
Posts Tagged: 'arya+stark'

Feb. 17th, 2014




So, Valentine's Day kind of sucked since Gendry is in Scotland and all. I didn't mope around though, cause that's just not me. My parents went away for the weekend though, so I took Rickon out for dinner, which meant since Myrcella was with her boyfriend, that left Bran and Damian alone at the house. Stupid boys decided to mope around and got a little drunk, but anyone who saw Bran's post the other night could probably figure that out for themselves. When Rickon and I got home, I had to take care of their stupid asses. Luckily neither of them got sick, otherwise I would have made them clean it up.

Feb. 14th, 2014




My best friends' names are Damon and Damian. I don't know what that says about me.

Valentines Day is the funniest holiday because people are either really happy or really upset that other people are happy.

I wonder if my ex is spending Valentines Day with a hot girl? Those are not very Princely thoughts. Did I ever mention I'm sometimes a Lord and sometimes a Prince in my dreams?

Sometimes, when I have dreams, I wake up thinking I'm my wolf and it takes me a few minutes to readjust to being human. I miss Jojen. Is Jojen Reed out there?

I might be a little tipsy.

Feb. 6th, 2014




I'm not a super romantic girl, but I must say this: I will marry and bear about five thousand children to the man that takes me to this event:

Cut for image, open to all. )

What's more romantic than that? It's allegedly in North Carolina, and I have no idea where that is. Someone's going to have to start driving. I'll pay for petrol.

Jan. 23rd, 2014




My mum's at it again. Now that I'm single, she says, I need a little bit of help being "inspired to wake up".

So she got me this bloody thing. That's not worksafe, by the by, and also incredibly mental even for my mother.

Does anyone wish to swap parents for a month or so?

Jan. 21st, 2014




After some careful consideration, I have finally gotten myself a dog. I've spent the last few weeks reading up on different breeds and such; also, seeing if it would be best to adopt or just get a puppy. However, I felt it would be better to adopt and so I began to look through all the nearby animal shelters to see what they all offered.

Today, I can say that I am now a proud owner of a new dog. The shelter had her named as "Winter" but I don't know if I'll keep that. I think I'd rather wait and see what she's like before deciding on a name. Anyway, enough talk...here are some pics:

Cut for pics )

Jan. 3rd, 2014




So, I'm back from Scotland sans one boyfriend. Something came up and Gendry had to stay in Scotland to help his parents. He doesn't know when he'll be able to come back, which kind of sucks, but I understand.

Dec. 31st, 2013




So my dreams have inspired me. I didn't have many, but I did dream about Percy coming to camp and taking care of him. But the most important part of the dream:

CAPTURE THE FLAG - it was the most epic thing I have ever witnessed. Everyone in this camp has a God/Goddess for a parent and we're all trained for combat, so just imagine how great this capture the flag battle is.

I really want to do this here. Would anyone be up for some epic capture the flag? We don't need to have swords or anything. We could do a paintball or laser tag aspect to it.

And I also received a couple presents when I woke up. I also have an orange Camp Half Blood shirt and I got a Yankees cap. The cap doesn't seem that great, but in my dreams it turns me invisible. I put it on after I woke up and it WORKS here too! I am going to rock capture the flag.

Dec. 19th, 2013




I hope this snow doesn't mess with the airport, because this year I'm going to be spending Christmas in Scotland with Gendry, meeting his parents. I'm both nervous and excited. I just hope I don't say the wrong thing around them, because anyone who knows me knows that I lack a filter. I don't exactly think before I speak so sometimes what comes out of my mouth is even a surprise to me.

Dec. 16th, 2013




I swear to God, my mom is like a teenager right now. People probably see us in the mall and think we're sisters. It's crazy.

Dec. 9th, 2013




Well, this is just weird. I don't think I've ever been on a message board before. Yeah, I know, I sound like I just ran away from my Amish community, but this is what happens when you were sent to boarding school. We used the internet, but you don't get a lot of downtime to just putz around on it. I wasn't the type of teenager that would post to message boards anyway. But, now I'm older, not much wiser, and I was told this is where the cool kids hang out. So, what do you guys do with this?

