
Posts Tagged: 'gabriel'

Jul. 16th, 2013




Sometimes there's only one thing to do when you're faced with this world, all the crap in it, and see things continually getting worse for others as time keeps going on. Sometimes it's not the time to be totally selfish and keep the abilities the dreams have been giving me a secret anymore.

So I think this post is actually me offering help, seeing what I can do if anybody on this thing knows somewhere you can train abilities or where they're gonna be needed later on when something like those blue things crops up. I guess what I'm saying is that I'm an in actual place where I can help, and it's better I don't just hide in the corner whimpering anymore.

I guess in other words, like I said in my dreams, this is me standing up if anybody wants that still.

Jul. 11th, 2013



Remember how people said 'it could always be worse' to you when you were a kid, ostensibly to get you to cheer up?

Paula Deen is allegedly going to do nude modeling for a site called PureMature.com. Somewhere, somehow, that woman is going to be naked and on the internet.

It just got worse.

Jun. 28th, 2013



Someone please tell me there's some good parties happening this week?

And please tell me I'm invited. ;)

Jun. 26th, 2013




So there was me looking forward to a fairly quiet week at work next week...then I get this email with like a million meetings listed on it! Oh well, looks like it'll be a week of short lunches!

Jun. 25th, 2013




And then my desk decided it was going to comment on my piles of scratched out notes and scripts and changes. Apparently I need to "sex it up" because that's "usually your area" and "really, man, the pens have told me things about what you do under the tables at work". Apparently it? he? she? is jealous cause there's been some at work action the last week or so.

I desperately need a drink.




I'm feeling a little better today, so I figured I'd, uh, elaborate a little on my last post. Since it wasn't really getting across everything.

The zombies in my dreams have a real community. We do ... Community-ish things. Really. We have a "church." And friends, and we get married then we get placed with zombie children and. Well. That's your zombie family. And we only hunt ... Maybe once or twice a month? Brains are coveted.

Brains are sort of like ... What happens here? You have this weird dreams and visions about that person. So I'm dreaming about me dreaming about this guy. Perry, I think his name is. It's bizarre, but zombie-me likes it, because zombie-me wants to be human. I think.

So. Yeah. There's that.

Jun. 19th, 2013



I do not understand. This is not normal mammalian or aviary behavior.

There is no ball I need to be prepared for.

Why are they making me a suit? Gabriel send help.

Jun. 18th, 2013




I'm seriously gonna punch Sjin and Lalna if I everever meet them in real life.

I mean, sure, the explosion dropped me right next to Rythian, but.. my mushrooms. D: I spent literally all of two seconds cultivating those guys! And I somehow still have Barry, what

At least I have company. Company's good. Especially since he puts up with my stupid jokes.

Jun. 6th, 2013




Anyone ever dream that they are something that's not human? Like a mythological creature? I had a really awesome dream and my boyfriend and my brother, Klaus, were involved, but it got really weird when I turned out not to be exactly human.... At least I know I could rock a flapper dress if I wanted to.

[Private to Stefan]
We need to talk about my dream. It was really weird. And Klaus was not....very nice.

Jun. 4th, 2013




So guess I should say Hi and introduce myself. Social networking and all that.

I'm Billy and I've just moved to California to try and get my dream job. So if anybody knows of a film or television company who are looking for people please let me know. Absolutely willing to do anything - I make great coffee :) Gotta work hard to achieve your dream right?

Anyway it's great to be here and I hope to get to know some of you in real life too

Jun. 2nd, 2013



Saw this and got a bit of a laugh out of it. Thought I'd share the wealth.

May. 30th, 2013




Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
But I say neither of those people have watched
the video for Prancercise. )

Oh, yes. Prancercise will suffice.

May. 29th, 2013



What the FUCK?

TW: for news of a minor disney explosion and Gabe extrapolation )

May. 25th, 2013








Heey Valarnet?

Got your TOWEL?

We are going on an ADVENTURE perfect for all the hoopy froods and froodettes out there. And we might turn into penguins, but we'll very well have tea.

Who's in?




This is the best day of my rotten life. I found this in a bin.

May. 24th, 2013




I find it kind of hilarious that McDonalds keeps trying to make their food more healthy. I mean, an egg white McMuffin? I don't think many people who are concerned about healthy eating actually go to McDonalds, do they? I mean, kudos to them for trying and all, it just amuses me a bit.

