
Posts Tagged: 'felix+dawkins'

Jan. 23rd, 2020




Who else has picked up talents their dreamselves have? Dream!Felix is an artist, but I've barely been able to draw stick figures until I started dreaming. I don't paint as much as I do in the dreams, but I've actually done a few of the paintings that I did do in the dreams, here. Considering I've never been very good, I have to say, these are pretty good. They're of Sarah, Cosima and Alison.

Paintings - Cut for Size )

Not really sure what I'm going to do with them. Maybe I'll send Sarah and Cosima's to them.

Jan. 10th, 2020



blocked to non-punctured witcher folks

Ever watch a television show and experience a gay awakening? I mean I already had that but I had another one watching The Witcher I'm pretty sure.

Dec. 13th, 2019




I was just saw an article about some kind of new fish that looks like a bloody penis! If I hadn't read the headline, I would have thought it was a penis. And of course they're washing up on a beach here in California. Did anyone else see this? I'm deliberately not including the article, because I know that everyone will be curious enough to google it themselves.

Dec. 12th, 2019




Opening night is next Saturday, and I am so pumped for it! I've given out my free tickets already, but if you'd like to come see me as Ella Woods, I'd love to see all of you there. You can get them from the Chapman University website, or at the Uni itself. The show starts 8 pm!

Nov. 29th, 2019




Glad today is almost over. Almost had to gut someone at the store.

Nov. 25th, 2019




Is there a circus show in the area?

I think it’d be fun to partake in it and learn some new skills. I feel like I could draw a crowd with my gravity powers...and good looks

This new venture may or may not have been spurred on by watching “The Greatest Showman.” Also, never really found Zac Efron appealing until now...




So, I came across this and I must have it. Because it looks almost exactly like my coat from my Dreams. Except it's a sweater and not heavy leather. Yes, I must have this sweater.

[OOC: Pretend the second image is a selfie Evie took.]

Nov. 14th, 2019




I'm supposed to be working on a project for my class, and the house since that is my project, but instead I've stolen my sister's computer and spent the day redecorating her sims houses. Maybe i can screenshot them and turn them in for credit...

Oct. 22nd, 2019




I really can't think of a better way to celebrate my birthday this year than starting rehearsing the part of Elle Woods! I am still in disbelief I got the lead role, and rehearsals today were absolutely amazing. I'm exhausted in the absolute best of ways!

Oct. 19th, 2019




Can someone explain why I watch things like Forensic Files in the middle of the night when my boyfriend is asleep? I could put on anything else that's not going to make me bloody paranoid, but no, instead I put on the show about murders. What is wrong with me?

Sep. 30th, 2019




My dad thought he was being sneaky on not ruining a surprise birthday party for me by telling me he's picking me up first thing in the morning tomorrow. Like no, dad, I see through you. I know what you're planning. Guess I'll just have to pretend to be surprised tomorrow.

Sep. 18th, 2019




I was very proud of the fact that until now I had not actually heard that bloody Baby Shark song, but today that all changed. I had a meeting with a client for their kid's first birthday and the meeting was at their house, which is fine, but they must have played that bloody song for the kid at least a dozen times. And now it's been popping up in my head ever since. No matter what else I listen to, it just pops up when I least expect it. I think I need a few drinks.

Sep. 16th, 2019




Lets talk about the undergarments of the 1800's.

Slimming as ever, but hurt like a hell.

No wonder woman broke ribs, fainted, or their body changed to adjust.

Sep. 1st, 2019




I joked when I came out to my parents, give it a few months and I'll be asked why I don't have a boyfriend OR girlfriend. Because Mom's a housewife and I'm her biggest hobby.

Guess who just got asked "Have you met any cute boys or cute girls yet this year?" You get three guesses, and the first two don't count. She even suggest I cook for them... and do what? Impress them by being the first person to blow up a stove by trying to boil water? I don't have TIME to date. I've got a job, I'm doing a double major, I've got tryouts for the next musical our uni does before long... What free time do I have for anyone? No matter how cute? I mean if someone cute falls into my lap, they fall into my lap. But I've got stuff to accomplish and that's kind of more important right now? Until then, my free time is devoted to practicing, sports, and trying to play through my Steam library.

Aug. 28th, 2019




I'm not gonna lie, I'm completely bloody obsessed with Taylor Swift's You Need to Calm Down. I'm fairly certain I'm annoying the others at my office because whenever it comes on I insist that someone turns it up. I've never really been the biggest Taylor Swift fan, in the past, but recently I've liked most of the songs she's released.

Aug. 25th, 2019




Next time I get into my head that I want to write a research proposal, someone shoot me in the face.