Dec. 2nd, 2013




I feel like I owe a lot of people an apology for just disappearing. I just ... needed time to myself, to get myself sorted. It's funny how it didn't help at all.

Nov. 24th, 2013



I know things have been a little strange around here again, but I wanted to make a post to get people's opinions. I was thinking of doing setting up something for a pet photos for Christmas. I know some pet stores do it, but I want to help raise some money for charity to give back this holiday season.

Would anyone be interested in having their pet photos taken? I was thinking of having a Santa come in and maybe set up an area with backdrops and different props that you can pose your pet with.

Nov. 18th, 2013




Mmm. Not only does this place give me a dream that rattles me a bit, but I woke up to a present from my dreams. She's beautiful, but I have no clue how to use her. Although I wonder if this place just drops them wherever it feels like, cause dropping a Katana in the middle of the floor to trip over is just not fair. That could have sucked a bit.

Well that was a fun nightmare. I can't even call that a Dream. That was a nightmare. Also, Haineko showed up. At the same time.

Captain Hitsugaya
If I didn't believe it all, I do now. Haineko's here now, although I'll admit all I've done was look at her like... what do I do.

Nov. 15th, 2013




Sigrun and I got to chatting the other day and feel we have been snubbed for our age from the forming roller derby team so in that spirit, we have decided to create our own.

Do you want to try something new and become a part of an awesome community? Whether you're looking to get in shape, meet new people or take out some aggression, and have some fun, you'll be hooked on roller derby!

The Valkyries are recruiting women from the ages of twenty-one to thirty-eight. You will need quad skates, elbow and knee pads, wrist guards, helmet and a mouth guard.

Practice should run into the late afternoon and evening hours.

We also need a head coach and I'm told we wouldn't say no to a handsome male cheerleader or two.

Nov. 11th, 2013




I don't like this. Telling the truth is not in my nature.

Nov. 10th, 2013




Looks like we're gonna have three more for Thanksgiving this year than we did last year, what with Myrcella and Damian living here and I'm obviously inviting Gendry. So, unless Robb and Jon have girlfriends they haven't told us about or Sansa has a secret boyfriend, there should be eleven of us at Thanksgiving dinner this year. That means that my mother is probably going to want me to help cook. I'm sure Gendry will want to come over early to watch that. At least I'm a little better at this stuff than my father. Seems like being British makes him unable to make a turkey. Guess it's a good thing I'm only half British.

Nov. 8th, 2013



So, are there any ladies out there that would be interested in joining a roller derby team?

Nov. 4th, 2013




Ugh, my dreams kind of suck now. Just had a complete mindfuck in this last one and now I don't know if I can get back to sleep. I mean they weren't completely awful dreams, but still not exactly awesome. Kinda wish I was at Gendry's. It'd be easier to talk to him since he's in them. Maybe I'll take Nymeria outside for a little while.

Oct. 30th, 2013




So for anyone who was hoping that I'd lose my ability to speak, you're out of luck, because I still have my voice. My brother and boyfriend on the other hand have both lost their voices. Poor boys.

Oct. 20th, 2013



Never thought I'd say it, but I have a boyfriend. And he's gorgeous.

Sorry, Arya.

Oct. 17th, 2013



There are too many people in my dream, I can't possibly keep track of them all. I did meet an interesting woman who I think is going to be important though.

Of course she could be dead the next time I dream, with how weird these things turn up.

You said your last name is Stark, yes? Your mother is Catelyn?

Oct. 7th, 2013




Wait. Why am I in university again? I haven't the foggiest what I want to do with my life, this just seems silly at this point.

Sep. 21st, 2013




I'd like to take a moment to invite everyone to a Red Widow viewing party at my parents house in Laguna Beach! The season premieres Monday night at 8pm on ABC and you're all invited! The party starts at 6pm and will last until midnight. There will be food and cocktails and a room for karaoke. There will be several screens showing Red Widow during it's premiere, so come on out if you'd like! RSVP for the address!

Sep. 19th, 2013




Arrgh!! Today be talk like a pirate day!!