In other news, I have somehow managed to get a full weekend off. Actually, I think the exact words were don't come near the station again until Tuesday morning. Which means I have a few days chock full of spare time. I suppose I'll have to find something to do with myself, then.

May. 18th, 2013



I've just had the strangest dream last night.

I dreamed I was an angel. Not just any angel, but a guardian at the gates of Eden. I was there when poor Adam and Eve were forced out, as a matter of fact. I gave them my flaming sword so they could protect themselves and make a fire and whatnot.

Of course, God did ask about that. Where my sword had gone, I mean. I said, "I had it just a moment ago, I must have put it down somewhere. Forget my own head next."

I lied to God. To God! I suppose it was for a good cause and all, really. Surely He'd see that?

Anyway, it was all very strange indeed. And a bit like my husband's dream, about him being the serpent in Eden, come to think of it. But from the opposite end.

Arthur Fell-Crowley

May. 15th, 2013



Once again I find myself in need of a place to stay... At least for a little bit. I don't normally beg like this, but. Circumstances as they are...

Who'd be willing to help a girl out, hm? Nevermind this little room mate curse I seem to have. Maybe I should just pay for my own place...

May. 13th, 2013




I can announce it here now, since it'll be online within hours after we just got out of the meeting, so, here goes my little announcement as to the fate of Boardwalk . Any of the fans out here will be relieved to know that we've been picked up for a second season, and will be adding new plots, a new main cast member and so much more. Our shocking finale is airing on Thursday night and you definitely wanna be there to see what's coming. Holly Go-Heavily has gotten herself into a bit of a jam and it's up to Myrtle, Mr. Wendell and Emilia to help her through. The results of their attempts will have some interesting repercussions.

To celebrate our successful premiere season, we were presented with this outside the meeting:

click me )

That's actually cake, yeah. And I've actually got to get to work!




A series of pictures gets uploaded to Wade's wall on accident. They include:

Pinkie Pie playing X-box
Pinkie Pie singing
Wade pulling the sheets off of Pinkie in bed
Wade and a Monkey playing chess
Wade losing to the monkey
Wade and the monkey lugging a torpedo
Wade running away from Monkey standing on the torpedo
Torpedo exploding
Up close to an Oliphaunt
Wade on top of the Oliphaunt
Wade shooting orcs from the Oliphaunt.
Wade on the Oliphaunt at Taco Bell
Wade and the Oliphaunt in front of Disney Land
Wade and the Oliphaunt at the ocean
Wade mooning the camera.
Wade and the Oliphaunt on the road.
Wade and the Oliphaunt in front of Reno's 'biggest little city' sign.
Wade and the Oliphaunt at a wedding chapel.
Wade and the Oliphaunt at Lake Tahoe
Wade and the Oliphaunt confronting some Gangsters
Wade loading the Oliphaunt up with a large stockpile of weapons.
Wade and the Oliphaunt on the Road again.
Wade and the Oliphaunt approaching Los Angels
Wade and the Oliphaunt getting pulled over
Wade getting beat up by LAPD
Wade strapping rocket launchers to the Oliphaunt's tusks.
Wade and the Oliphaunt charging into Easterlings, rocket launchers firing.

May. 2nd, 2013



As the dreams persist, I am seeking meaning. Understanding.


There is no rhyme to the plan, yet I follow it.

I was Father's soldier. But what else might I have been if I was not?

Apr. 23rd, 2013




As a Christian woman sometimes it is hard for me to understand why God does the things he does to us down here on Earth. Why are there plagues? Famine? Fighting? Death? Why do God's people treat each other so horribly? Sometimes even in his name?

And then I remind myself that God gave us free will so we would have a choice to love him, so it would mean so much more. Without the bad there would be no good. The media likes to show us all of the things going wrong with the world, but there is also good out there. People helping each other just out of the goodness of their hearts. We have to remember that.

Apr. 22nd, 2013





I've got everything half off at Deku's Nursery today! Go cuddle a tree at the very least. (They like nuzzles too, promise.)




Hello everyone!

Lovely faces all over this network, brilliant thing really. Absolutely love socializing. Which obviously means you do too if you're on it, so that means you should come to my Gala!

