
Posts Tagged: 'furiosa'

Jul. 13th, 2016




Honestly, I could have gone the rest of my life without seeing Ward's disgusting face again. For him to parrot Will like that was just too However, his dead body being host to a parasitic inhuman? There is some sort of poetry in that I suppose.

Jul. 12th, 2016




Sometimes I wonder what people are thinking when they try to mug someone. I suppose I look an easy target, poor thing.

Jul. 2nd, 2016




I think it's very safe to say that I'm going to stay inside over the weekend, or until all of this is done with. I'm glad I did my grocery shopping earlier last week, otherwise the pantry would be very bare. Everyone be safe out there, especially those of you that are fighting, and good luck.

[Private to Capable, Furiosa and Max]

Are you all alright?

Jun. 25th, 2016




I am home, which is nice. I missed my little cabin in the woods. I missed my companions. I think I might be done with the long trips for some time.

Jun. 17th, 2016




Anyone know some places with good beaches, that aren't too crowded. Or would I have to find something like a private beach house.

May. 25th, 2016




I've got degrees in eco-friendly energy, anyone hiring?

Apr. 13th, 2016




There is seriously nothing as fun as dressing up in war paint. Sometimes? Sometimes as a stunt person we get to be an extra, too.

Apr. 6th, 2016




Apparently it is the 120th anniversary of the First Modern Olympic Games today. It is interesting to see which events have been added or removed since then.

I like that Google tells you these facts each day.

Mar. 14th, 2016




Somebody told me about this network. I don't even remember who. But hi. I guess I'm supposed to say hello, and maybe this is a good way to meet people in the area?

Mar. 8th, 2016




So today is International Women's Day according to the radio. I'm not really sure what it means but it sounds good. Do women have to do anything special?

Mar. 4th, 2016




Do you ever wonder: 'What are whales doing right now?'

Jan. 31st, 2016




Glad the fog is all gone. Glad January is leaving, too. Ready for another month. This one's been a right bellend.




Valerian has begun teething this month. Last night I think was the worst night yet. He had a tummy ache on top of teething yesterday, so he cried for a good portion of the night. We finally managed to get to sleep, later than normal, but now he's in his walker slobbering all over the toys attached to it and his cold teething ring.

While he's doing that, I think I'm going to take some time to play the piano while things are calm here. Well, after I finish my cup of tea that I desperately need this morning.

Jan. 24th, 2016




Took an assignment to the eastern coast for a few days. I am home, now, However. The snow there was strangely pretty.

I had forgotten.

Cut for Length not Filtered )

Jan. 12th, 2016




Well the end of my dreams is bittersweet, we are free but I lost one new friend and another left us by choice. I wish things could have been different.

But at least in real life I have my friends and family.

Jan. 9th, 2016




Well I woke up to a bunch of masks in my room.

Happy Birthday to me.

Jan. 8th, 2016




These Dreams can seriously end now. I'm just getting repeats of the same stuff over and over--that I can tell, anyway. It's hard to figure out how much time has passed, or when they end and something else begins. I think I've started hallucinating, having conversations with myself.

I just want this part to be over. But I fear it may never be. What will that do to my sanity?

Dec. 26th, 2015




Spending Christmas without my wife was lame. They picked the worst time to send her on a business trip. I had to go brave the parents alone.

Dec. 15th, 2015




The only good thing about Christmas? Eggnog.

Oct. 27th, 2015



TW for talk of murder & suicide in comments.

Oh, good, I died in my dreams again. Maybe I'm trying to go through every method possible to see if one sticks.

Oct. 21st, 2015




Freedom is sometimes in the last place you'd expect to find it.

Sep. 22nd, 2015




Woke up in a puddle of my own blood. That's nice.

Sep. 19th, 2015




Good Morning everyone!

I think it might be time I hired another employee, someone who would be able to deliver larger items from my store to customers. The store has its own van, so you wouldn't need to use your own vehicle.

I'm not sure on the hours or what the pay would be just yet, but I'm curious if anyone here would be interested.

Sep. 18th, 2015




Whoa! Weird dreams?? I guess this is what people are talking about!

So in mine I'm in this desert? And I'm still sick but I get blood transfusions and stuff to help. Except the guy giving me blood they caught him wild in the desert? He's got a thing on his face because he's feral and dangerous.

And then!!! Then I can hear these drums which in the dream means I know we're going to ride out and fight! And my friend or someone (he kind of looked like one of my brothers?) told me that one of our leaders was rebelling and we had to go fight her!

So we grab the guy in the muzzle and take him with since I'm still getting my transfusion and head out to battle!


Sep. 15th, 2015




This is unbelievable. It's bad enough I have these stupid dreams, but to wake up with a freaking brand on the back of my neck like I'm some sort of cattle is just ridiculous.

Sep. 6th, 2015




So it's National Read A Book Day - I hope you all have something good to read.

If not you should come see us at Much Ado About Books - we can help you find something great.

Aug. 26th, 2015




Someone needs to tell my dreamself that driving across the salt wastes is a shitty, suicidal plan.

