
Posts Tagged: 'bubbles'

Jan. 7th, 2017




At the end of the year, I had a two night dream dump. After my final death, I went to this place. Sort of a place of waiting, where I get to watch. I haven't dreamed about what I'm supposed to watch, because with the New Year I started dreaming I was a doctor. Still a mutant, still and X-man, but a doctor.

Last update on those was testifying against a mutant registration act in Congress. Great.

Dec. 23rd, 2016




Purgatory will be open on Christmas for all of those with nowhere else to go and just want the holiday to go away.

Come on down and have a drink with me.

Dec. 15th, 2016




Woke up human this morning. I've been eating ever since.

I think I might get fat.

Dec. 14th, 2016




So...I apparently met an elf today. Two of them in fact. They said their names were Jingle and Jangle until I saw on here that other people were seeing the same kind of stuff I was starting to think I'd lost it. I kind of still think that. Does this happened a lot?

Dec. 13th, 2016




I JUST MET RUDOLPH! AHHHHHHHHH! Sorry. This has been an exciting day. Now I just have to find Frosty. Do you think Santa will show up? OMG. Also is anyone else loving all the snow? It's so pretty! I want everything to be snowy! SNOW FOR CHRISTMAS!

Oh oh oh! We can watch White Christmas now! Does anyone want to watch it with me?

Dec. 8th, 2016




If you did not see Hairspray Live yesterday you missed out on it! It was AWESOME! Ohmygosh! I am so HAPPY!!!! Who else watched it? sdjkalfnsjd. Even BUTTERCUP stayed for it! Mostly because I looked like someone had just kicked a puppy when she tried to escape.

Nov. 26th, 2016




Nothing of note to report on the dream front. On the pregnancy front things are going well, and progressing as they should be. I'm exhausted after working on Thanksgiving day, it was a short shift, and yesterday even though we weren't that busy. I'm just glad to have this weekend off to recuperate with my swollen feet propped up.

We did have a great Thanksgiving with my family though, and I'm thankful that I have them here.

Nov. 25th, 2016




So apparently I was dreaming last night about my five-year-old superhero self again. It was our birthday in the first half. It started out fun. There was cake (which we blew away by accident) and presents. Only Mojo, Princess, and HIM tried to ruin it. We were really upset about it, but then everyone said that they had a lot of fun anyway. Even though there was a giant killer robot, a rocket that tried to kill everyone, and a giant piñata gone wrong. Meaning it tried to kill us. The Amoeba Boys actually got us a really nice present. They gave us dolls that looked like ourselves. They were really cute!

Then the second half was basically us being called to do everything, which we were super okay with at first...until people started just sitting around and not doing their jobs because we did it for them. So we decided that Townsville needed to figure out how to take care of themselves. Which meant that when a giant monster invaded the town, we didn't do anything and we let them figure it out. I have to say that the people of Townsville are not that smart. It took a really long time to get them to understand simple things. But in the end, they handled it and once it was over the Mayor still tried to get us to clean up the city. I hope we left it to the people of Townsville.

Nov. 17th, 2016




There's so much talk about who's going to be at the December 2nd premiere of Swan Lake! Apparently a lot of wealthy people who contribute regularly to the ballet will be in the audience. No pressure, right? Anyway, I'll be dancing my best for every single show.

Nov. 9th, 2016




Today's been weird. A girl in one of my classes was just quietly crying the entire time, I saw a lot of people walking around in Bernie shirts, a guy offered to walk me to my car 'just in case'...people are upset and everything feels really bleak. Did manage to get a laugh in. Watched a girl ask a guy out by telling him she had a BOGO coupon at Chipotle and asking him if he wanted her free burrito. She wasn't successful.

Nov. 3rd, 2016




I'm still not over it. WHY?

Sorry to everyone that I was really extra strange around. IT WASN'T ME, I SWEAR!

[Filtered to Stefan]

Except you. Not sorry about being strange around you. So I guess you'll have to live with that. I'm sure it is a very real struggle for you.

Nov. 2nd, 2016




Well, I was gone, but I'm back again to the same house, and the same classes. And of course, the same dreams, right off the bat.

This place doesn't give you any breaks, does it?

For those I haven't met, I'm Scott McCall, vet tech and student.

Oct. 30th, 2016




I didn't think I'd be back here in the OC, but never say never apparently! My year away has really taught me a lot and I'm excited for my new job here. It doesn't really seem like much has changed.

So, what up, OC? Still just as weird as always?

If we haven't met before I'm Rose. I do MMA and private security. Although not as much MMA anymore I can usually be found at the gym. And since I know what kind of network this is, fun fact: I'm part Moroi vampire.

Oct. 22nd, 2016




I've a question. What are the best costumes for babies{?

