
Posts Tagged: 'armin+arlert'

Aug. 3rd, 2020




I have a rare day off today and I really don't even know what to do with myself.




Normally, I wouldn't bother with the network. But, I know of a certain someone who would probably tease me like crazy if I didn't say something. So, if you ever need anything, you can find me at the local firehouse. Where it seems that I practically live most days.

Just ask for Clark Kent.

Jul. 26th, 2020




cut for image, visable to everyone )

While it's great to know we officially exist now, I feel it would have saved time to just ask us?

Jul. 23rd, 2020




Anyone have a business or live in an apartment complex that I can park my a car in for the owners to come pick up? I'd leave it at my place but I really don't want them coming anywhere near where I live.

Jul. 20th, 2020




...Who had tiktokers try to curse the moon for July's weirdness?

Jul. 17th, 2020




Another loss for the akumatized super villains. Another win for Lady Bug and Cat Noir.

I convinced my best friend to go to the park to see Adrien with the little girl, Manon, that she was watching. We got separated and Manon and I ended up trapped in an ice dome with spikes pushing down. I managed to distract her and entertain her until Ladybug and Cat Noir saves the day.

And lucky me! I get to babysit little kids when I’m awake and when I’m asleep.

Jul. 16th, 2020




Couldn’t sleep last night. Slept most of the day away except it wasn’t exactly peaceful.

In my dreams, my mom had the baby - my baby sister. My sister, my responsibility. Screwed that one up. Dream me got my sister thrown into lock up. It was such a stupid idea. Good intention but plan backfired and I couldn’t control the situation like I thought I could. No real surprise there. And my dream mom got floated because of it. They killed her because of me. Dream me just makes a mess of things.

I got on the drop ship because someone offered me a spot in exchange for assassinating the Chancellor. I didn’t kill him though. I guess the silver lining is I’m not a murder.

Everything I did since getting to the ground was because of that. Because I didn’t want anyone from the Ark coming down. And again made a mess of things. It’s becoming quite the pattern. 300 people died because the Ark couldn’t contact the ground.

Octavia wasn’t wrong. Everything that’s gone wrong has been because of dream me’s choices.

We’ve only been on the ground ten days. Ten days.

So not sleeping doesn’t keep dreams away. In fact I think I had more. I mean you think these people would have sent down a few adults. You send down 100 delinquents, some murderers, and one guard? That turned out to be a fake guard. I’m thinking this wasn’t well thought out if the people on the drop ship were supposed to make sure the rest of the people on the Ark could follow.

Jul. 2nd, 2020




The July 4th weekend is approaching and I want to remind everyone that if you are going to be setting off fireworks, playing with sparklers or anything of the sort that you be careful. I don't want to see you in my ED.

Jun. 22nd, 2020




After a few days of having Cesare looking at us like we betrayed him by bringing another puppy in the house, we gave my dad a golden retriever for Father's Day yesterday. I know I know, you're never supposed to give anyone an animal as a present without discussing it with them first. But. It's been awhile since Sunny passed, and I knew how much she meant to him. And.. it felt right. And I am really, really glad we did it. You can tell while he was in no way expecting it, that he was a good surprise. Ziggy's going to miss his playmate I know, but it's not like we're not going to take the boys to go visit him.

Jun. 19th, 2020




I'm tempted to see if I can't find out if there's a General Pyxis in this world and how much he's like the old man in my Dreams. At least there he's willing to listen to people. I'm still not thrilled about them separating Eren and I but at least Pyxis is letting me help with planning the defense of our home. And is trying to protect Eren too even if he is having to lie about things. Or at least I think his explanation of why Eren can turn into a Titan is a lie. I don't like the idea of Eren's parents okaying him being experimented on by the military.

The plan we come up with is for most of the troops to gather at the far wall, away from the hole and lure as many of the Titans as we can over there to give Eren, Mikasa and their group an easier shot at the hole for Eren as a Titan to plug up with a boulder. I swear to God if he gets his dumbass self killed there I will kick his ass.

Jun. 14th, 2020




So happy to be back in California and settled in one place for a little while.

Jun. 12th, 2020




I had a sleepover with my little cousin last night.

We decided to watch Mulan, so I was in the kitchen with Laurel making popcorn and getting drinks as I was singing, "I'll make a man out of you."

Suddenly Olivia runs in, hand on hip and yells at me. "MAL, STOP TRYING TO MAKE A MAN OUT OF MOMMY!"

Jun. 7th, 2020




I know I’ve read about getting dream tokens and stuff. But still weird to wake up and find one. What’s the strangest one’s some have you got?

[Sam Winchester]

I’ve got something you’ll want to take a look at.