Sep. 17th, 2013




Can I just say how glad I am that the mind powers are gone? Because that was crazy and I'm so glad to be sane.

I never ever want to know what people are thinking. It's all gross.

And no one thought dirty things about me. It's kind of a travesty.

Sep. 16th, 2013




I have been so busy with filming I haven't had a single moment to myself. I've been missing my friends and family a lot, but it doesn't make sense to travel back to Laguna Beach between takes so I've been sleeping in my trailer. The producers were nice enough to let me keep Lady here though, so I'm not completely alone.

I need to remember to thank my Mom for the ballet lessons when I was a child the next time I see her. That background in ballet has been helping me remember my fight scenes. I don't know how else I would have been able to do any of this.

Anyway, lunch is being served! I hope everyone is doing okay!


I killed a dog today.

He was a big bastard, a German Shepherd. The owner was walking him in the park, then...I don't know what happened in it's head, but the shep bolted. He tore away so fast and suddenly that the chain ripped up the owner's palm and the dog just raged through the muzzle.

The dog headed right for a family barbecue, barking and snapping. It chomped down on some kid's arm pretty bad and tried to drag him away. He was just some ten-year-old, crying and wetting himself while the father tried to pull him away. Looked like a tug of war to me, and it wasn't going to end well so I grabbed the barbecue fork and put it in the dog's head.

I don't like killing some animals. Dogs are good creatures: loyal, strong. It didn't feel good killing it. I felt better when I walked up to the owner afterwards and knocked him out.




So, Nymeria and the others appear to be just normal Direwolves and dogs again. I have to admit, I've relieved. While it was kind of cool, the last thing we needed was them realizing they could fly and taking off somewhere in the OC. Cause then someone would have called the ASPCA or Wildlife Control or something about the giant wolves then all hell would break loose when the super direwolves got confronted by law enforcement. They'd attack someone who threatened us in the dreams, god knows what they would have done with super powers if someone came after them.

Sep. 15th, 2013




I never want to be that sick again.

Sep. 13th, 2013



Judging from the amount of angst on here, I came home during one of Those Times, huh.

Sep. 11th, 2013



Show of hands - who missed me?

Sep. 9th, 2013




So, I don't remember Nymeria having super strength in my dreams. She just uprooted a tree in the backyard. I'm pretty sure my parents are gonna kill me. I should check Summer and Lady.


What's going on in the county?

My cat is fucking flying!

Sep. 4th, 2013




So. My dreams are worse than I knew. Woke up crying this morning. Does that even happen? I didn't know it was possible.

Aug. 29th, 2013




Great! My parents are away and my car is making a weird noise. Normally I don't ask for help often, but I don't want to completely ruin my car. Who can help?

Aug. 25th, 2013




So, I'm curious. Does anyone else have a big, manly boyfriend who screams like a girl on roller coasters?

Aug. 21st, 2013




All right, I finally gave in and bought a phone with internet access. I don't really know what I'm supposed to say on here. I know some of my friends are on here, but I probably don't know most of you unless we went to school together. I'm Matt Donovan. Just saying hello. I feel like an idiot.

Aug. 12th, 2013




So, I guess being stuck in Sansa's body wasn't as bad as I'd expected, but I'm glad to be back in my own body. I'm much more comfortable in my own body.

Aug. 5th, 2013




All I wanted was to wake up this morning, back in my own body. Is that too much to ask? Seriously, this is not cool.

Aug. 1st, 2013



Anybody know how to treat rugburn that's inside your buttcheeks? I didn't even know I could do that.

Jul. 31st, 2013




I am beginning to believe I cannot escape the Stark last name no matter where I go.

Jul. 28th, 2013




Wow, I've had a lot more dreams this week. Some were good and some weren't so good. I started sword training, both in the dreams and in real life. Not sure which teacher is better, cause they're both pretty cool. Then there was a tournament in honor of my father being named Hand of the King. But then I wound up lost in the dungeons cause I was chasing a cat, part of my sword training, and I overheard someone talking about a plot against him. I tried to tell him, but he wouldn't listen.

It's weird how my dreams jump around the way they do. Like, I still don't know how I wind up with Yoren and Gendry and the other guys Yoren is bringing North.