Oct. 21st, 2016




Wow. So I was just coloring, which I am amazing at. I am a great colorer! Yes, that's a word. Stop questioning me. And my drawing disappeared and then my crayons and Buttercup's meat. Why Buttercup needs to punch meat hanging on a hook, I don't really get, but someone stole it. And Blossom's clip. Talk about ruuuude!

Apparently it was this super creepy guy who had all of our collectibles and then wasn't happy with that, so he stole all our stuff and then tried to trap us in boxes! Luckily, the towns people and the Professor came to save us. They opened a ton of his collectibles and he cried like a baby. Then the Professor gave this really strange speech about how if he was a real fan, he wouldn't want us to be trapped in a box. I just didn't want to be trapped in a box. ANYWAY! We were saved! THANK GOODNESS!

Then we were playing jacks at the neighbor's house next door, which was super fun! Then Mojo kidnapped the Mayor and we had to go rescue him. So we went to rescue him, but then we became hostages! Terrible! Of course we then escaped and beat Mojo, but we exploded City Hall. Oops? And then we ate dinner over at the neighbor's house, which was awesome! Only then it got less awesome and our neighbor was trying to kill the Professor and become a super villain. It made things a little awkward. Somehow it all devolved into throwing pies at each other before the police showed up and arrested our neighbor.

Oct. 20th, 2016




Ihop you had one job, make decent pancakes but you couldn't even do that. Fail.

Oct. 15th, 2016




The "Bitter Ball" is a pretty ridiculous name for a dance near Valentine's day.

My Dreams just keep getting weirder and weirder.




Hallmark has just announced its Christmas movie lineup!

I know they're cheesy, but I love them so much.

Oct. 14th, 2016




You know what? My dreams can go screw themselves. Dream!Tyler is now an orphan, I guess. I almost wish Klaus lived here just so I could rip him apart myself.

But I'm not an orphan here, so I guess the annual Lockwood masquerade party didn't stop after I went away to college. Because there's literally no other way I'd like to spend my Halloween than hanging around with a bunch of politicians and Dad's donors.


Though it wouldn't be so bad if you came with me. Want to be my date?

Sep. 25th, 2016




My sisters and I seriously fight the weirdest people in our dreams.

First it was the Boogie Man. He liked disco so I suppose it was fitting? And then there was a zombie magician.

Sorry bubbles for scaring you with the bedtime story in our dreams!




Hello everyone! Good morning. Hi.

My name is Jill, and I just moved here, and I'm looking for the textbook for THTR250 because the bookstore was out and there's no online version and the next order isn't coming until Christmas which is a little late for me but they said if I asked here someone might have a copy they don't need anymore so does anyone have any copies of Gilette's Theatrical Design and Production?

Sep. 20th, 2016




My history professor today said (quote) "I don't want to kill anyone's vibe but history is basically just the extended study of human misery". If my dreams are any indication, that seems pretty true.

I haven't had any dreams this month, which is both welcome and incredibly weird. I'd have liked to see some more of our moderately happy ending, but I guess there's only so much goat chasing to do. It's been pretty relaxing, not having to think about who I'm going to see die if I go to sleep.

Sep. 18th, 2016




I never thought I'd find myself going on a triple date of all things, but last night was actually kind of fun. Way better than the night before.

Of course, then I had to go off and dream. You'd think at some point, Mystic Falls would all get together and just collectively agree to just stop holding dances.

Sep. 17th, 2016




You are looking at one of four cygnets and the understudy for Odette/Odile! I'll be dancing no matter what! I think this calls for cocktails! I already celebrated with my ballet friends last night which is why this news is a teensy bit late.

Sep. 12th, 2016




You know those old cartoons where the coyote has a boulder or an anvil land on him?

I think I know how that poor bastard feels.

Six stitches, some sore ribs and a few hello kitty band-aids (thanks Bubbles). Three rounds total and I finally got the win. Honestly I was starting to think I wasn't going to. I'd love to fight her again.




The auditions for Swan Lake begin next week! It'll be a long and intensive process as opposed to a one-off. They'll be watching us dance for a couple of days and then have callbacks. It's so exciting! I really want a spot up on that stage!

Sep. 11th, 2016




Our theme song is stuck in my head again. Every time I think I'm free, I'm not.

This new girl joined us at school and she doesn't want to play any games and she insulted the class hamster. She's totally spoiled and we had to save the hamster. Because she upset him so much that he knocked his cage over.

Also she is trying to be a Powerpuff Girl. When we told her she couldn't be one, she said that she could pay her way into being a Powerpuff Girl. We were going to give her a chance, but then she decided that she was going to be the 'best Powerpuff Girl ever'. And she messed up our crime fighting and the robbers got away with the money. Long sigh. Then we had to save her from getting blown up. Longer sigh.

