ain't my movie, that comes out later this year!

And I just wanna say that Wonder Woman is just as awesome in person! And she smells really good.

Bruce is about as grumpy though. I went on a date with him once!

Mar. 9th, 2016




I already commented elsewhere but LOOK AT MY BABY! The other baby wasn't in the shot BUT LOOK AT MY BABY

cut for picture )

Mar. 6th, 2016




Happy Mothering Sunday to any and all mothers from the U.K. here. It was heart warming to receive my daughter's package in the mail yesterday. I am looking forward to the Skype call with her today. Not so much the part of the call that will be dedicated to wishing my mother a happy Mothering Sunday.

Feb. 29th, 2016




How many of you consider yourself a specialist in any given field of noteworthy import?

Feb. 9th, 2016




Apparently there is a new movie adaptation of my novel The Invisible Man in the works, starring Johnny Depp. I'm offended by this on principle because adaptations of my novels are almost always terrible. Except Orson Welles' radio adaptation of War of the Worlds from 1938 was positively brilliant.

I have nothing against Johnny Depp. I have everything against adaptations of my works. Especially that version of War of the Worlds with Tom-bloody-Cruise.

Feb. 1st, 2016




so not only am i dragged to this place because my brother decided he had to go someplace new (so exciting) (thanks a heap, coyote ugly), but now we have to stay in a hotel because he's a hard ass motherfucker and people can't please him properly (note my double meaning. ha ha).

i thought california was supposed to be warmer than this.

i need some fucking cheetos.

Jan. 11th, 2016




Alright~! Helllo, Orange County! Anyone out there tired of Dreams, weird storms, and boring days? Well, this next weekend, the fabulous Harleen Quinzel and Helena Wells are celebrating their upcoming nuptials with a come one, come-all party! It'll be held at Festival Park at [address], this Saturday, the 16th of January. All who come in peace and frivolity are welcome.

There will be tents, drinks, live music, and some firepits where food will be roasting.

That's right. Free food, music, and drinks, as long as you act respectfully.

So, what do you think, OC? Ready to party and help these two celebrate a new beginning?

Jan. 9th, 2016




So me and my girl are gonna make things official like. With paperwork an' everything. That ain't gonna change our open arrangement or nothing but it felt like the right thing to do!

Oct. 29th, 2015




Sometimes my dreams leave me amazed at the places my dream self has gone. My latest one, I was in Egypt. My poor dream self is more than a little out of time as she was initially from Victorian England and ended up in the 21st Century. It wasn't even Halloween but she was dressed like Angelina Jolie's Lara Croft was.

Would've been a good costume idea, I suppose.

Oct. 17th, 2015




I know people one dreams of can show up at any time, but I am relatively certain I just saw someone on the street who looked like a man I saw once in my dreams. I have some research to do

Sep. 20th, 2015




Ran across a man abusing a dog.

I hope he has medical insurance. Actually, I don't!

Sep. 5th, 2015




Had more dreams last night.

After freeing Joshua from Rheticus' Compass the tool decided sit on his butt and watch YouTube videos all day as way of catching up with the world. Thankfully Artie got him a job working at CERN.

I however decided to stay at Warehouse 13. Which I mean come on. When you discover that there are freaking artifacts with magical powers, how do you go back to a normal life?!

Aug. 11th, 2015




Well, I think my dream self has a little crush. Perhaps more than a crush. Oh that was indeed a good turn of events for once. Though shall we see how spectacularly my dream self can ruin that?




It's official: Looks like I'm one of the dreamers.

I suppose I should appreciate the fact that things seem to be off to a relatively tame start.

Aug. 3rd, 2015



blocked from non-puncturable/not yet canon puncturable people


Safe for work pictures of action figures )

Jul. 31st, 2015




One of the paralegals at the office threatened to secretly sign me up for one of those ridiculous dating sites if I didn't make more of an effort to meet new people.

So this is me, saving her life making an effort. Do people actually make friends on this network?

Jul. 28th, 2015



Warning for discussion of death/murder in the comments

Working as a forensic archaeologist, I really should not be astounded at the cruelty of humanity given I see the effects of it quite often. Yet here I am, astounded by someone's cruelty. At least this was not a case I was working on. I do not think I would have been able to handle it.

[Filtered to Harley]

I have the overwhelming desire to kill someone.

Jul. 22nd, 2015




Nice to know that it don't matter which me I'm dreaming of I can still kick that douchecanoe to the curb.

Jun. 16th, 2015




How do you tell your kid their dad was a loser who you never plan on seeing again?

I really hate that schools make fathers day cards. It just leads to awkward questions I can't answer.

Jun. 12th, 2015




Filter: Clara Oswald
I've acquired our tickets! We'll fly out the 20th and be back the 4th. How's that for a proper getaway, hm?

Filter: Rose Tyler
Hello! Had any luck on that holiday?

