
Posts Tagged: 'courfeyrac'

Jun. 6th, 2013



Life Under Fallout Conditions


I'm pretty sure it's going to be okay.

Jun. 4th, 2013




Okay so. Valarnet. Don't ask me how I pulled it off, but I TOTALLY pulled it off and stating tonight, well technically tomorrow at midnight we are gonna have the most bitching party in like. Ever. Slumber party at the little café on ULCA's campus. Well, you don't have to stay overnight but I so am. We're there from the stroke midnight Wednesday, to the same stroke of on Friday and it is gonna be amazing. Forty eight hours of me, five hundred macarons, ALL THE COFFEE WE COULD EVER WANT, entertainment, a study table way off in the corner for the losers, music, drunk twister, drunk EVERYTHING and I really, really hope that you can come?

You don't even have to be a student to show up though really, what better way to blow off the last week of classes you don't even wanna BE in? This is going to be AMAZING and I really hope you come!

[Insert Address. And also fliers around campus, etc]




Hello everyone, my name is Padmé and I just discovered this nifty forum (? right word?) - I'm stuck doing some social media advertising for my internship right now, so I happened to stumble onto this. I'm not going to plug my job here because that seems in bad taste. But if you need legal help, feel free to ask me about it.

But all I know is that I can't believe it's June. That means I don't have much time left before the Bar Exam and I'm starting to freak out. Doesn't help that one of the newer associates keeps talking about how hard it was and I'm pretty sure she's trying to mess with me.

But I can definitely tell that I'm going to need a drink after work. Any good spots I should go to?

Jun. 2nd, 2013




Is doubling up my xanax dose a couple nights going to fuck me up? Or should I just pick up some nyquil? Alternatively, has anyone found anything that works for when you need to get some sleep and avoid having a Dream? Mine are getting, well, a whole lot worse instead of better, even with the therapy, which means I'm not getting BACK to sleep and I'd rather not deal with them til the semester's over.


Saw this and got a bit of a laugh out of it. Thought I'd share the wealth.




So... How is everyone? I need a new camera, agh.

I hope your weekend has been okay?




Do you think we all end up like our parents? I mean, even if we didn't really know 'em? Maybe we spend so much time trying not to be like 'em, we just end up....not seeing that we are them. I don't know. I've just been thinking about it lately.

Jun. 1st, 2013



[Filtered to Arya's Friends]

[Pretty much, if you think your character is friends with Arya, they can see this and are invited!]

So, my graduation is on June 20th and because graduating high school is apparently a big deal, my parents want to have a party for me on the 22nd. It'll be a BBQ in my backyard. Make sure you bring your bathing suit too.

So, that's Saturday, June 22nd at two at [Address to Stark Manor in Laguna Beach]

Also, hope no one is afraid of giant wolves or pit bulls.

May. 31st, 2013



Exams kind of ate me, but I exist still, I promise. ...Well, exams and looking through 19th century medicine. It's fascinating, how far we've come since then, you know? I mean, back in the 1830s they were still convinced that bodily humors and all that kind of stuff were a thing. Bleeding for your health and all that, you know?

We're all much better off now, of course -- we have penicillin, and antibiotics, and all sorts of other great advancements, but -- I dunno, it's certainly interesting to remember bits and pieces sometimes. Now that I'm convinced I'm probably not going insane.

May. 30th, 2013



Txt to Courfeyrac

>> I had a dream that you and I were out walking.
>> It was snowing.
>> And then I spotted Marius, and he was following someone.
>> I was going to follow Marius, but you persuaded me not to.




Prom is tomorrow.

I just picked up my tux. It looks pretty good, but feels really hot (as in warm).

What else do I need to know?

I can't wait to graduate.


So Saturday night, the club's been bought out by a guy named Jay Gatsby.

He told me to let you all know. Weird as hell you ask me, but what do I know? I just own the joint.



[Locked from the other barricade boys]

I see that there are a few people on here heading to Paris soon, and there are some things that I would love to see for myself, but since I can't right now? I have a few photo requests, if somebody is willing to take the time to scout some of this out. It's really, really important if you don't mind doing it. I have a bit of a...thing I want to do with some of this, so...

A list of locations, if you have time.

1. The Law School, particularly the stairs

2. The Necker hospital

3. Number 16, rue de la Verrerie

4. Place Edmond Rostand across from the Mcdonalds. The burger place that borders the Luxembourg.

5. The intersection of the rue Rambuteau and the rue Mondétour (Halles stop on the Metro) , Specifically the Body One Lingerie, I believe. The internet tells me it's a vintage clothing shop now. It's a small white building anyway, on the right.

