
Posts Tagged: 'ashley+magnus'

Sep. 19th, 2012




They're dead! Oh my god, the capitol killed them all!

Sep. 10th, 2012




Why is it, if you're a girl in your twenties or thirties, everyone and his brother has to ask you "oh are you getting married, do you have a boyfriend, don't you want kids?" What if I don't want a boyfriend? What if I don't want to get married? What if I *gasp* don't want kids? Am I not allowed to be happy with myself and my dog, or my mom and hers?

I'm 27. Stop telling me how I should live my life.

Also? I hate Mondays.

Sep. 6th, 2012




I always knew my mom was mental but what was she thinking swinging around a frying pan? She could have damaged my lovely face. I mean sure, maybe I should have mentioned I was coming home but I thought it would be a nice surprise! I have been gone three months! Geeze.

Okay, maybe I shouldn't have crept into the house at 1am either. I admit it but airports are about as accurate and on time as the weather forecast.

At least I know our house is safe from burgers. Mum has terrific aim, I might add. My reflexes are just better.

Aug. 21st, 2012



In the vein of Queen's post...

But completely not related because it'd be a disaster if it was both of us alone...

I need a running buddy. Someone who is loud enough I'll be able to hear them if they're on the wrong side of my head and we're really going, and preferably not allergic to dogs since I'm in the process of waiting for that paperwork to go through and there'll be a service dog who'll want to come along by next spring probably.

Someone versed in other stuff besides bows and guns would be amazing too. Diversify my strengths a little, build up other areas, you know? Anybody interested in helping a guy out?

Aug. 14th, 2012




Huh. It's been a while since I've had an actual dream, let alone a nightmare.

Aug. 13th, 2012




Can you feel it? Life. Death. So much power. It burns.

Aug. 12th, 2012




Okay, I give up. I think I need a vacation. Does anyone have suggestions? Some of you keep talking about going places and now I'm curious.

And Mom, I--

Ah, never mind. It's not important.

Aug. 11th, 2012



It seems I became well acquainted with taking the life of others at a very young age in this dream land I keep visiting in my sleep.

I am not sure if I wish to keep having more of these dreams or if I need to know what sort of monster I become.

And Danielle.

That was not a kindness you paid those men, letting me send them to Limbo like that. Better if you had let me shoot them.

Aug. 9th, 2012




So, you know, it's a normal day. Getting up early, being chased around the Universe by aliens. Stopped for lunch, then for tea break - and a costume change. They were having some problems with some pyrotechnics (things blow up a lot on this show) so I went back to my trailer do to really important things like check my email, get on Facebook and lo and behold -


Lily, James - thank you. Honestly. This is a better birthday present than I could have ever asked for. I owe you both SO so so much.

Aug. 1st, 2012



What has two thumbs and didn't wake up until after the sun went down? This guy.

First things first. Time to put together a meal that encompasses all the best things about breakfast lunch and dinner.


I need more female friends.
Just a fact. :)

Jul. 25th, 2012




Purslane. It's a common weed that normally doesn't flower until August but lately it's been flowering much earlier. Mine flowered in late June.

It's harmless to most of us, and can even be eaten by humans.

It seems to be quite toxic to these creatures, but they like eating it.

I heartily recommend people avoid weeding until this menace is gone. Every bit helps.

And maybe you'll discover that some weeds are truly beautiful.

Jul. 23rd, 2012



New town! New School! Oh the opportunities!

Now to just get the courage to do something about it.

Yeah, ha courage.




I don't want this stupid fluffy thing. It looks like a fuzzy squirrel and is probably just as annoying.

If anyone needs help... in general kind of help, not dealing with these fluffballs, just call me. Feeling really restless and I could use something to do.

Jul. 12th, 2012



I sort of just moved here recently and didn't want to just keep stalking without saying hello.

I'm Betty Ross. It's very nice to not really meet you all, but at least say hello over the internet.

Jul. 13th, 2012




Y'know, I don't understand why people complain about these dreams. Mine are kinda kickass - there's this girl with Mayan tattoos on her hips, and damn, the things she can do...

Best dreams I've ever had.

Jul. 12th, 2012




Okay, so I want an agreement here.

No spandex. Period.

Jul. 11th, 2012



...so, Valarnet, we seem to have a high collective tolerance for 'strange.' If anyone is about with a little patience left for dream-related oddness, I'd like to run my mouth a bit. Comment below and be forewarned: when I say 'strange,' I mean it.

Actually. Instead, open question: have any of you dreamed about people you've never met, and then caught sight of them in person while you're awake? Because that's happened to me and I think I might be mad.


How weird is it to wake up from a nap and find a crown on your pillow?

I'm going to go out on a limb and say 'pretty fucking weird'.

Jul. 10th, 2012




It was all over very quickly and rather disappointing in most respects. Wouldn't have even bothered to call the police but alas and alack the witness across the street at Starbucks was idiotic kind enough to do it for me.

Jul. 7th, 2012




Looks like I've joined Nightmare Club. I was kinda hoping to stay out of that one. But, now that I'm here, what's the initiation process like? Any hazing I need to be careful of?

