
Posts Tagged: 'eleventh+doctor'

Jul. 19th, 2013




Trying to figure out this 401k crap hurts my brain.




It would appear my father seems to think I'm lacking in certain aspects of my life. He sent me out a book that I started reading earlier today, but, and this might say how keen I am on it, I left it an acquaintance's home and won't be able to retrieve it until Tuesday.

The book is "Proof of Heaven." I won't bore you with details, if you're interested, you can Google it.

I'm afraid my dad isn't very subtle when he's trying to hint at things.




Have I mentioned lately how much I love my job? I love my job, I love my life... Best boyfriend ever, did I mention? Except that he talks about me being naked online.

Okay, so I talk about me being naked online, too.

I'm like the anti-blogger. Since everything's good right now.

Oh, Shit. Did I just jinx myself? Where's some wood? Throw salt over my shoulder?

Debating not going back to school in the fall. Don't tell my folks. Draco, don't read that.

Jul. 17th, 2013




Good bit of news then. More this week in science type bits, though it's a bit weird on timing due to recent events, but no matter. It's still brilliant!

A decapitated planarian worm has been discovered that it can regrow its entire head, including its own memories! Isn't that brilliant? Could lead to a break through in solving memory issues. Wouldn't that be nice really, to be able to just... 'come back'? Perhaps a bit different, but keep all those memories?

And the first artificial heart was declared ready for human trials, and the scientists watched the largest known star's birth in the Milky Way! Fantastic really.

Oh and gene therapy was used to cure two rare diseases... which means gene therapy could quite truly be the next miracle treatment.

Also, not science but history, today marks Disneyland's 58th birthday, as it opened on July 17th in 1955. Big day for this area I suppose...

What's more, I just got my new toothbrush from ancient Babylon. Made from bristling the ends of a twig; also, Ancient Egyptian toothpaste. Made from Ox Hooves' ashes and burnt eggshells!

Jul. 8th, 2013




If I have learned one thing this week, it's that faith's really, really hard to hang onto and maintain. It's worth it, but it can be hard when you feel like everything is falling apart and you have almost nothing to cling to, and barely know where you are at any point in time. I spent some time in mental 1830's land while still being here, and I've got to say that made the whole thing scarier and even let a few things slip while I was in between myself and other me and I might have mentioned something I didn't mean to tell people about me because I was freaking out about everything but... the thing is...

Hanging on to that faith, or having other people, like Jehan and Enjolras, and Arya and Alyssa, and Judy and everybody else who I was told had asked about me or was praying for me helping to give ME faith when I needed it most, and the miracle of Gavroche waking up again...

It makes hanging on to that faith, or finding it again, that much better, and that much easier to work with in the end.

Thank you all for the support and love, and...good luck against the zombies? I have stitches in my lip and I"m not equipped to handle those guys with an epee so I'll leave the fighting to those of you who CAN do it, but if you need anything like food runs, etc, or a couch to crash on, I'm pretty sure I can at least provide you that. And prayers that they're gone soon.

I love this network and how willing you are to support all of us. It really feels like it's another family. Thanks everybody.

Jul. 7th, 2013




Forty just doesn't seem as devastating when it happens during an alien-zombie invasion. So there's that, anyway.




Going out to do something incredibly reckless and dangerous. And stupid of course.

Don't worry, I've got my taser. There's things out there to kick in the face, right? Zombies? Maybe I'll bring a shovel too.


Wow, I guess my family picked a really good time to want to do the whole bonding thing. Um, I really hope everyone back home is staying safe. Especially my friends.

Uh, Dana? Hope you, Katie and your mom are all doing okay. Keep me updated, alright?

That goes for you too, Jules. And Holden. I want to know everyone's alright. And hey, let's say we all go on a camping trip when I get back? That could be fun. And a way to forget about all this crazy shit.


I've been advised that it's too dangerous for me to go home, so I'm stuck at my restaurant. However, Laguna Beach seems relatively calm. If you are near there and have no food at home, come to Arirang at [address]. For the next few days, it's on the house.