Filter: Friends
Quite a lot has gone on lately, I've been rubbish at checking in with the lot of you. Everyone doing alright--better, at the very least? There anything I can do?

Jun. 8th, 2015




Hokay this is really freaking weird, but I started dreaming the same but different.

Jun. 7th, 2015




It's turning out that my dream life fucking sucks!

The compass my dream brother was talking about to the old weird guy? Apparently it wasn't just a compass that says "Hey north is that way!", it was a teleportation device. Only something went wrong and Joshua just vanished in this crazy glow of light. It looked like he disintegrated! Which left me completely alone.

These dreams either need to get better or just stop happening.

Jun. 2nd, 2015




When you get to have your cake and eat it too. Like I got a girlfriend but I can still fool around with other people. The best things in life.

May. 31st, 2015




My parents have been here less than a week and my mother is already in top form of driving me up a wall. First it was saying this place wasn't safe because of all the attacks. Now it's talk about how I need a man in my life to keep me and Christina safe.

No, mother, I don't need a bloody man. I have a girlfriend for starters, and I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself. Does she really not remember I do taekwondo? Not to mention I also apparently have skill in kenpo as well, thanks to my dreams? I also have a very handy stun gun courtesy of my dreams as well. I think I'm quite well protected.

I swear the next time she makes a comment about my needing a man, I am going to slap her.

[OOC: This post contains NSFW content in the comments!]

May. 14th, 2015




I had another dream tonight. My brother was talking to some professor guy about a compass, some guy named Rheticus and teleoprtation. I'm beginning to think my dream self is in some fucked up Twilight Zone episode. Its just so weird.

Schools almost done. I have my graphic design show on Saturday and then I'm pretty much home free. Pretty exciting stuff and there shall be much celebration. And if anyone is interested in seeing the show its at 5pm at UC Long Beach campus. Some of the pieces everyone put together are pretty awesome!

In other boring news it looks like my roommate is going to be moving out. Which means ill have to start looking for another one. Its crazy how hard it can be to find someone to live with that you don't end up wanting to murder.

May. 5th, 2015




This is going to be a busy month. My daughter's birthday is the sixteenth, and she'll be nine years old already. I'm taking her and a couple of her friends to Disneyland for that weekend.

Then my parents are coming in around the twenty-fifth to stay for a couple weeks. I am only partly looking forward to that. One of my brothers also attempted to tag along, but I adamantly told him not to come, I don't have the room for him. Which isn't true, I could make room, but I simply don't want to spend three weeks with my antagonistic brother under my roof.

I only hope my home will pass my mother's standards. I really do not want to deal with listening to her complain for three weeks about things that don't matter. Or things that do matter

But first thing's first, getting birthday presents for my daughter. Which at times is easier said than done.

May. 2nd, 2015




Have you ever had a dream that was so damn real that even after waking up it terrifies you? I've never been one to remember dreams but tonight was so vivid. I dreamed that I was little and that my parents and my sister were killed in a car accident. For it to be just a dream the pain was so real. And then my brother put his entire life on hold to take care of me.

I know that none of them were really happy getting a phone call in the middle of the night but I just had to hear their voices.

I don't think I'll be going back to sleep tonight.

May. 1st, 2015




These dreams are very I am To those who came out to the events last month, thank you. For those who are available and interested, here are a list of events about human trafficking awareness for the upcoming month.

2 May: Awareness Peace March from 3 until 5.

14 May: CSEC Training Free, all day training to learn about resources and more.

30 May: Lacing Up For Freedom A 5K run/walk to raise money.

Can I ask you something? About the dreams I mean?

Two things

One, has Dmitri reached out to you?
Two, does the name Alexander Molokov mean anything to you?

Apr. 19th, 2015




Some days, I am brought far too close to the dark side of humanity. It is a wonder how I ever sleep at night with the things I see on the job.

[CW for comments: Discussion of unearthing human remains and potential murder discussion.]

Apr. 18th, 2015




I really need to stop hiding away in my cave like bedroom. Otherwise I'm destined to become a crazy cat lady. Only I don't really care for cats so it would definitely be a bad idea.

On the plus side I did manage to get some artwork done. So at least I've been a productive hermit!

cut for size, SFW )

Apr. 7th, 2015




At least these bloody dreams gave me something useful.

Apr. 6th, 2015




The human brain is actually quite brilliant. In the face of trauma or torture, it can create an elaborate delusion that life is normal and block out what has happened, and the person has no idea. Except there are signs that eventually start showing up to make you wake up and remember.

So that begs the question.

What's to say that all of this, the lives we feel we've lived, Orange County, all of this is real? What if it's the actual dream, and the dreams we keep having are our subconscious trying to make us wake up?

Apr. 5th, 2015




For anyone available and interested:

April 9th, there is a free conference about human trafficking in Long Beach.