Also, I woke up with a notebook full of spells beside my bed this morning. Add to that my new tattoo and I'm generally not all that pleased with the world today.

Aug. 19th, 2019




Guess who won a bid on a bakery!

No name yet, no workers yet, I plan on fixing that soon.

But I WON!

I feel like I've leveled up adult wise to level 30!

I own a bakery.


Aug. 18th, 2019




Apparently, I'm a person of interest in my dreams. A group of teens kidnapped me...and then another group tried to stop them...but they kinda failed. Oh and I have powers in my dreams. I can manipulate metals, or something like that. Although, nothing cool like that happened after I woke up.

Jul. 25th, 2019




It bloody figures that right after Cosima leaves, in the waking world, she goes off in the dreams to find her cure. And then Sarah goes off to find Cosima and of course it all has to do with Rachel. We're trusting that Rachel won't double cross us, which is not the smartest plan we've had, but we have no choice. I hate it when we have no choice.

And then Adele is asking questions that I can't answer if I want to keep her safe, but it's difficult when she's now met Sarah, Alison and Helena and even I know that telling her that they're triplets is bloody mad considering they all have different accents, but what else am I supposed to do? And then Krystal shows up again and when we tell her she's a clone she doesn't believe us even with Sarah standing right there!

I honestly don't know how dream!me handles all of this without cracking. Oh yes, I know how, he drinks and self medicates.

Jun. 30th, 2019




It seems as though people are already starting to celebrate the 4th of July. I just had to kick someone out of the bar after cutting them off because they were singing the national anthem. And they were singing as well as you'd expect a drunk to sing. I'm also fairly certain the lyrics he was trying to sing were nothing close to what the actual words to the national anthem are.

Jun. 28th, 2019




Seems like my Dream self dyed her hair blue finally. Makes me think I should go back to blue hair myself. I kind of miss it. My Dream self also finally got her tattoo, the same one I have. I guess the up side to having Dreams that are almost the exact same as my life here is I can anticipate what's coming.

Jun. 24th, 2019




In the spirit of Pride, I'm bi. I think. Or gay. One of the two, of which I'm not sure yet but I've never said the words. To myself or anyone else, so I mean. That's who I am. At least a part of.

Jun. 3rd, 2019




If I ever suggest using probability magic someone please slap some sense into me because clearly I’ll have lost my mind after seeing how effective it is in my Dreams. I never want to dream my death ever again. Especially not over and over showing what’s going to happen if we follow this path over that one. But we don’t find a way that didn’t lead to us all dying - going to Fillory and killing the Beast. But in order to do it we have to learn battle magic and since it’s not taught at Brakebills and there are no books on it in the library, we resort to the spells that the hedge witches use. Which is even more dangerous than regular battle magic would be. What could possibly go wrong with that?

In order to master it we have to get rid of our emotions because they could distract us and we put them in these bottles to store until after we’re done, which drinking them is quite possibly the best high I’ve ever had here or there and it led to me sleeping with Margo and Quentin Q another one of our friends whose girlfriend was not at all happy the next morning at finding the three of us in bed together.

When I woke up the bottle I used was on the bed between me and Felix. I'm pretty sure I want to hold onto this particular gift even less than I did the books.

May. 31st, 2019




Oi! People need to quit yelling at each other outside my apartment! I understand that it's Friday, I'm just as happy about that, but that doesn't mean you have to be so bloody obnoxious. I think I'm going to go have a drink maybe then I won't be so judgmental.




A new species of dinosaur was discovered in China, and there's evidence that it had bat-like wings. Which is actually pretty cool, and another link in the evolution of dinosaurs into birds.

May. 21st, 2019




I went to two different bloody Starbucks today and both were sold out of the Mango Dragonfruit Refresher. Clearly they hadn't realized just how popular this drink was going to be this year. I had no problems last summer, but this is the third time this has happened in the last week. Other people need to stop ordering my drink.

May. 10th, 2019




So I read an article earlier today that definitely falls into the "Mother Nature is stranger than fiction" category. AKA an extinct bird came back from the dead. Basically, this species of bird went extinct when the sea level rose over 100,000 years ago, but it re-evolved after the sea level fell and now lives on the same island it had lived on before it went extinct.

This isn't an anomaly, such things have happened before where a species has gone extinct only for it to re-evolve again from the same ancestor. The process is called iterative evolution, and this is just one other area of my line of work that endlessly fascinates me. I mean, what are the odds of a species going extinct, only to later on re-evolve from the same ancestor? It's kind of mind-blowing to think about how evolution can take the same exact steps, or relatively the same steps and come to the same result.