Aug. 25th, 2015




I don't understand why I still live here. This place has taken near everything from me, and apparently it aims to take my sanity next.

Last week was intolerable.

Aug. 8th, 2015




There are pumpkin spice Peeps, you guys.


Peeps are a seasonal food. They're Easter food. Nobody has ever said "you know what I think of when I think of Fall? Peeps!". EVER. And nobody's gonna. Yes, pumpkin spice is good, but real pumpkin spice is good. Pumpkin pie? Delicious. I'll even allow those Starbucks coffee thingers with pumpkin spice. But you know pumpkin spice Peeps will just taste like every other Peep BECAUSE THEY'RE JUST SUGAR MARSHMALLOWS.


Aug. 4th, 2015




Woke up this morning tasting dust in my mouth but this odd sense of... joy.

Took a shower and discovered the mark on my neck. A bitter reminder that sometimes you don't belong to yourself.




I definitely had some messed up dreams last night. Not as messed up as what some of you people talk about here, but. Messed up for me. I definitely stole burgled a company and I definitely went to prison for it. For three years. Three years for trying to help the little people.

Not gonna lie, it was sort of a big deal. Except for when I did this satellite interview with some blonde named Christine Everhart and I got tased. Unfairly tased. Is it weird I can still feel the shock?

Jul. 22nd, 2015




Well, I've got three new squirrel roommates. We're all sitting on beanbags, watching Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, crying. Also eating almond butter.

Give me ideas for names!




I am going to be eternally thankful once this little one decides to come into the world, which, it would be fantastic if he would. I've done so many tricks and tips to try and induce my labor, though if he's not here by next weekend I think my doctor will actually induce me.

Either way, I'm just ready for him to be here though you probably couldn't tell that by his nursery.

Jul. 21st, 2015




On a scale of one to not funny, finding the fucking rig parked in front of my apartment is definitely not funny. She drives pretty well though.

And my damned dream prosthetic was hanging off the door.

Jul. 14th, 2015




Dreams always bad. Wastelands as far as the eyes can see. Sun too bright to bear. Everyone dead or dying. Only myself standing alone in front of the empty world as the heat bakes the sand into my skin, hair, everything.

I am nothing more than the last man standing.

I am become a History Man.

Never dreamed of darkness unending. Never been in world where everything feels wrong for reasons got nothing to do with medications from doctors. Strange days. Alls need is to drive. Hit The Road. Been ordered to stay put. Cargo can't be lost due to crazed weather or a world gone mad as myself. Things more valuable than me. Do understand. Don't like it, but understand. Why this to come about now? Everything changing. Everything black. Storms upon storms yet none carrying sand. What happened to the sand? Red as blood and sharp as glass when it hits the skin. Hot. A world of fire and damnation yet this?

Nothing but blackness.

Even the lightning strikes black.

Is it a sign? Is it my sickness?

Or is it only all of us are damned?

This world is Hell and now we will know it?

Too many questions. No answers. Everything is wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrongwrongwro

Jul. 11th, 2015




I'm certain of two things when I dream. That I must have fifteen backup plans. And that each one will get fucked up within minutes.




SWEET! In my dreams I get to meet Galactus! He seems so awesome!

Jul. 7th, 2015




Hi! My name is Nux!

I work for Dean Winchester so you may have seen me mowing your lawn or working on your car! And then he mentioned this network thing so I decided to check it out?

Cars are kind of my thing, I guess. I love working on them and I love driving them! I want to try being an Uber driver but you have to have your own car and I don't I just borrow my brother's car when he's not using it so they won't let me :(

But maybe someday :)!

Jun. 24th, 2015




Solar stuff is working great. I've got the cats settled. The fridge is working. And so far my magic hasn't made things go boom. So I'll take it. It's been nice, listening to nature at night. I rather think this was the best choice ever. I know I keep saying it but I can't help it.

Jun. 11th, 2015




So this is the thing, is it? Tink's been on and on about it forever. This is the place to go to keep up with all the weirdness. Yes? Good, I can't wait to hear all about it.

Oh. I'm Nux. That's not my name, it's just what people call me, but it's practically my name. I work with Tink. Obviously.

Jun. 7th, 2015




I wonder what my dreams are trying to tell me with this post-apocalyptic wasteland boys club bullshit.




Social workers say I should be more social. Max. My name is Max.

May. 28th, 2015




I'm doing this voice to post so please excuse any mistakes.

I'm new here and have been told that the internet is a good way to meet people. So here I am. This is all pretty new to me so please be patient.

My name is Capability but most people call me Capable. It's good to meet you all.

May. 27th, 2015




Where's a good place to get really, really drunk.

May. 25th, 2015




Had the most vivid and disturbing dream this morning. Decided to take it easy today.

May. 20th, 2015




Someone tried to mug me on the way home from work. I emphasize tried, if only because they didn't succeed. I hope they have insurance, I'm pretty sure I broke their jaw.

May. 18th, 2015




There could be a thousand miles behind you, or a million (1.3, I counted), but the worst part about the road is when you come to the end of it. Not being behind the wheel of a big rig is still taking some getting used to. But it's nice not to be tethered to a trailer.

Strange, but nice.