I don't know where the hell those things came from or what's going on with that mess in Vegas, but they're toast. I might not be that great with this wand yet, but I'm fantastic at blowing stuff up with it! Including those little monster things that are running around. All I can say is that they'd better not even try to destroy my house because I just finally finished moving in




My dad's been watching the news about what's happening out in Los Vegas. It's pretty insane stuff! Mom wants to lock us all up in the house so we don't run into any of those weird things, but so far she's not following through on it. On the plus side, it means I'm going to be getting all of my own archery gear! I've been taking lessons with Roy up at Talon Ridge and it's been awesome! I've still got lots of practice to do before I get better, but at least now I'm hitting the target most of the time.

To all my friends:
I know we're all scattered around because of summer vacation, but stay safe. Okay guys? California's a lots more crazy than I expected!




Anyone really, really good with applied physics, synthetic beings and energy mechanics?




At least it wasn't my fault the wedding went up in flames this time? It's going to come out anyway so I might as well tell everyone that the dragons that attacked the cruiseliner last month were mine. They were just trying to protect me, but we've since had a very nice conversation and they understand a little better what they can and can not do. That being said I'll be riding Drogon to Vegas. Maybe we can help instead of hurt this time.




Days like this remind me of only the darkest of dreams. My name's Big Mac, or so everyone calls me.

If anyone ends up in Northern Irvine, or anywhere, really, and needs a place to go, come here. [Address] It's the Jackson family orchard, and it's defended, and safe, for the time being. You'll be welcome, with food and shelter to keep you until this madness is over.

Jul. 6th, 2013




Has anyone here ever had a four shot espresso? Had my first one today. Absolutely brilliant! Not sure the point of it really, although I do have an interesting tingling sensation in my fingertips.

Also I have respackled my wall, which i had no idea that I knew how to do. So there's that. Also, dusted my classroom today. A bit pointless I guess, there's a janitor doing all of that already of course.

Jun. 27th, 2013




So this week in science; well, I don't suppose it all happened this week. It's just mentioned this week, but whatever. There molecules inside of naked mole rats that make them immune to cancer... obviously a great chance for the human species to find a way to eradicate the disease.

A battery was printed on a 3D printer, it was powerful and no larger than a grain of sand.

Also, evidence of bacterial DNA in the human genome! Brilliant, or perhaps not.

Fifty years ago today, this isn't exactly science as much as it is history obviously, but still... JFK visits Berlin! Brilliant day it seems, wish I'd been there.

And in two days it will be the 100th anniversary of the second Balkan War! A war that pre-dated WWI, but yet help set it up, and therefore a war that, in all understanding, could have very minutely helped to set up the world we live in today.

Jun. 21st, 2013




So! Brilliant news! Scientists have designed a minute, but functional tractor beam. Pretty fantastic. What's more, the quadruple helix was found in human cells for the first time!

Also on this day, in 1788, the United States Constitution was ratified. Pretty big day really, for Americans at least. Really the whole world. Today it is the oldest written constitution in operation in the world. Isn't that fantastic?

Also! I just ran a two mile run, gorgeous day out today. Tomorrow I'll try for three! I love running.

Jun. 3rd, 2013




Hello Network! Turns out, the gala was quite the success... hope you all grabbed the adverts about the cupcake place I got the cupcakes from. Miss Audrey is rather brilliant. Didn't have any of the cupcakes myself, was too busy showing things around, but they sure looked brilliant!

Anyway, right, so no more new galas to report. I do have a new job, it's working at Stanford as a professor of History, brilliant stuff really. I was going to try for a professor of Physics, but they already had that fulfilled.

That all being said, BRILLIANT TO MEET YOU ALL at the gala. And those of you who didn't come, still brilliant to meet you whenever I do!

Now... does anyone know how to sew? I'm not quite sure I've managed it correctly.

May. 21st, 2013




I have just invented a whole new flavor; well, not so much invented as stumbled upon, but really what are inventions if not happy accidents? It's a wonderful thing though, tastes amazing, a bit refreshing and a bit odd really. Still, fantastic!

Mint Jammie Dodger with a hint of salt.

May I suggest trying it? It's absolutely wonderful.




So, uh, fellow ponies?

Princess Luna is best Princess, yes or no? Because man, best Nightmare Night ever.

May. 19th, 2013




It's raining! Absolutely love a good rain, it tastes a bit weird though; then again, just brushed my teeth. Never drink rain after brushing your teeth--though I suppose I'm not drinking the rain necessarily.

Anyway, absolutely brilliant to see those of you at the gala who went; those who didn't, absolutely brilliant to see you in the future when I do!

