
Posts Tagged: 'gabriel'

Jan. 19th, 2013




Well, I've gotta say I'm glad that's over. The plague thing hit the studio hard, I've gotta say. There are a couple faces I'm not going to be seeing again when I head into the cafeteria on the backlot. One of my writing team, but mostly people that I know from hanging around the industry long enough.

It's...tough, it really is. I haven't felt like doing much outside of burying myself in second season plots we'd all discussed since I don't deal real well with death at the best of times, and that was...kind of the worst I've really dealt with. I know, I'm a big boy, put on the shorts and deal with it, whatever, but really? I don't WANT to be the one who deals with it.

Tell you the truth, I tend to run away from problems, tried to run away from this thing and I managed not to get it myself, but I feel kind of guilty about the fact I did it now. I mean, sure, self interest but still. I could've, I don't know, sent flowers or some crap, I don't know, death's not really my area.

Hell, does anybody want for that to be their area?

We'll probably be back to read throughs at some point this week and it's just going to be really, really strange. I don't actually do the whole emotion thing, but I'm kinda close right now or something?

This is weird. I'm sorry.

Jan. 18th, 2013




Priceless camera traded for a shitty laptop. Check. Job apps are out and now the waiting begins. Unless someone here wants to offer me a job that doesn't involved nudity, rape or selling my internal organs.

Hello Valarnet. I'm Abby.

Dec. 28th, 2012




So, Christmas was spent with me in a sexy santa costume having an orgy with several lovelies dressed as elves and reindeer. Sorry, but you just can't find a way to make Mrs. Claus all that sexy. Believe me, we tried that LAST Christmas and it just didn't happen.

So there's that. I'm pretty sure Sister Pauline and everyone else from school is probably either spinning in their graves, pretending they don't know me and hiding in shame, or denouncing me in front of their current crops of students. But it was so completely worth it.

So. Tony Stark's New Year's Eve thing. Am I required to wear a helmet and bring some kind of weapon to those now?

Dec. 14th, 2012




Dear Valarnet,

Having a really really hard time deciding which card to hand out at the Boardwalk holiday party this weekend. Which is just like any holiday party ever, except we're not even pretending no one's going to copy their ass and fax it to the network execs if our premiere party was any indication at ALL of that.

So anyway. You get to vote on a couple of different designs, or should I use them all?

Under the cut cause your boss might get bent out of shape at you looking at sexy pinups at work:

options (Ooc: This...could be disturbing and horrifying and involves thongs and not much else. I'm gonna rate the images at an R) )

Vote by comment, people?

Dec. 3rd, 2012





Favorite Christmas Song?

I'm compiling a collection for my ipod to play at work. I'm sick of Bing Crosby and Peggy Lee. How about some more modern songs? It's like the last fifty years of Christmas Music didn't exist to some radio stations. What's up with that?

Dec. 1st, 2012



Huh. Fancy that. Didn't even notice I had one of these things on this blasted phone Stark lobbed at all us months back.

Name's Crowley. Pleased to meet you, I'm very sure.

Nov. 29th, 2012



Question, internet citizens: what is the best type of pie?

Nov. 26th, 2012




owwww I think I broke my ass

For the record, it's ridiculously difficult to ice your bottom.

Nov. 20th, 2012




Anyone else dreaming about a crazy, space whale that refuses to eat children?

Yeah, you don't realize how bad space whale vomit smells until you get a little dunk in it.

Nov. 9th, 2012



So Valarnet

November 1st, I woke up with a whip clenched in my hand, wearing nothing but a fedora, next to a huge rock in the park. You know, I only wish the circumstances were as fun as that suggests. Indy didn't even get one of the cute students while I was busy being him, much less the hot Nazi.
And here I'd thought that was really gonna be worth it. Was it the height? It could've been the height, the public display? Something else? I really don't have any kind of memory of what I id that night other than the vaguely chasing and being chased by stuff.

And I might've stolen an idol from props storage, slashing the whip at an unfortunate assistant in there while I was at it. And this all sounds a whole lot more porn set up exciting than it actually was. Long story short? I've been laying low since all of that went down, since I don't really want to TALK about it.

Even if it did give me some great ideas for our next season opener.

Also, I found this awesome...thing while fooling around online:


It's actually safe, I swear. A delicious cake is the star. There's also crossdressing, drama, and just the right balance of crack and drama to make things stick out. Highly, HIGHLY recommended stuff here.




Victoria! I have done it! Today is truly a day for celebration!

Oct. 27th, 2012



Buzz Lightyear to mission log: All signs point to this planet as location of Zurg's fortress, but there seems to be no signs of intelligent life anywhere...

Oct. 23rd, 2012





Anybody want to start a gaming group with me? D&D is preferable, and I'll do 3.0 or below (CURSE YOU 3.5 YOU SUCK). I guueeeess I could be persuaded to play WoD, but I'd rather not because it's silly. BYOD!

Let me know here! I'm so excited, I still have my DMG and all of my sourcebooks and eee!

Oct. 21st, 2012




The lack of Rita publication regarding me means I've got a lot of Hell to raise. Luckily? Best time of the year for THAT. First thing's first though, Halloween. I'm thinking Indiana Jones.

Oct. 20th, 2012




When you grow up Catholic, there are a lot of statues around.

So you go to Catholic School and all school is boring... but sometimes you think: Hey, if that statue over there started to move, it would make my day a heck of a lot more interesting.

You get into a staring contest with a statue -- and of course you lose, because Hey! It's a statue! You're gonna lose the starting contest, mate! But you dare the statue to move or do something creepy...

...I really regret making those dares now. Cos... my house is filled with little statues. FILLED WITH THEM!




Valarnet. Vaaallaarrnet. Good place for online promotion and viral marketing or just a spot to grab cheap porn? Either way, I'm there. Gabriel. I write and direct for TV and if you own a set, or look at Bilboards, you've probably heard of Boardwalk (8:00, Tuesdays) and the ongoing adventures of Holly Go-Heavily, Chloe Patterson, Matt Wentzel, Fabian The Poolboy, and all the others on the beach. Just when you thought it was safe to come OUT of the water.

Anyway. Here to promote the Hell out of this baby, and to say hi to the people I know who've ended up here. Hi Jimmy! I'm back in town after the promo tour, so we should do a thing. My people, your secretary? Let's give them each other's numbers and see what they can put together for us, huh?

Everybody else? Feel free to go ahead and hit me up.