Of course I still don't actually have it all planned out, apparently you need to save time at the museum in advance. A bit annoying really, they weren't exactly doing anything today and I already had plenty of stuff ready to go. Still, absolutely fantastic that they said I could! May 5th, Cinco de Mayo, will be the Gala! Day and night and all of that. Well I suppose exhibit is more accurate for the day time aspects...

WHATEVER. Night will have the ballroom open for dancing and music; required quite a bit of discussion, but I was apparently able to get my University President to agree to it.

OH RIGHT! Brilliant news, I'm in the running to be hired by Stanford and the University of Southern California, as a full time professor of their History programs. Already have lists of classes I'd like to teach, proposals of all varying sorts. Just not sure which University I should truly go to.

Each sound brilliant, but each are pretty permanent, not a fan of that; oh well, such is life! I'm sure I'll find plenty of time to travel in the mean time.

What was I babbling on about--oh right, the gala! It will be fun, remarkable fun! I assure you all that you'll want to be there, and if you don't; well, I'm sure your significant other will drag you anyway.

Apr. 21st, 2013



Free Candy at (Insert Gabe's Address)

Hey Valarnet.

Weirdest thing in the world just happened to me when I woke up and now I'm passing my windfall on to all of you.

You know the skittles rainbow? That just happened. In my living room.

And it doesn't seem to be ending any time soon. You want some candy? Come on over!




Girl you know it's true.

Ooh ooh ooh, I love you.

Other awful songs that you can't help but love? Go. Bonus if they're from the 80s and 90s.

Apr. 19th, 2013




The surrealistic nocturnal worlds presented in these dreams is apparently something that not even I am immune to, which is disappointing. I'd been hoping to get away unscathed.

What does, suck, though, is that apparently I dream in TV Tropes. There I am, the baddest demon in Hell, but one day, apparently I pull a Heel Face Turn and decide I'm sick of it. And I'm not even a demon who used to be human. I was made from a serial killer heart.

How the heck does that work?

Apr. 16th, 2013




So, from what I've gathered in my short time here, odd dreams are the norm, yes? Because I am fairly certain that I've had one, in which I dreamt I was a snake? And by "I dreamt I was a snake," I mean, of course, "I dreamt I was the snake that tempted Even in the Garden of Eden."

I haven't told Arthur yet. Likely he'll say something about it being blasphemous but I won't tell him he was there, either.

I mean. I dreamt some other things, too, but the important bit is I was most certainly a Former Angel Turned Demon/Talking Serpent. Which for all accounts and purposes is pretty bloody cool.

Mar. 26th, 2013



It's my first time all the way to the west coast, and I have to say, I like it a hell of a lot more than living in Las Vegas. Perhaps because it's close to the ocean and not in the middle of a desert. Plus, it gets darker out here than working on the Strip. It's a nice change. A guy could get used to it.

So what's there to do for fun around here? I'm sure that nothing beats the night life in Vegas, but how does the OC compare?

Unfortunately, I've been working night shifts for nearly ten years, so I'm afraid fun in the sun is quite out of the question. My daytimes are sacrosanct. Strictly nighttime offers only.

Mar. 25th, 2013



I don't understand.

Why do action figures rarely resemble the people they are intended to?

The Batman is not nearly that obese.

Mar. 22nd, 2013




I am bored! You people bore me!

No, I'm just bored all around.


Mar. 16th, 2013




Hey, you hear that playin'?

Yes, you hear that playin'?

Do you know who's playin'?

No, who is that playin'?

Well, it's Gabriel, Gabriel, playin' )

Mar. 8th, 2013




Holy SHIT is the rapture actually real? Because outside's kinda lending itself to that, I've had a disgusting headache all day and can barely see but when I do it's RED and holy FUCK the ground. I guess I should've figured So Cal's kinda damned but still.

Hoping there's a better explanation cause I'm not ready for Hell.




...That was one of the weirdest things I've ever experienced.

Mar. 6th, 2013



I'm having a geode, crystal, and lodestone sale at my shop, the Magick Shoppe out in Tustin! Please, come by and visit me, I'm bored as can be. Nothing ever happens in Orange County, I swear. So beautiful, so tedious.

Mar. 4th, 2013




Is it ever not creepy here lately?

I swear, I'm switching focus to documentary shooting at this rate. It'd be a whole lot less work. Weird viral ad campaign switched on into real life? I'm getting that surrealist horror survival vibe again.

Like, should I be picking up a crowbar on the way home or...