Then she came back to the school and has a new suit and attacked us. It took a little bit of work, but we finally defeated her. At least Blossom did it (with a very tiny amount of help from Buttercup and me). She's so awesome. Also don't make her angry, because she will end you. Like scarier than an angry Buttercup, which is saying something. She got arrested, which seems kind of strange when she's also a five year old.

Then the dream shifted and the Gangrene Gang came to our school. We told our teacher that they were bad guys and they made her believe that they were okay. Only they kept spitting on the cookies. WHO DOES THAT? It's terrible. We couldn't even fight them because we can't fight in the classroom. School rules. They're completely weird.

We keep getting in trouble for not being trusting enough, but they were throwing glue at everyone. And everyone is disappointed in us. We got put in time out for behaving poorly when they hadn't done anything bad. Except for everything they were doing. She wouldn't even listen to us about them hurting everyone with dodge balls until one came through the window. Then she let us go outside and play dodge ball...so we could fight them. It was about time.

Aug. 28th, 2016




Alright, all you pumpkin spice and Halloween people, stop trying to rush the fall. August might be almost over, but summer isn't quite over yet. Lets enjoy the rest of it while it lasts before ushering in the fall.

Aug. 27th, 2016




Dream time again!

Kid me got her first ever crush. On a boy. Gross. And he was green which is gross, and on top of that he was in a gang. Called the Gangreen Gang. And of course the guy totally tries to distract me while the rest of the gang tries to drop my sisters into a container of lava. Where did they even get lava in the city?! But in the end the day is saved by us. These things really are a trip

Aug. 23rd, 2016




Our first football game is on Friday and I've been made a starter! At least there's some benefit to this whole werewolf thing. I expect to see a lot of familiar faces at UCI's first football game of the year.

I don't really know where all my money went this month. Maybe it was the shoes. But I think I'm going to need to get a roommate pretty soon. Anyone need a place to live?

Aug. 14th, 2016




How come no one told me before I started self defense training that it was possible to get bruises on top of bruises? Pretty sure the only part of me not covered in bruises right now is my face. And maybe the bottom of my feet although judging by the way they feel now that I'm home and out of my shoes after working a double today - I'm not too sure they aren't bruised too.

On the plus side though - I finally managed to actually land a punch on Nasir during our training session. It wasn't very hard and I doubt it's going to leave even a tiny bruise but it's the first time I've managed to do that since he started training me so I'm counting it as a win.

Aug. 8th, 2016




Just when I think I might get our theme song out of my head, I have another dream. I will never be free.

Apparently we're swimming today in this garden in Tokyo Townsville. People kept taking pictures of everyone. Also there was a strange monster with a ton of eyes that started out smaller than us but blew itself up to be bigger. Until we knocked the air out of it and kicked it back into the water. Then the Professor freaked out about it because he said he thought he was going to lose us.

This resulted in him making a powerpuff robot? She's named Dynamo. Apparently he thought that the only way to protect us was to make us use this battle robot. Which we avoided using at all cost. We have super powers. Plus, when we used Dynamo, it destroyed everything worse than when we didn't. Even if using Dynamo was sort of necessary this one time. But seriously, destroyed things worse than normal.

Also I'm adorable in the dreams constantly. Now I'm really craving a root beer, though.

Jul. 30th, 2016




cut for picture, not filtered )

So this is what I did today! Basically it was the cutest day of my life.

Jul. 25th, 2016




Who's all seen the new Ghostbusters film? Is it worth it? Date night on Friday, have to decide where we should go.

[Private: Bubbles]
That is, assuming you want to go to a movie with me this weekend.

Jul. 22nd, 2016




OMG!! Kitten Summer Games is going to be on August 5th. I didn't think there could be anything better than the Kitten Halftime Show, but this is better. This might be better than the actual Olympics. In fact, I think I might have a Kitten Summer Games party.

Jul. 15th, 2016




Gotta say, these items from my dreams are pretty wicked. Just woke up to an inter-dimensional transporting watch type device. remember it from my earlier dreams.

Jun. 21st, 2016




Even though I have the art talent of a three year old, this seems like something I'd want to try for fun!

Jun. 20th, 2016




So, Wednesday after next is my audition for the Anaheim Ballet! I've been drilling what I have choreographed like crazy but every time I dance it I find something I'm dissatisfied with. This never happens when I dance. I'm usually pretty happy with my performances once I've refined things. Maybe it's because there's more on the line this time. I don't know. It's driving me up a wall, though. I can't even sleep. I think by the time I'm through with this audition I'm going to absolutely hate Gnossienne No. 1.

Jun. 18th, 2016




My dreams this time first involved cockroaches (fucking gross!) and men who decided to rob banks dressed as us. Why no one could tell the difference between three five year olds and hairy men in dresses is beyond me.

Oh and I woke up fucking floating above my bed.

