
Posts Tagged: 'derek+hale'

Aug. 18th, 2016




A Whopperito? Just because you can put two different foods together, doesn't mean you have to. That looks disgusting. You couldn't pay me to eat that.

Jul. 22nd, 2016




OMG!! Kitten Summer Games is going to be on August 5th. I didn't think there could be anything better than the Kitten Halftime Show, but this is better. This might be better than the actual Olympics. In fact, I think I might have a Kitten Summer Games party.

Jul. 16th, 2016



You know you really love your boyfriend when you go out in the middle of the night to catch pokemon with him. I don't know if this counts as a date night.

Jun. 27th, 2016




Not gonna lie, I'm kind of looking forward to this whole Chipotle rewards program. I love their burritos, so I'll definitely be taking advantage of this.

May. 30th, 2016




Figures, I have a great weekend, with Josh's birthday party and then I have new dreams and in these dreams Sarah's evil clone injected me with something that knocked me out then kidnapped Kira. Waking up with a hangover from the party and a headache from whatever Rachel knocked me out with was not fun yesterday.


Woke up and found out I've finally...turned. I feel like my senses have gone into overdrive and I have these new instincts that are far more animal. Going to have to take some time off work and learn to adjust. The last thing I need is to growl at a client or show them my red eyes.

May. 24th, 2016



Am I allowed to be one of those disgustingly happy people for a minute and say I got my first roommate, who is my boyfriend, and I feel like my face is sore from smiling so much over it? Because this is all true. Christ, my life is the complete opposite of my dream self.

In other news, if you're looking for a personal trainer, I have some open time slots. Just don't expect me to go easy on you.




Okay so... I'm not a Werewolf so.. What the hell am I?!

May. 23rd, 2016




Feeling so much better. Apparently the megaflu has worn off. I'm glad to be back on my feet. Apparently I lost four pounds, too.




I guess this is the place to talk about strange dreams. Does anyone else dream about a twisted version of their childhood? Because I'm pretty sure I grew up in a lab where they experimented on me and other werewolves until my adoptive father took me home.

May. 11th, 2016




It's that time of year...

My lease is almost up and I need to start looking at a new place to live. Anyone know of any places that are open? I would be okay with sharing a place, with someone, as I am more on the social side.

May. 8th, 2016




That fucked up moment when you realize the monster you were scared of was you the whole fucking time.

[ooc: trigger warnings for discussions of violence in the comments]

Apr. 25th, 2016



I guess I'm the Alpha now. Not feeling like I should go embrace my canine side yet though.

Apr. 20th, 2016




I watched the strangest movie about time travel with my boyfriend. To be fair, we were only half watching it, so I rewatched it today after work. It's called Primer. It's actually pretty good. Anyone else seen it?

Apr. 19th, 2016




TFW your friend asks to be boyfriends...

I said "yes," but the timing was odd. Only in the sense that he and I were in the middle of a video game, and I was partially stunned and I died. However, I couldn't be happier. My boss was starting to hint at us getting together, ever since we attended his dinner party, a few weeks back.

Anyway, I will stop bragging...

Derek...I suppose I should let you in on a secret...that paint/glitter party was kinda my idea. ;)

Apr. 17th, 2016



I bought an Xbox One and several games to play with Danny. Didn't know my life was missing smashing zombies with an arsenal of melee weapons.




I saw the funniest sight today while on a coffee run for work. There was this doll, maybe two feet high, just walking down the street with a muffin in her hand.

The animatronics were flawless! It was really like a porcelain little girl just meandering down the streets of Orange County. Does anyone know if it was a promotional stunt? Perhaps Pixar's new project?




This new dream was kind of mean... I don't like this Jackson person.

Apr. 13th, 2016



Glad to know my uncle is a complete douchebag in my dreams who just manipulates and threatens people to get what he wants. It's not like he's a fucking saint in real life, but he doesn't go around murdering people or turning them into werewolves.

Also, not exactly happy with getting chained up and tortured by a psycho bitch. ...No offense, Allison.

Mar. 26th, 2016


[filtered away from Danny Mahealani]

When people say you're a cute couple, but you aren't actually a couple. I'm never sure how to respond to this. Feelings are way too complicated.

Mar. 22nd, 2016




Holy crap. That was intense.

Mar. 13th, 2016



If I'm going to be turning into a werewolf at some point in the future, I really need to get drunk more often, while I can.




...fuck these dreams. Whiskey and weed should drown em out...right?

Mar. 12th, 2016





No, that’s too formal.

Hi, guys!

Wow, that’s rude. Not everyone is a guy.

Hey, peeps!

Does anyone say peeps anymore? Okay, Urban Dictionary is telling me they don’t.