I just got done reading a couple of books by Neil DeGrasse Tyson; absolutely brilliant man, almost as brilliant as me even. Almost. Still, smart, and love the man incredibly.

I recommend reading them all.

Now I just need another good book, anyone have any sort of suggestions?

May. 3rd, 2013




Am I the only doctor who can't watch doctor shows like ER or Grey's Anatomy because of how completely ridiculous some of the emergencies are? I'm not talking about the storylines themselves, but like they come up with he most random ailments and emergencies sometimes.

Apr. 22nd, 2013




Don't you hate it when work comes between you and a good book? I've got to be up around 4AM and I'm STILL reading. It's about time, though, I've been sitting on this book waiting to read it for ages and ages. Now that I'm really excited about it, it's bedtime. Sigh.




Hello everyone!

Lovely faces all over this network, brilliant thing really. Absolutely love socializing. Which obviously means you do too if you're on it, so that means you should come to my Gala!

Of course I still don't actually have it all planned out, apparently you need to save time at the museum in advance. A bit annoying really, they weren't exactly doing anything today and I already had plenty of stuff ready to go. Still, absolutely fantastic that they said I could! May 5th, Cinco de Mayo, will be the Gala! Day and night and all of that. Well I suppose exhibit is more accurate for the day time aspects...

WHATEVER. Night will have the ballroom open for dancing and music; required quite a bit of discussion, but I was apparently able to get my University President to agree to it.

OH RIGHT! Brilliant news, I'm in the running to be hired by Stanford and the University of Southern California, as a full time professor of their History programs. Already have lists of classes I'd like to teach, proposals of all varying sorts. Just not sure which University I should truly go to.

Each sound brilliant, but each are pretty permanent, not a fan of that; oh well, such is life! I'm sure I'll find plenty of time to travel in the mean time.

What was I babbling on about--oh right, the gala! It will be fun, remarkable fun! I assure you all that you'll want to be there, and if you don't; well, I'm sure your significant other will drag you anyway.

Apr. 18th, 2013




Right. Should probably introduce myself.

Name's Clara. Rubbish with computers. Going to travel the world one day. If I ever leave California, that is. Was only meant to visit.




Isn't Earth just beautiful when it's sunny and warm and the skies are blue?

Not quite as beautiful as silver leaves, and waking to a burning red sky. But it is very nearly comparable.

Apr. 17th, 2013



Well, I had my first weird dream last night.

Okay, shut up, not my first dream ever. The first real one. Like what everyone's been talking about. Guess I can count myself in that group, now.

Anyone else dreamed of a place called Demacia? Or have I really gone crazy?

I'm voting for crazy. Definitely that one.

Apr. 13th, 2013




Hello everyone!

Right, you might not know me. My name's Dr. Troy--wait, I think I've done this bit. Yes, I have. Still brilliant meeting all of you! Last time, and this time, and future times!

I'm sure we'll share a cup of tea, or some jammie dodgers. Love a Jammie Dodger. Can't seem to get them anywhere around here though, a bit depressing, but no matter.

Just had a bowl of three packages of Top Ramen! Fantastic meal, and for so cheap. Fascinating stuff really, and was a great meal while watching Antique Road Show.

That being said, it gave me a great idea! I have brilliant things, so much brilliant things I thought I'd hold a gala, or event, or something of the sort to show off the brilliant things I have collected. I have what might actually be a primitive toothbrush device from Ancient Sumeria. Granted, I'm not entirely sure that that is what it was used for, it could be something more. Still, looks very toothbrushy.

Anyway! It wouldn't be my centerpiece, of course, I have far more brilliant things for that.

I don't know when the gala is, but I have reserved time at the museum; just, I may require donations in order to fund the gala. Not sure, working on that, until then exciting!

Excelsior and things!

Apr. 2nd, 2013




Honestly, is anyone even surprised?

Apr. 1st, 2013




Sleep now, gentle folk. Because you will not be doing it tonight. This was your warning.

Mar. 30th, 2013




Hello everyone!

Sorry for the delay, although, perhaps not as much a delay if you weren't necessarily expecting me, but no matter! I'm here, on this Network, a fascinating place really. Kind of like a Facebook, but better. Well everything's better than a Facebook now, isn't it? That's the 'hipster' thing to say, right?