Feb. 27th, 2013




I was thinking of starting a Drunken Bastard club. Go to different bars every Wednesday, drink a lot, go home. Who wants in?

Feb. 21st, 2013





Yeah, I could get used to it.

So who is being fucked with, why, and who do I pay to start getting footage of the special effects for later usage.

Anybody else getting the urge to go and lick Stark Tower?

Feb. 18th, 2013



I wanted to call off work today as I think I got about an hour of sleep, but it's not really a good enough reason. Still. I think I got some of those dreams that people are talking about. The hell is in the water around here?

I dreamt that I was the Sif - like, from Norse mythology. Not uncommon, I figure, but it was SO real. So vivid that I looked around my room when I woke up and wondered why it wasn't snowing like in Jotunheim. Thor and Loki were my friends. I dreamed I had blonde hair, and Loki cut it off to make me and Thor fight, and I cried and cried.

Anybody have any leads on what's making these dreams all weird? Or any espresso they can bring me?

Feb. 14th, 2013




Dear Valarnet,

As Valentines Day draws to a close, the best day of the year is coming soon. In a few hours, I will be heading to the 24 hour superstore to wait for midnight when the sales begin. Would anyone like to join me, make it a friendly competition?

I'll do pick ups and everything.




There should be some sort of opposite Valentine's Day where we tell people we hate how much we hate them and give them awful gifts like sweaters. I could get behind that.


I have never understood the correlation of an early Christian martyr to the faith and romantic gestures.

But I approve of chocolate in large quantities.

Feb. 9th, 2013




...I had the strangest dream last night.

And there was a man. An amazing man. But he'd never love me like he loved her

Feb. 5th, 2013




So, uh, does anyone else have Norse dreams? Like, that they're ... in Norse mythology? It's kind of tripping me out.

Feb. 4th, 2013



As much as it pains me to actually ask this, and as perilously close as this brings me to actually completing a collegiate assignemt why I've been signing myself up for studio art classes I'll never know,

Would anyone be willing to sit for me so I can attempt some portrait sketches? Location, pose, and state of dress or undress is up to the client. You can keep it if you like it.

I would simply ask my friends and not bother the rest of you, but it would be better to practice on faces I'm not quite so intimately familiar with.

Any takers? I'm free practically any time.

Jan. 31st, 2013




Does anyone else have a different face in their dreams? Like they're the same person, but a completely different person at the same time?

Jan. 28th, 2013




I got fucked by a horse in my dream last night. A HORSE. And then I was pregnant with a horse. And had to BE a horse while it gestated. And then I...Oh my god and THEN...

...So then last night I dreamed about turning into a horse.

I fucking slept with a horse. And GAVE BIRTH TO A HORSE. It had eight legs, what the everloving FUCK?

...What the hell kind of drugs am I unknowingly on?

Jan. 27th, 2013




Okay, so. Valarnet.

Problem with this dream thing that just hit me. Happened to meet the woman of them in the one I had this morning. I mean tall, dark and hot for me. All hands, AND she didn't put up with any of my crap through this whole thing we had, and literally put me through the wall. ...After which point we consummated THAT.

The dream thing brought me this goddess, then it decided it was gonna take her away from me when I had to wake up. Completely, patently unfair or what? Kelly? Callie? Damn, I hope I'm going to see you again.

Jan. 22nd, 2013




I think part of my problem accepting stuff like death is my degenerate, bohemian lifestyle. I'm not saying I'm going to entirly QUIT with that because it's fun and everything but I AM thinking about potentially changing it, at least a little. To the point where I don't get freaked out by emotions because I'm too numb to deal with them most of the time, and they get overwhelming whenever I'm not stoned or drunk anyway.

So without getting too ahead of myself here, cause c'mon it's me, we all know I'd fail miserably if I did, I think I should get a pet to learn responsibility. Recommendations? Dogs are out because I'm not around enough for that, even if the idea of taking my little purse dog to the set and letting it run wild, then giving it cameos is fucking hilarious.

I'm also someone interested in more exotic animals than not, but I don't really see snakes working out for me. Just not my kind of thing, I guess, plus fiddling with all the heat they need? Not something I"m real confident in.

So basically a pet that can kinda hang out on its own without being too miserable, that I'm not gonna mess up if I change the temperature in the house or anything is what I think I'm going for. Ideas?