Oh for Christ's sake people learn to read contracts before you sign them. Read not skim. I did not go to the trouble of filling the thing out WITH YOU to make sure everything you wanted for your event was in there and telling you four times that the deposit was nonrefundable and that I needed 72 hours notice for a cancellation. 72. Not 24. Not 36. 72. Minimum. Because I have to contact everyone that I hired and signed contracts with for your event and cancel them.

And I paid those deposits out of the deposit you gave me. Also even with you cancelling? I've put in a number of hours organizing this that I could have spent on other clients. Clients that didn't call on a Friday night to cancel their Saturday party. At 9 on Friday night actually. As I'm getting ready to go out myself. So thanks for being an inconsiderate asshole and ruining my night by not following the contract and calling earlier.

And even after I reminded you of the contract you signed and emailed it to you again so that you could read it over again and see I wasn't, as you put it, "bullshitting to keep the money", you still want a refund of your deposit in full? No. I don't work for free any more than you do. Go ahead and have your lawyers contact me. I'll show them the contract that you signed with me stating that you understood my policies.

I took the flask back. I have a feeling I'm going to need it the next few days.

Next buy's on me darling. I needed it after that call.

I'll leave their papers in your desk just in case their lawyers do show up so you can give them a paper copy. If they call - just send it on over to my phone. This is one customer you don't need to protect from me with their idiocy. They've more than earned anything I say to them.

Apr. 23rd, 2019




While I am loathe to share my wife with the rest of the world, I do look forward to celebrating our marriage amongst friends.

That is if the reception even happens. I think my dear wife has scared almost everyone involved with the preparations off with the amount of times she has changed her mind about trivial things. I never thought there could be so much indecision over linens and especially since both options look white to me. But whatever my wife wants, she shall have.




You know anyone who says the customer is always right has never met a bloody customer. On the whole, customers are a demographic of the population that are statistically more likely to be wrong than any other. And sometimes when they're not trying to do returns that are out of policy they're just arseholes.

What kind of jerk leaves a bad review on the internet because I didn't want to take his number and let him take me out on a date when he's done nothing but mouth breathe and stare at me creepily for a week as he hovered by the checkout? He's lucky I didn't punch him in the throat.

Apr. 9th, 2019




Now that I have an assistant it was only a matter of time before I got an actual office space for my business. I already miss the days of just bothering Margo at her job while I was dealing with my clients on the phone.

Apr. 8th, 2019




Just in case anyone didn't know, today was Rex Manning Day.

Mar. 31st, 2019




I don't know which one, but one of our bloody neighbors is always banging something. They can't be hanging things on the wall, because it's multiple times a day. It's becoming extremely fucking obnoxious especially when it's happening at two in the blood morning.

Mar. 22nd, 2019




I'm glad there's no more major holidays until the summer. Now we just have to deal with usual weddings and celebrity parties. Luckily we don't have anything too heavy right now. No bloody bridezillas or almost impossible requests. I know it won't last long, but I'm going to enjoy it for the time being.

Mar. 11th, 2019




Well… it’s always fun to find out that everyone thinks there’s something wrong with me in my Dreams. A glass broke out of nowhere while Margo and I were sitting in the common room of the Cottage, so of course everyone starts worrying, and they have to bring the Professor to look at me. She gives me a clean bill of health but in a surprising twist - she thinks something is going on with Margo’s life force being drained because a wine glass shatters when set next to her. They want to know if she’s been involved in any sort of unprotected rituals lately, and it seems that she has.

I’m stoned out of my mind but decide to go with her, anyway, to talk to the guy she suspects. When we get there we find that he’s made a golem of her, a Margolem. Who honestly is a lot of fun to do drugs with in the Dreams. Margo says she wants to destroy her, so we take her back to Brakebills with us and I end up kissing the Margolem, and that’s when I find out that she changed her mind about destroying it because Margo walks in the room. I think the Professor is wrong about me though - there’s something wrong with me.

[Private to Margo]
How you doing Bambi?

[Private to Felix]
Promise me if I start acting really not like myself you’ll find a solution, a way to fix me and whatever’s broken.

Feb. 21st, 2019




Second time this month I've had someone throw a brick through my window. I'm not sure why people think that'd scare me. It just pisses me off that I have to keep replacing my window.

Feb. 7th, 2019




I just found the Best. T-shirt. Ever. I mean, look at it! Oregon Trail meets Jurassic Park. It doesn't get much better than that! So of course I ordered myself one because it's only available today. Now I want to play Oregon Trail and figure out how to get velociraptors into it...




This is bloody hilarious! There's one or two assholes from my misspent youth I wouldn't mind naming a cockroach after.