Right, yes, anyway, back from my trek to the Yucatan, brilliant place really. Meandered all over Belize and Mexico, along with some touches into Guatemala and Honduras visiting mostly Mayan ruins. Chichen Itza is nearly as remarkable as people claim it to be, if not more so; in fact, it is definitely more so.

Came down with an odd rash though, still it's going away. Local healers there were more than happy to show me some medicines located in roots and coconuts and other fauna. Really, it was quite remarkable. In fact, the rash was a blessing! I found I should give myself a rash most places I go to learn a bit more about some local customs.

Nevermind all of that though, I am back and will be returning to work pronto. Well, mostly Monday. So not so much pronto.

Anyway, those of you I do not know, I am Troy and it's a pleasure to meet you! Now to play some of my Tortuga.

Dec. 26th, 2012




Hey Pepper?

I think we should have a New Year's party. Can we have a New Year's party? I think it's a good idea.

Please? I'm asking permission so that means it's okay right?

Nov. 18th, 2012



[Locked to Team TARDIS]

I do hate awfully to be a bother, but Rose has been asleep literally the entire weekend and no part of that seems normal to me.

Any thoughts? Suggestions? Yes, I already tried water, shouting, loud music and true love's kiss so don't bother with those.

Nov. 10th, 2012



Though I've been in the country a while, I haven't celebrated Thanksgiving. Have any of the other Brits participated in Thanksgiving? I don't know if I should cook. I've got four kids, and it's just the five of us. It's a lot of food, especially with Christmas dinner right around the corner.

Opinions? Should I give it a whirl since I live here now? I mean it sounds good.

Nov. 4th, 2012



Ahhhhh. Rory? You haven't had any dreams about vampiric fish-people, have you? You know. Just as a casual enquiry.




Did anyone else wake up after Halloween in a stolen broken down Taxi cab with a treasure chest full of gold dubloons?

Just me, then?

Oct. 28th, 2012



Pond! COME ALONG, POND? If you're reading this, be a dear and check in with Rory, yes?





Well, then. Of course. This isn't confusing at all, is it?

Oct. 24th, 2012




I met Vincent Van Gogh in my dream last night. It was... what's the word the kids are using now-a-days? Epic. Absolutely epic.

Also, is there a DOCTOR in the house? I hear that's the way these things go. I'm supposed to look for him now I know who he is, right?


I'm actually getting sort of excited for Halloween. I found my costume early, and the party really sounds like it'll be fun.

[Locked to Troy Smith]

Do you think we should have a housewarming of some kind? I know there's a lot of big parties around this time of year but we could just invite friends over to get silly on wine.

Oct. 5th, 2012



Tonight the last of my series on Develo-core goes out over the telly. It's my last one for at least a couple of weeks. There are some stories that I'm working on, but no leads quite yet. Which is just fine, because I have four teenagers in the house, and they are completely running me up the wall.

So glad they're in school again. Luke's even in college this year, ahead of his class. I miss him, but I've got the others to look after.

Anyway, that's a plug for my television program.

Oct. 4th, 2012




It is absolutely, positively, way far far FAR too early to be awake. Works calls, though, an I say "how high?"

Sunrise is pretty, though.

Sep. 26th, 2012




Is there a Troy on the network?

Thank you. Seriously.

Sep. 23rd, 2012



[Failed private to Team TARDIS, open to all]

Do you ever think it's weird? Us all gathered here in California, our dreams all starting only when we get here? I was thinking about it last night and I'm wondering if it's more than a coincidence.

Sep. 10th, 2012



Liam Smith and Ten Who. )

Aug. 9th, 2012


Filtered to Team TARDIS

[Visible only to the Doctors, Rose, Donna, Rory, etc.]

Now, I'm no expert, but it seems like this is right up our alley, yeah?

Aug. 6th, 2012



RORY THE ROMAN! Rory the Roman. I know why you were covered in little black marks.

Question: did your palm glow?

Jul. 22nd, 2012



I know it's a bit weird, asking this on the internet about some guy I technically just met but if anyone's found or heard anything about a man named Rory Williams, please let me know. I'm his space-wife his wife his friend, and I'm starting to get really worried.


inara and troy- im at anahei mgeneral

dont worry

Jul. 21st, 2012



Rory? Blue box man? Rose? Are you all okay?