Then on April 25th, there is a 5K walk/run in Irvine to raise awareness as well as prevention.




My mother has sent me home with enough left overs to last me until the End of Days. Well, maybe not that much but still. I'm starting to think she's convinced that I'm still one of those college kids that lives off of pizza. Secretly I'm glad though because mom's cooking is amazing. Now If I can just keep it away from my roommate...there's the challenge.

Also Hello I'm Claudia. I'm usually behind on the social media tools but someone said this was a pretty nifty place. Since I have no idea what to even put on here I'll just give a few random facts about myself.

1. I love old movies. Like Humphrey Bogart and Clark Gable old movies.
2. I have a rabbit. His name is Hermey.
3. I firmly believe that take out taste better when its a leftover than when it's fresh

Mar. 13th, 2015




I got rear-ended today. By a cop. And guess who he's claiming is at fault? Lil' old me.

Just great!

Mar. 7th, 2015




I received the answer to whether or not the time machine I built in my dreams worked.

It didn't.

Instead of saving my daughter from dying, I watched her be murdered while I couldn't do anything to protect her. Some mother I am Those men are severely lucky they only exist in this dream world

Feb. 21st, 2015



Locked from Ashley Magnus;}

I had believed the dreams couldn't get worse. Then they bring me this. This reminder. As if I needed to be reminded that my daughter's It's bad enough we're forced to lead these other lives in our dreams. But "gifts" as well?




FILTER: Gwen Stacy
Gwen. Hello! I should've been in touch with you sooner. Been a bit busy, trips and things.

Ah. I wanted you to know that the burning's stopped. I'm alright now.

FILTER: Helena Wells
Checking in on you, as you might expect.  How are you?

FILTER: Cindy Cendrillon & Garrus
Saw your shop's being well-looked after, Cindy. Thought I'd drop you both a line though, see how you're faring.

I lied. Before.

About the Doctor.

No more need to worry about me, Clara. I remembered a dream. No burn! Brilliant.

So! How are you doing? Be honest.

New York! Hell of a city! Quite liked it, though it is a bit smelly, isn't it? Amazing place though--marvelous! Got to take time to make it back there one day. Knew this would happen, caught the travelling bug. Perhaps a bit of running around the country would do me some good. I hear it keeps away unwanted dreams.

And ridiculous criminal activity apparently. Is everyone alright?

Feb. 3rd, 2015




It seems as though I received a "gift" from these dreams. Though I have little wish to accept it. My daughter's alive It hurts too much

Feb. 2nd, 2015




FILTER: Cindy Cendrillon
That wasn't your home, was it? Are you all right?

FILTER: Clara Oswald
Thought you ought to know that I've been dreaming again, but the burning is inexplicably getting better.

And then dinner. Have we had any luck with Cousin Ears yet? Rose is rather keen on his presence, and well. Wouldn't be a proper family dinner without him.

FILTER: Helena Wells
I've a favour to ask, but I've got to preface it with a request for guidance.

FILTER: Rose Tyler
I've remembered something from my dreams, a rather immaterial detail, but one nonetheless.

That said, I've got one part of your winnings: [Attachment] The makings of your playlist.

In an effort to distract myself from worrying: Did you know that, in Chinese culture, it is considered bad luck to share a pear because it could lead to the separation of friendship or love? The moral is don't share pears. Ever. They're vile, nasty things that ought to remain wholly untouched. Think of your loved ones the next time you deign to enjoy such a rubbish fruit.

Jan. 28th, 2015




These dreams can't be true. They can't. I can't imagine It can't be true If I lost her...

Jan. 27th, 2015




Ever dream of someone and miss them real bad?

Jan. 21st, 2015




So which date is appropriate for putting out?

Jan. 11th, 2015




Let it be known that John Smith X is a horrid brute who taunts those who are shorter than him by holding things out of their reach. Don't be fooled by his charms and easy going personality. He's a right git.

Jan. 9th, 2015




My dream self appears to be stuck in a really bad, abusive relationship. And I'm stark raving mad on top of it. It did feel good to shoot him. Goes to show you even a psychologist can fall prey to this crap.

Now Red. She's a catch. I just wish I'd listen to her about how bad Mr. J is.

Jan. 8th, 2015




Alright so these dreams...they aren't just dreams, are they?

Dec. 28th, 2014




So this is America, then, is it? Honestly, I can't say I'm much surprised. It's more or less how I pictured it, well, maybe with a bit more snow for California but there was that whole vortex thing last year, yes?

Anyway, I heard someone at the university mention this and figured I'm rather old hat at the blog thing, why not give a network a go. It's meant to be a good way to meet people. I'm John, John Watson. Dr John Watson, if we're being proper. I've come from the UK to teach at the University of California, in Irvine, in surgery. I used to be in the military back over there - the UK - but now I teach. I am just a teacher.