Please and thank you? I would really, really love you forever with this one.


Well, someone just surprised me with tickets to Paris, so who am I to turn down a week vacation? I haven't been since we moved when I was a child... It'll be nice to go back!

May. 29th, 2013




Mattresses are useful for barricades, apparently. In my dream, one help preserve our barricade a little longer by catching grapeshot.

Also Cosette's dad was at the barricade in my dream, only dream me didn't know who he was.

May. 28th, 2013




Okay, someone needs to tell the Northwood guys that soccer is not a collision sport. Everytime we play them, I end up getting injured. It was the knee last time, the ankle the game before that and now I have half a shin less than I started with this morning. It's going to get to the point where the ER nurses expect me whenever Creekside play Northwood. I thought the point of playing friendlies was that you didn't have to win at all costs - costs like flooring the other team's striker and leaving him in a pool of his own blood.

May. 27th, 2013




Okay, so I know this is going to sound really crazy, but it's completely true. I just spent the last two and a half days stuck in Alyssa's house with her and Logan after Alyssa was abducted by her dream grandfather, in the house, which turned into a giant clocktower. Alyssa had to kill her grandfather and that released ghosts or demons or something and Alyssa says she has to find them and that's when we realized that we were stuck in the house. That was Friday and only now did the force field or whatever was keeping us in seemed to weaken and we were able to get out. The force field or whatever was also preventing any of us from getting a signal to text or post otherwise we would have let everyone know sooner.

May. 26th, 2013



I don't know if this musket is a prop from Courfeyrac's collection that somehow migrated into my closet, or if it's something else entirely, but it's staying very firmly in the back of my closet.

May. 25th, 2013



Enfin. Tonight is the night. My debut in opera. I'm excited that it's in my mother tongue, as well - Micaëla is a brilliant part, and Carmen is a truly fantastic opera. I am thrilled, but also absolutely full to the brim with fear! Shall I disgrace myself and country by ruining "Je dis que rien ne m'epouvante"? Or shall I soar above the footlights?

Mes gentilhommes Joly and Aigle, Courfeyrac, Enjolras, anyone of our Amis, I hope some of you will attend, though the dress for an evening at the opera has sadly declined since the 1830s. In the simplest sense, I would be grateful.

Mademoiselle Lecter, I have left tickets for you and your papa at the will-call; I hope with my whole heart that the company and I do not disappoint!

May. 24th, 2013



Dear Asshole at today's work party:

Yes, that is a one-year coin from AA. That does not mean it's fucking funny to swap your bloody Mary for my virgin Mary. I'd about finished the Goddamn thing before I realized there was vodka in it. It wasn't easy to put down the last of it, either. That doesn't count against my sober date, either, because I didn't drink it on purpose, so screw you.

Enjoy your trip to HR - Love, the old bitch in the corner office

Flemeth, Thea, any of you girls, you know anybody who could maybe make a necklace out of this thing? It might be nice to always have it nearby. Especially if the dreams keep getting worse.

May. 21st, 2013



[Everyone can see this but Marius, Fantine and Valjean]

He loves me! He told me he loves me!


I have to admit, I don't really know why I'm here, internet forums aren't so much my thing... but here I am, and I'm going to make the most of it, I guess!

Any other students here excited about the end of the year? I can't wait for summer. I know I'm going to have to spend most of it looking after my little sister, but I don't even care, I just want to be done with all the work.

-- oh, yeah, and my name's Dana. Nice to -- meet? Does one say "nice to meet you" if it's on the internet? -- meet everyone.

May. 20th, 2013




You know, if it weren't for how insane this county seems, I'd say the US was more boring than my home. Sure Wales has it's own boring times, but at least we could watch sheep run around.

Here, you just sit and watch to see which congressman accidentally outs himself with a gay sex scandal with their pool boy.

Which after the 80th time just gets old. Come on, for the land of the free you really are too restricted.

That being said, hello there, Jenny Flint at your service.




So it's finally time I get back into the internet like a teenager is meant to.

I may even start up my blog again. I go by frostbitten-rose on [insert blogging site of your choice]. Then again I don't actually have a camera to use to update because it's a photography blog.

Either way, my name is Azelma, it's nice to meet you all.