Okay, so other than sword training, I need something to do, sportswise. Anyone know of any teams for anything right now? I'll take anything really.

Jul. 24th, 2013



It's days like this I'm ashamed to be British.

Jul. 14th, 2013



This is me making a voice to text post cause I can't type right now

Bonne Bastille, everyone! On this day, a bid for freedom was made, they struck the match and France was on her way to being free. Incidentally, on this day, both in our past lives, and 22 years ago here, our good friend Enjoy Your Ass was born.

What the hell. Did it just type Enjoy Your...

My best friend has suddenly been given a new nickname in addition to the manga he opened at midnight when we put on the bootleg of 1789: les amnants de la Bastille, now that all of us can understand enough French to follow it, and broke out the decent cheese.

So uh. Happy Fall Of The Bastille and Happy Birthday, Assy! I hope he uh...Enjoys himself today!

Jul. 12th, 2013




I am so freakin happy right now!!! The best thing ever happened last night! When I got home from Gendry's I went right to bed and I had more dreams. The dreams weren't that great except for the part where I was kind of a bad ass, but anyway, when I woke up, I was kind of down cause of how the dream ended and then NYMERIA jumped up on my bed. NYMERIA MY DIREWOLF!! In the dream, I had to send her away, but she's here now. I ran downstairs with her this morning and I think my mother almost had a heart attack. I don't know what my parents will do if another direwolf shows up. Of course for that to happen, Jon, Robb or Rickon need to start dreaming.

So, if anyone needs me today, I'll be outside with Nymeria.

Oh! Does anyone know anything about wolf training? I know Sansa would want me to ask.

Jul. 11th, 2013




So I finally had a dream like lots of other people seem to have on here. It's not so different from my life, like my parents and uncles are the same but a one big thing is it's in a kind of medieval type of world. It's actually pretty cool!

But the best bit has to be that I'm a Princess! A real life proper princess because dad is the king.

Jul. 9th, 2013




Sooooo...is this a Southern California thing? Because I don't remember these strange events happening up in San Francisco. I'm glad it's over and I'm thankful to everyone who helped in the fight. Especially since I don't know many of you yet.

[Filtered against Percy Jackson]

WARNING: TEENAGE GIRL POST Don't say I didn't warn you. Looking for advice.

So, what do you do when there's a boy, whom you may have a crush on, and he suddenly appears at your school? You haven't seen him in years (you've been in contact though) and he wanted to surprise you with the fact that he's going to the same college as you. This is just too strange for me to try and figure out by myself.

Jul. 8th, 2013




If I have learned one thing this week, it's that faith's really, really hard to hang onto and maintain. It's worth it, but it can be hard when you feel like everything is falling apart and you have almost nothing to cling to, and barely know where you are at any point in time. I spent some time in mental 1830's land while still being here, and I've got to say that made the whole thing scarier and even let a few things slip while I was in between myself and other me and I might have mentioned something I didn't mean to tell people about me because I was freaking out about everything but... the thing is...

Hanging on to that faith, or having other people, like Jehan and Enjolras, and Arya and Alyssa, and Judy and everybody else who I was told had asked about me or was praying for me helping to give ME faith when I needed it most, and the miracle of Gavroche waking up again...

It makes hanging on to that faith, or finding it again, that much better, and that much easier to work with in the end.

Thank you all for the support and love, and...good luck against the zombies? I have stitches in my lip and I"m not equipped to handle those guys with an epee so I'll leave the fighting to those of you who CAN do it, but if you need anything like food runs, etc, or a couch to crash on, I'm pretty sure I can at least provide you that. And prayers that they're gone soon.

I love this network and how willing you are to support all of us. It really feels like it's another family. Thanks everybody.

Jul. 7th, 2013




It is so hard to just sit here and twiddle my thumbs, when all I want to do is grab Needle and go out there to fight. But I know that I'd probably just get myself killed since I still don't know how to use my sword properly. So I guess I just have to sit here and blow up my friends' phones to constantly make sure they're alright.

Jul. 6th, 2013




ffs why does anyone even bother going outside anymore if they live here?