I’m Merrill! Good start. This is so exciting. Has anyone else felt like they didn’t fit in before they started having their dreams? I know we couldn’t have known, not really, but this explains so much. I’m not even human! Well, I mean, I am I think?, but I’m not in my dreams. There were so many of us—elves, that is. It was an important gathering of some kind, and it was all very exciting. I set something on fire, too! With my hands! Does anyone keep a diary to record everything they remember? I should really find those scented highlighters.

Oh! We share something about ourselves here, right? I’m a Cryptozoologist. You should visit me at my office! It’s cramped, really, and a mess right now, but I like visitors. If you let me know you’re coming, I could bake something, too. One of my roommates is a chemist, and our kitchen is probably contaminated. You know what! I’ll just buy cookies for us. Would that be all right? Does anyone have any food allergies? This is too long. You’re rambling now, Merrill.

I’ll just be on Tumblr if you need me.

Mar. 7th, 2016




I need to be more mindful of what I say, after a few drinks. Having to cover up marks from Saturday night isn't as easy as I remember Still, I did have a good time out and back home.

[Filtered Away from Derek Hale]
I was thinking of planning a party. My main criteria is glow-in-the-dark body paint and glitter...because of...reasons. I'd say I would host it, but my place isn't that big and I don't want to have glitter as a permanent decoration.

Mar. 6th, 2016




I really, really, really need to get my hands on a fake id.

[Derek Hale]
OMG. I almost cut your arm off in the dream last night!

Feb. 29th, 2016




I knew it. I knew I was going to have another Dream. Holy...crap.

[Filtered to Teen Wolf]

Scott. Allison. Derek. You were all in my Dream. And I don't think it's just because I talked to you all last night. Danny too OMG.


Feb. 28th, 2016




I haven't had any really vivid dreams for a few nights. It's been kind of nice. But it's also got me on edge. Because I know I'm going to have another Dream soon.

Feb. 27th, 2016




So. Those dreams. Hell of a thing. Any way to make them stop?

I'd prefer not to have to see anything like that again. It was my family, but at the same time... it wasn't. They were all like twisted versions of themselves.

Except Tommy. But it's hard for a five year old to be twisted, I would hope.




So I finally get a night to pass out before the sun comes up and then I get a trippy dream? Maybe I should lay off all the girl scout cookies.

What do they put in those things?




Click for image )

So, I came to work yesterday, and this was sitting in the back, like it just belonged there. I have no idea what it is, why it's in the library, or which of my coworkers brought it. It was still there when we locked up, and no we don't display art or anything. So it's not that. Blame it on watching too many horror movies, but I'm convinced someone got tired of it, or whatever's living in it, haunting their house and decided to pass on the joy to us.

Feb. 25th, 2016




I just bought two boxes of Girl Scout Cookies outside a supermarket, and the little snot asked me why I wasn't buying more. Shit, for real? I just gave you ten dollars, and you want more from me? Jesus.

Feb. 13th, 2016




Valentine's Day is kind of depressing when you've never had a Valentine to share it with.

Feb. 11th, 2016




I have the urge to just spend this weekend high and drunk. Would that be irresponsible of me? I just don't want to be reminded that it's Valentine's Day. I can't even go to Starbucks without being reminded cause they have hearts on their cups this week.

Feb. 8th, 2016



So, what exactly is in the water here? Why am I dreaming about weird shit now? Because last I checked, I don't howl at the moon, my family didn't die in some tragic fire, and I'm not being hunted by crazies. I had to text Laura, just in case

Jan. 20th, 2016




A regular customer came in yesterday and asked if I'd considered doing bacon bouquets for Valentine's Day. I hadn't, but I think it's going to be a thing now. We'll also be running specials on various cuts of steak the week before V-day, so come on by if you're looking for a great cut of meat.

Jan. 19th, 2016




Okay, so this is gonna sound completely crazy, but stay with me. I was going to post this earlier, but I had to go to class and now I've just been putting this off. I swear I'm not crazy!

ALRIGHT. I had more dreams. Big deal, you're thinking, but you're totally wrong. So Flynn Rider and I ran off and got into a bit of a situation and he ended up getting injured. So, I decided to just show off my magical healing powers and once we were out of the situation we explained things. I told him about the hair and how it works and he told me about his past and that his real name is Eugene (side note: this is hilarious because I'm from Eugene, OR). So, then my mother shows up and warns me that he only wants his crown and blah blah. But of course I don't truly listen to her and I continue along with Flynn as we make our way to the kingdom (!!!).

Okay, now that we're caught up on here. I was singing the little healing song like usual just to test it out and didn't expect anything. WELL SURPRISE, my hair started glowing and I basically tripped over myself and busted my ass on the kitchen floor. So, of course I needed to see if this was just a fluke and I cut my hand a little bit and did it again. MY HAIR IS ACTUALLY HEALING.