Jan. 29th, 2019




Apparently Eliot and I are the worst when it comes to relationships because neither of us can think of anything to do for Valentine's Day. We've been talking about going somewhere, but can't decide on a place at such short notice. Any suggestions would be really bloody helpful. One thing we don't want is snow. That's the one thing we can agree on.

Jan. 28th, 2019




RENT Live was every bit as amazing as I hoped it would be. I'm not crying, I swear. My eyes are just leaking.

Jan. 2nd, 2019




I’m going to give myself the next two months off. With the exception of a couple days in England with Margo and my boyfriend to visit his family for Christmas, I’ve been working non-stop since Halloween and I deserve a break so that I don’t go completely insane. Plus Gerald would probably like not being alone all day for a while. At least having someone to help him stay warm during the day.

I have every intention of taking advantage of my vacation to spoil you when you’re home to make up for all the crap lately that’s kept me too busy and distracted to do it right. And it just occurred to me...I’ve scheduled my vacation to cover Valentines Day. Imagine that. Completely by accident.

Any chance you’ll be ready to start March 1st? Answer emails for me and help get supplies when I need you too? I’m finding myself more and more in need of someone keeping me from telling these entitled shits how ridiculous they’re being in their last second demands. Or at least help me not say that so bluntly. I do still love my job and as annoying as the clients are at times I do need their money.

Dec. 6th, 2018




Now I'm not saying that I relied solely on Tumblr for my porn, but it was definitely convenient.

Nov. 29th, 2018




Okay, middle of the night question time! What are the strange or random things that you look up on Youtube? For me, I like watching urban explorer videos. Especially when it's about abandoned malls or amusement parks. It's always so fascinating to see what these places become. It's also always interesting to see the complete lack of originality in the graffiti that is always covering these places. Can't people be a little more creative than bloody pot leafs or penises?

Nov. 15th, 2018




I didn’t post about the last dream I had because it was just too painful in some ways. I had to kill the guy I was dating there, the one person I’d shared my past with other than Margo, that I was willing to let that close to me in that school, in order to protect Quentin. I’ve killed twice in my dreams and both times it was so...easy in the moment I’m only mentioning it now because it plays directly into my actions in the one I had last night. Quentin is still looking for a way to get into Fillory, that country that he’s obsessed with even though it’s where the Beast is from, the same Beast that’s trying to kill us all because the solution has to be there if I’m understanding his thought process right.

I got off topic, he’s convinced that there’s a button or something that can be used at the authors house in England, and I overhear them talking about buying plane tickets there to explore it but I offer up an alternative. Apparently Margo and I made a portal to our favorite pub in England to make it easier to go there for a drink and I offer it up to them since I’ll be going with them since I’m bored. Or at least that’s the excuse I give them. We go on a tour of the house in England and when we don’t find anything break in at night to search more, and as we find out later on when the guide from earlier shows up - we trip the alarms. He wants us to get out and I - seriously on a roll here with using my powers - threaten to use magic on him to get him to tell us what we need to know about Plover, which is how we find out there were rumors about him using magic, missing children, and his sister not wanting anyone to find out. And before he can tell us anything else the lights go out, and when they come back up - his throat’s been slashed. And that’s when the four of us get split up.

We get drugged and kidnapped by a ghost and when we finally break free and outside it’s time for catch up with one another on what we found out.And after all that, going to get the button from a corpse and back to Brakebills. All I know is - I’m never going on a trip with Quentin again if I’m going to be tied up by a nasty ghost and drugged against my will.

How would you feel about recreating that door here? Or trying to at least.




Still feeling a bit jet lagged...

But I will admit that the view from my new apartment is pretty nice: Photo

Hopefully, I can get into a regular sleep schedule, soon enough.

Oct. 29th, 2018




I just had to make a comment about waiting for my phone to start texting people didn't I? If you get any messages from me - it could have just been my phone going psychotic. Unless it made you laugh - then believe it was me.

Oct. 28th, 2018




I walked into an elevator and I thought I heard laughter.

And now I'm stuck in the elevator.

And it's making 'yum' sounds.

I could break out easily but I don't want to damage someone's property.

Oct. 20th, 2018




Why do people who have money think that they can have whatever they bloody want at their parties? A client I'm working with right now requested to have netting put over their backyard, where the party is being held, and have real bats flying around. I told them that I didn't think that was possible and they got upset. Honestly, I'm a party planner; I don't work miracles.

Oct. 19th, 2018




Okay but seriously, is there some sort of time frame on when the whole "Dream thing" you guys go on about is supposed to start? Because I'm now starting to think this is some colossal joke. Like the ultimate hidden camera kind of thing.

Oct. 12th, 2018




Tailed a supposedly 'blind' man the other day ... as he drove all over town. Looks my client won't be getting sued for making said man blind.

But really, how stupid can you be?