
Posts Tagged: 'dawn+summers'

Aug. 26th, 2014




Apparently, when you get a kidney transplant? They leave the old kidney in there, and just attach up the new one.

I read it on the internet. It must be true.


rIGHT then names Harry Dresden I suck at this technology shit but apparently this is how everyone communicates now a days. I still say you should pick up a damn phone once in a while but that's just my opinion.

I'm the owner of the Blue Beetle New York and Chicago bars. I like long walks on the beach, expensive liquor and trashy science fiction novels. or is this not how its done?

hells bells just kill me now.

Aug. 22nd, 2014



So who is going to take me out tomorrow night?

A girl like me can't stay home on the weekends, that's like criminal.

Aug. 20th, 2014




I have to ask..

Is anyone else.. not having weird dreams?

Or am I the one who's the strange one here?

Aug. 11th, 2014




For many reasons that I don't particularly wish to get into, I am going to pretend that last night never happened.

I suggest anyone in my life do the same.


I think I'm just going to start verbally hashtagging everything I say just because that seems to annoy people and that sounds like a spectacular idea.


Aug. 10th, 2014




Well I've been getting some super interesting texts today.

Aug. 5th, 2014



I'm getting too old for social media. I had to get the station intern to make me a facebook.

Do people still even use that?

Aug. 4th, 2014




No Filter - Cut for Image! )

Aug. 3rd, 2014




Shit. I made a mistake. I made a really big mistake




I just bought a food truck.


Moving into my new place took longer than I thought it would. Especially since I have a total of 3 pieces of furniture.

Good thing about having no friends, you don't need to impress anyone.




I have been avoiding heavy internet use for the past few years; It can be a distraction from schoolwork, and getting the best grades I am capable of was more important to me.

But now that I have graduated and have settled into a new job, I feel like this is a good time to introduce myself. So... Hello, I am Mako Mori. I have two degrees in engineering and recently graduated from MIT. Now I am here to help Mr. Sato of Future Industries build new planes and fly them.

This is a very good opportunity for me and I want to thank Mr. Sato for giving it to me. And I look forward to making a few friends here, too.




I think every single bone in my body wants coffee and it's ridiculous how ineffective tea is right now in helping that. I kinda want to be dramatic and throw this thing at the wall, but it's not my cup, and I don't think throwing things counts as relaxing.

I'd settle for sugar. Anything really, even a literal spoon of it.

Jul. 24th, 2014




I ALMOST thought that I was going to have to find something else to do with my evening besides work, but then the backup generators kicked on. You never seen anyone cry as much as a building full of people who suddenly realise they ain't getting to go home early after all.

Of course, it's only powering the essentials, so I guess we're all gonna see what I look like without this coat on.




These dreams are rather insistent aren't they? I feel like I'm being bombarded every night at the moment and they aren't exactly all sweetness and light either.

Has anybody successfully stopped them? They're rather tiring and I have a show to do on Friday.

Jul. 23rd, 2014



I am so very disappointed.

I asked 9 people today if they knew what Twitterpated meant and they all responded with "I don't twitter."

Where has the magic gone from this world?

[ooc: ... I think Tendo is night blogging? I'm not sure what's going on...]




Heard a little rumor that if I wanted to mingle with the locals, this was the place to be.

I'm Garrus.

I'm also bad with social networks. Don't mind the eventual awkward.


Someone from school told me about this thing, yet all I see are talks of dreams. Boring much? I mean come on.

The name's Dawn and I'm going to be a senior at Huntington Beach High. I like to dance, so that means I'm extremely fit. Pretty flexible too and I wouldn't mind showing if asked.