May. 16th, 2013




So, for anyone who was curious, my mother and I are talking again. Technically we were talking before, but it included a lot of yelling and now there is less yelling. I'm still mad at her, but I know our fighting was taking a toll on my father, so I decided to be the bigger person and actually got her a card Sunday night. It was the last thing she expected when I got home, but it seems to have brought a peace between us.

Prom is Saturday, not that I'm going, but it's kind of amusing to overhear some of the girls in my class talking about it and talking about what they're doing after prom. Now, I don't care what anyone is doing afterwards, but why would you talk about that stuff in class? I certainly wouldn't want everyone knowing my business like that. Especially when it comes to stuff like sex.




Hello, everyone. My name is Peter, and I'm brand new to this thing. My university is fairly small, so I thought this would be a good way to break out and meet some new people.

I'm a Sophomore at Chapman University, in the College of Performing Arts where I'm working towards my BFA in Theatre Performance.

I've lived in Irvine and Orange all my life, so I'm sort of looking forward to graduation and maybe looking for work in New York. You know, living the dream. But that's all pretty far in the future. Right now I'm just trying to get through finals.

May. 15th, 2013



While I am trying to keep this as low-key as possible... Let's just say that I've recently acquired a theater and it is my intention to make it a hub of activity once the renovations are complete.

To those looking for a job in the theater, I implore you to contact me. I apologize in advance for any delay in my response, since I am still getting the hang of all of this.

May. 14th, 2013




So... It's been a long time coming that I tell the world this. It's hard to accept it to start, even harder to ask others to accept it. A few of you know me personally and already know, a few of you I might have met and spoken to at one point. But I guess it's time for me to do this.

I am a female to male trans* man. I've been in transition for about a 13 months. That surgery I had? It was to remove my chest. I am on hormones and just trying to pass as well as I can. I know some of you might get uncomfortable, and I kind of expect that. But to those that accept me for this, and still choose to use the correct pronouns and name... Then thank you. So very much.

It makes my life easier and makes things calm. Hell, not like I'm telling anyone my legal name anyway.




It was so nice not having to worry about doing ANYTHING for Mother's Day. Well, I might've had a shot or two to celebrate the fact that the old bat is still dead and buried. But other than that, it was just another typical day here in the House of Black.

But anyways, here's a happy belated mother's day to all of the good moms out there.



[Locked from Murphy MacManus]

How do you know if you're gay? I mean, not all the way, this person still likes girls, but he might have fooled around with a guy and really liked it.

It's for a friend.

May. 13th, 2013




I've joined the ranks, I suppose.

The first dream was lovely, and so full of hope. And I knew these would be coming after but I didn't quite want to believe it.

But now they have and it wasn't lovely at all. So full of pain, and blood, and death.

I know there's more to come later because my friends all survived in my dream. It ended with us sitting there, waiting out the night. Trying to see what will come with the morning.

If it gets worse, I don't know that I can bear it.

May. 12th, 2013



I'm just gonna go out on a limb and say that if you're a teenager spending as much money on prom as you could on a semester of college, I hope you enjoy your future as a waitress or a fast food server.

Protip: you can have sex in a car for free. Not like you haven't already.




Urdnot Ranch is taking applications for teachers assistants and people with psychology degrees.

The Ranch helps youth who would otherwise end up in jail or on the street find the skills necessary to make it. Additionally, we help anyone of any age who might be experiencing unusual changes and abilities in control in safe manner. We have a dedicated staff, a large, open environment, and plenty of experience.

May. 9th, 2013




So. Today, during fencing, things got hard again. I felt like, well, like a friend has described it, the sensation of being somewhere entirely else, with someone entirely else. It was not incredibly different, really. The equipment is more secure now, but beyond that, I could have sworn that I was back in a completely differentsalle, and not here, and now. Read more... )

So, I present my new and improved hair )
Insanely sexy, right?

May. 8th, 2013




Oh. Goodness. Look at this place. Just look at it, seriously. It's LOVELY. You guys have TREES. That's cool. No, really I like them. Texas has trees, but they aren't hardly as nice.

Oh! What I mean to say is hello! I'm Miguel and I've just moved here! Well. Myself, Tulio and Altivo have anyway. He's the horse. Not Tulio. Altivo.

Looking forward to more trees. I mean, friends.

May. 3rd, 2013


locked from silas

My father's here. Why is my father here? It's been ten years since we saw each other, why couldn't he have just stayed in Massachusetts? I settled on the west coast to get away from him.