Jun. 7th, 2016




So apparently we hit ball into Mojo Jojo's lair and broke his window accidentally? And then we started fighting about whose fault it was that the ball went through the window. And then we went into his lair like it was no big deal. I mean, he is evil and wants to destroy us, but we're just like, "Sure, we can walk in here like it's not an issue." Granted, we are five. We probably don't realize that it's a bad idea.

We found his photo album...because evil monkey villains have photo albums, too...and then we laughed at the pictures. And we started playing tag with him because that's what we do? We're also very easily manipulated by candy. Then when we started to help look for our ball (because he said he was looking for it), we just sort of destroyed his lab. Sometimes I think that it's not that surprising he wants to destroy us. But he did fire his own laser at himself accidentally.'

Then the dream switched to another one. There was a clown called Rainbow the Clown and he apparently lost his colors and became Mr. Mime? Also I am adorable and sing while I color (This is still true of me now). And then we saved the bus and this little old lady in a car from crashing into each other...and I decided all the color missing was a serious issue (which it clearly was) and I sort of screamed about coloring things and started coloring everything. I seriously did and thought I'd saved the day...only to realize my sisters were missing. I don't know where they were this whole time, but when I found them, they were devoid of colors just the same as everything else. I tried to color them, but it didn't work...and I was really upset at the lack of magic in my crayons.

Apparently the solution to this is to play music? And that song is stuck in my head forever. I'm apparently the drummer of the band. I wonder if I know how to play the drums.

In other news, I am free from school. Freeedooooom!

Jun. 2nd, 2016




I've lost track of how many dream jobs dream me has had now. I went from an aquarium to a strawberry field restaurant. Kind of wish I'd have stayed at the aquarium honestly..it was a three story one. Sometimes I got to help with penguin shows.

May. 25th, 2016




One of the enemies in my dreams calls himself Apocalypse. He's as bad as he sounds. We keep thinking we beat him but he keeps coming back, like an apocalyptic energizer bunny.

May. 23rd, 2016




After graduation, Christine and I are going to Paris! That's where our dreams take place, so we thought it was only appropriate. Plus, PARIS! I'm so excited!

May. 20th, 2016




So apparently I rescued this cat that was super adorable, but ended up being evil and tried to brainwash the Professor. In my dreams, I mean. And then Fuzzy Lumpkins - who is basically a really furry ...I don't even know, actually. He has antennae and ummm...well, he's just odd - became Mayor? I guess he wasn't actually any more competent than the actual mayor. I was not a fan of having to see the mayor in a wrestling outfit. It was probably mentally scarring. They were wrestling for the mayor's hat.

What do you two say to coming with me to Stefan's Memorial Day thing?

May. 19th, 2016




There are two cable service vans across the street from my house, and as I'm laying here, trying to read, I can hear them opening and closing the doors. It's ridiculous. How many times do they need to open and close those doors? I keep thinking that someone's going to knock on my door, since the vans are so close to my house. I get all tense. Don't ring the bell! I think, since Ben is taking his nap. But then nothing happens.

I got up to look through the window, but I got dizzy and had to sit down again. Maybe I should be napping with Ben.

May. 17th, 2016




Dream me is a five year old superhero who fights a talking monkey and a crazy bitch monster.

This can only get more interesting

May. 11th, 2016




Like most people I listen to music while I work out. Only today while I was on the treadmill, my playlist went from Papa Roach to that song from fucking Mulan.

Thanks sis.




Did not think it would be this hard, everyone talking about their moms all weekend. The good news is that both Mom and Dad have new numbers so I can't call them, and they moved away so I'm not tempted to go see them. They're happier thinking I'm dead.

I've been having dreams the last few nights. Glaber caught us unprepared and we paid for it. We got chased up a mountain by Glaber's forces. Once our supplies started to go, a couple of idiots tried to breach the troops keeping us trapped up there. Spartacus went to go retrieve them and...well, not everyone made it back. Mira was killed.

It's weird. I don't know her here but I'm still sad about her death. She was a warrior just the same as the rest of us and she died a warrior's death, but...it still feels wrong.

On the plus side, I finally got to meet Ashur, just in time to see Naevia take his fucking head off, and Spartacus came up with yet another fucking mad plan to save us all. Four men climb down the mountain, take out the troops guarding the path, create a distraction so that the rest of us can slip down, and we fuck them up. It worked, they turned tail and ran, and we chased them and ambushed them at the temple. Spartacus got his revenge. Glaber is dead. It's a victory but I know that there's more to come.

And in personal news, I passed my finals and I'm going to go shove all of the burritos into my mouth in celebration.

May. 9th, 2016




Oh, the saga of Vampires in Mystic Falls continues. We got rid of Silas, and now my Dream Self is suffering some pretty serious PTSD.

If anyone needs me, I'll be drinking.

May. 5th, 2016




OMG Can all of my friends check in with me?? PLEASE? Because that stuff with the Storm Troopers freaked me out! I want to make sure everyone's okay!!