Jul. 1st, 2012




Oh hello everyone!

I uhm... just wanted to make a quick post to let you all know that the Menagerie is back to its regular open and close times now. Well it has been for a bit, but I forgot to say.

I have puppies and kittens!

The bunnies are almost all taken care of now, in case anyone was wondering.

EDIT: I also wanted to add that I'm uhm... well I get some free help around here but I really need an extra employee to cover the shop sometimes... so guess I'm hiring. You should come down and apply in person, if you want to.

You have to be an animal lover, of course!

Jun. 30th, 2012




Important question:

Do I get a dog or not? How many of you are dog people?

Jun. 18th, 2012




Coming into the ER and claiming that you can't get away from a random person you just met is a complete waste of my time and the next couple to do it is getting put in St. Joseph's Psych ward. You have been warned.

Jun. 15th, 2012



Disneyland, airport terminals, the price of gas.

What do they all have in common?

Jun. 12th, 2012



Would like to compile list of all affected by strange connection, facilitate easier pattern detection, etc. Local network seems best place to start.

If affected, post here. Details of circumstances also helpful, but optional.

Jun. 11th, 2012




Well, this is an exciting start for summer!

Jun. 10th, 2012




I don't even want to talk about yesterday, other than to say I'm really, really sorry if you got a text from me at four in the morning today, asking you...Well. I don't even want to know what all I asked, given what I saw on the stuff from those of you who replied.

Holy shit, so this is why they tell you not to do drugs in school.



At least tonight should be amusing.

Some weekends it doesn't pay to be the one on call. Yesterday was...bad. Really bad.

I really really want to quit the practice for the summer. Im not sure I can do this.




Okay stupid question time:

If you really needed to talk to someone, but weren't sure if they would want to talk to you or how to really contact them, how would you do that?

Jun. 7th, 2012



Okay, I might be the first one here to shoot this alarm system.

Jun. 5th, 2012



Yet another year where I have the vast majority of my staff out on out of town commission work. This at least is better then most in that at least we've been paid on time so far this year for said work, though if I have to hear how horrible it is to be short staffed again I am going to kindly point them to previous years. At least this year we have more people then we did last year making being short staffed at least tolerable as opposed to downright dreadful.

And also to anyone who drives at night, can you make sure your stereo system is down to a tolerable, heard only in your car level? I do not need my dog waking up in the middle of the night because someone decided they want the entire world to hear their music. Or at the very least nothing with such a beat that it nearly causes my windows to rattle while you drive by. And do I dare mention what that has to do to your hearing?

Jun. 3rd, 2012




Someone had the brilliant idea of burning down Disneyland but there was a disagreement as to how to go about it.

So I'm free for today.



I hate you, internet.

Right. Valar net, is it? I'd like to take this moment to announce that I think the vast majority of the internet is a fat load of cack and a festering vile pit of cyber-crime and hacking, and balding wrinkly old men trying to get into little girls' knickers while typing out convenient meeting places, one-handedly. The whole thing can go up in flames so that I can light a cigarette off it, and feel the burn of sheer pleasure racing through my lungs.

Except for the legitimate pornography. We can keep that. It can be preserved for posterity. Like fine art.

Now that I'm apparently stuck here close by Disneyland, which we all know was founded by a probable Jew hater and is quite literally my idea of hell on earth? Please, drooling worshipers of your monitor screens, be so kind as to give me pointers to where I can go to get absolutely tanked out of my bloody mind. Pubs. I need pubs. Because I've gone fourty minutes without something alcoholic being filtered through my liver. That is thirty minutes too long.

I might not survive.

Jun. 2nd, 2012



Since this concept is unclear to some of us, let me spell it out: when a sign says "Do Not Touch, Please Ask For Assistance", it means you do not touch it. Not with your fingers, not with your toes, not with your tongue, nothing. You keep all body parts away from whatever you're eyeing and ask one of the shopkeepers to help you.

That's what they're there for, people.

Jun. 1st, 2012




Dating sucks. If things keep going this way, I'm going to have to find a miniature breed of cats small enough to fit in my apartment.




Four businesses in this county have been added to California's list of biggest tax delinquents. The biggest owes 1.3 million. Maybe if I vent about it, I can resist the temptation to introduce a virus into their databases

[Locked to Tony Stark]
I'm in. If you still want me to be, I mean. If you don't– well, I wouldn't exactly understand but it's your company so I can't really say anything but I hope you haven't changed your mind because I think it'd be an honor to work in such an exciting new company.

...eloquent, vas Normandy.

May. 31st, 2012




Okay, so this whole overtime thing? Really needs to stop. It's getting so old. Aaand that means I really need to do something in this town that isn't hanging around work. Anyone up for something? Really need to check in on Mom, too.

May. 30th, 2012




My parents are coming to visit this weekend. I don't want them to. I don't want to see them. I don't want them to see me. I really just don't want to deal with this at all.

If everyone on the network is having crazy dreams except me, does that make me more crazy than everyone else or less? And to think, I was perfectly normal a year ago.