I know I have obligations here now, but I'm seriously considering moving. I can't live in the same place as that man.


May. 1st, 2013



I've really put off this for too long, haven't I? Everyone's always talking about this network, and I hate being out of the loop.

Jay Gatsby, and it's a genuine pleasure.




... okay, these dreams are un-fucking-acceptable. I am getting some Lunesta. Today.


I can't believe it's been four months, already.  Time has flown, and I've never been happier. I feel like everything is a little brighter, a little more colourful whenever she's with me. She's made the world a better place just by being in it, and she's made my life so much sweeter by being with me.

What does one do for monthly milestones? I'm taking her out to dinner, of course, but I want to do something more.



Heeey Valaaarrneet!

What are you people doing on Friday?

Cause we're gonna take the Condom Challenge! . The DRUNK condom challenge. Who's in? I've got grape and bubblegum extra larges or you can bring your own if you want fancier.

Apr. 29th, 2013




My name is Will Graham, and I was recommended to this network by a professional acquaintance. I train dogs for a living - I find them a fair amount kinder than people, most days. Though in the interests of full disclosure, I probably ought to state that if your dog is named Muffy and you're fond of kicking her when she misbehaves, I will seize possession of the dog and risk the misdemeanor.

Apr. 28th, 2013



My show opens this weekend. At last! So, who can I count on seeing there for my big debut?




So, how do you tell a workplace creeper that you're still not interested in them? Things I've tried:

1) Oh, no thanks, I like our work relationship the way it is!
2) I don't think we're allowed to have interoffice relationships.
3) I just don't like you that way, I'm sorry.
5) *running away screaming*

Yes. I literally tried to just run from him after eeping and throwing a flash drive at him.

Apr. 27th, 2013



For the record, I have the world's best boyfriend. Just putting that out there. Percy's recently moved in with me, and it's ... well. The best thing to happen to me in years.

Also: what awful romance books have you lot read recently? Just curious about recommendations. I have reasons.

Apr. 26th, 2013


[Locked from Marius]

Oh my gosh, it's crazy how time can fly sometimes!

What's appropriate for a 4 month anniversary? I think it's appropriate to do something for that, right? Regardless, 4 months! I can't believe it.

Apr. 25th, 2013




As the summer approaches, please consider donating any gently used seasonal clothing you no longer wear that isn't too far out of style to a shelter near you. The same goes for shoes. Please also consider donating toiletry items--toothbrushes, combs, brushes, etc.--as there's always a need for those. We live in a country that, as a nation, is viewed as one of the richest, but we must never forget that even in this "land of plenty," there are those who, for a myriad of reasons which often go ignored because it is unpleasant to think that the United States suffers from such things, do not have many of the things so many of us take for granted.

Apr. 24th, 2013



what's that cliche about doors and windows?

Guess who just got both demoted and a part time job with the offer to do more during the summer at the same time?

...Yup. That'd be me.

I guess I get that I've been in a really awful mental place for a really long time, ditched rehearsal for a week when I took that mental health break, and fucked up my looks in the process and the girl playing against me doesn't want to kiss me onstage and I can't blame her. It's even kind of a relief but getting demoted to understudy after THIS whole time with my understudy taking the role I was supposed to do? Pretty embarrassing. I get that I deserve it but...still. Kinda a pain.

However! On to the other, more awesome news.Read more... )




Hey good lookings, what's cookings? My name's Zoeya! Zoeya Proasheck!

I do a radio show every night on [station], sometimes with that LoveLove lady, sometimes with the awesome Carmen, and we're awesome and totally pro and stuff.

Apr. 23rd, 2013




As a Christian woman sometimes it is hard for me to understand why God does the things he does to us down here on Earth. Why are there plagues? Famine? Fighting? Death? Why do God's people treat each other so horribly? Sometimes even in his name?

And then I remind myself that God gave us free will so we would have a choice to love him, so it would mean so much more. Without the bad there would be no good. The media likes to show us all of the things going wrong with the world, but there is also good out there. People helping each other just out of the goodness of their hearts. We have to remember that.


I'm starting to feel like perhaps I should move to France or New Zealand with my girlfriend. At least some countries have the right idea when it comes to marriage.

I have a very important doctor's appointment coming up and this time I'm nervous. I'm usually not nervous, but I am this time. I don't know why that is. I guess having a drink before I go isn't a good idea.

Also if Doctor Strange is out there, you and I should talk.