I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! I have glowing magical healing hair!

Dec. 15th, 2014




I'm really sorry it took me until today to post something, but I've got good news at least. Cora woke up today, and they say that after a couple more days of observation, she'll be able to go home. What made me a little mad was they just said she had some kind of "strange pneumonia," which is totally stupid, but she's better, so I'm not going to fight about it.

Nov. 7th, 2014



Happy Birthday to the BAE.

So, since I'm the embarrassing boyfriend, I'm posting a Happy Birthday post to my bae where all his friends and family can see it.

This is the cake I got him. Cute, right?

Also, I'm posting a picture that I'd promised I deleted. I know it looks like he's holding up one of those lame peace signs but he's really got his whole hand out and is trying to shove my phone away. It just came out weird in the cropping.

Oct. 27th, 2014




Since Stiles hasn't convinced me to dress up for Halloween (and to answer any other requests preemptively -- no, I'm not going to, end of story), he's compromised by getting a costume for my dog.

Weirdly enough, Thor seems to like it.

Oct. 9th, 2014




So not only have I been having nasty dreams (or Dreams, I guess) every night for the past week and a half, almost two weeks, which is something I did not need. Lizard creatures and people who cut wolves in half with swords are not my definition of 'nice'.

But this morning I woke up and everything was just -- too much. It was like I could see everything in super high definition, I'm pretty sure I could hear my neighbours breathing, and don't get me started on how everything smelled.

I got Cora to pick up my dog, just in case. No actual transformation yet, but locking myself down seems like a good idea.

I'm starting to hate the full moon.

Sep. 20th, 2014




I've run out of ideas for dealing with these migraines. If anyone has any suggestions, I am more than interested in hearing them.

Sep. 9th, 2014




I'd really like September to be over, already. Between OC weirdness (though Cora seems to be doing better, thank god), my dreams, and the last full moon, I've had about enough.

I was worried that the more dreams I had, the worse I'd get around the full moon, and joy of joys, I was right. It started out with just a general restlessness, but last night I got fangs and claws.

Which seem to have stuck around past the apex of the full moon, so that's a new development.

I'm just -- done. I'm done. I want off.


So I thought that the nightmares were over, I thought that I would be okay. That all these dreams about werewolf's were just my imagination playing tricks on me. That I wouldn't have to see those eyes again.

I think I finally figured out what everyone has been hiding from me. And that's terrifying.

Private to Derek and Stiles

We need to talk. Like NOW.

Sep. 1st, 2014




I really need to stop talking to people who haven't dreamed. Is there a filter setting for that? Maybe I could make a hack. I could be like xKit guy, except for Valarnet.

In other, dream-related news, I now have a phases of the moon tracking app.

The full moon is next Monday, FYI. Take the necessary precautions, people.




Check my email, and find an email from my project manager from this summer, with this picture attached.

Cut for space, visible to all )

What the hell? You googled my roommate? Why would you do that? And I find it hard to believe that school records are readily available. Which still doesn't explain why you did that.

And why do you care so much about the specifics of Uncle Peter's dream or whatever?

Aug. 31st, 2014




Disregard this if I was misinformed, but my physician mentioned this to me when I told her I was having persistent and repetitive nightmares dreams. I'm not exactly a frequenter of these types of things, but I was hoping to learn something that could help with this.

Aug. 28th, 2014




If anyone is thinking of investing in a Husky, please remember that they are giant toddlers who will listen to everything you say, and then decide they really don't feel like doing it.

Now that Thor's a year old, he doesn't get the concept that he's too big for my lap. Or that the couch is no and his bed next to the couch is yes.

We're also working on the whole here and stay thing. And not licking new friends to death.

And by new friends I mean literally anyone who gets close to him.

Aug. 7th, 2014




Okay, so.

Not gonna lie. I had pretty much written all of you off as being in some kind of new agey cult and/or having overactive imaginations.

But I woke up this morning feeling like I'd just lived through a horror movie. Which, if the things in the dreams are actually real, isn't too far from the truth for my Dream!Self. Usually when I dream about incredibly attractive half-naked men, they're not dying and asking me to cut off their arms.

I really, really don't want to go into work today. I kind of just want to curl up under the blankets until I fall asleep and have a normal dream. Or at least figure out why some people, the people I wouldn't have expected at all, people I barely know, and people I've never met, feature so prominently and others don't.

Aug. 4th, 2014




My brother seems to think talking to a bunch of people on some network will be good for me. I personally think he's full of it. But he won't leave me alone about it and he can be really annoying when he wants to be. So. Hi. I'm Cora.