Jun. 6th, 2020




So I’ve been told this is the place to be. So I did the thing.

My name’s Catty. I’ve lived here my whole life and go to UCI. So hey.

Jun. 2nd, 2020




I've found the solution to keeping your partner from stealing your clothes, for anyone who needs to know.

An unrepentantly bad sense of humor.

See, Armin will steal all of my hoodies, even my bi pride hoodies when he's 100% gay. The only one he won't touch is my "Bi bi bi" one. Because "Your puns are bad and you should feel bad"

If your partner is the one with the worse sense of humor, then sorry. There's no hope for you or your wardrobe.

May. 27th, 2020




I really wish people just wouldn't plan to get married on holidays. They always get mad that things are more expensive and expect me to do some bloody magic and get venues or florists to drop their prices on The Fourth of July or bloody Christmas. For as many years as I've been in this business, I'll never understand these particular people.

The last thing I'd want to do is get married on a holiday.




So this is 18, huh? Have to say, it doesn't really feel any different than 17.

Guess I'm officially an adult, even if I'm not legally allowed to drink for another three years.




For anyone wondering - yes George playing with her sister’s toys is adorable enough to make up for all of the stress of finals and graduation.

May. 26th, 2020




I'll never understand people that want to take out all their frustrations at life on people working their minimum wage jobs. Because clearly the price on the box of cereal is not what you're this mad about, even if it's what you're yelling at the poor clerk for. No one in the history of any thing has been this angry about cereal. You're clearly mad about something else and cereal is what you've chosen to blow up about. And it's not even the clerk's fault. Either you misread it or there was a tag error, but the person ringing you out is not the one who makes the prices. Just. All of us want to go home. And learn how to treat others, please.




How much of an asshole do you have to be to send kids down to a planet you think is uninhabitable? And tell them they are expendable.

Guess what.

May. 25th, 2020




So, it's Memorial Day and the store had fireworks out, and even though it's not the 4th of July, I am grilling in my backyard and helping Mare hold a sparkler. Sounds like the perfect end to a 3 day weekend to me.

Everyone be safe.




I wanted to more than just have a barbecue to commemorate those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. I did some looking online at different ceremonies and decided to attend one. It was really interesting to watch the wreath laying, the rifle salute, and listen to one of the local high school bands. Not gonna lie, listening to Taps always makes me tear up a little bit.

Hope everyone has a safe holiday. Don't drink too much and forget to put sunscreen on.




I haven't had any dreams since the one the other night.

Makes me wonder if my dream self did die, after all.

May. 24th, 2020




On behalf of Mercy's Clinic, I just want to thank everyone for not doing anything too crazy over the holiday weekend. I know we still have the actual holiday tomorrow, but it's nice not having an influx of barbecue inflicted wounds or anything like that. One year, when I was still working at a hospital, we had so many people coming in one Fourth of July, it was crazy. I've never quite understood why there are so many more injuries around holidays. I know it obviously has to do with people drinking more during the holidays, but still.




Things went rather poorly in my Dreams in Turkey, though knowing what I know of History, I cannot say that I am Overmuch Surprised. I doubt very much that our Decisions in Turkey will have much improved Relations between the Turks and the British, but I'm certain that we couldn't have made them much worse than they were already.

I will say that there are many Things that I take for granted in this time that I may not have otherwise thought about if it weren't for the Dreams, chief among them being that most Nations no longer send children to War. I hope very much that that is something I never grow used to, either in the Dreams or in my Waking Life.




Heads up for all the veterans out there (and active service) for tomorrow: Lux is gonna have free drinks for any service member that shows up till midnight. Doors open at five. And yes, I'll have a Missing Man table set up too.

Semper Fi and God bless y'all this Memorial Day. Let's remember those who gave their all for this great country.

May. 22nd, 2020




Dinner is looking like pizza and this lemon pie that may or may not have weird side effects. Pie is pie.

Something must be in the tequila. I had a very similar dream.




Turns out mom and my dad are shit parents in my dream, I was even put in the foster care at some point. If you acted up, the woman would put you in the attic for her son to feed off him. Yes, she was harboring a vampire child.

How fucked up is that? If he killed a kid, the conveniently "ran away". I killed him, accidentally, but than got the hell out there. I tried going back to my mom, but she loved her drugs and her pimp too much.

The only slightly cool thing about this dream was my imaginary friend (I know, I know, sounds like I was such a loser, I kinda was) Alex. Only turns out just an deity trying to take over my body for herself. Even my imaginary sucked.

It all worked out though, my soul was saved,

I got Diana, a watcher, helping me out since I'm "the Chosen One."

May. 21st, 2020




Because we can have another listening party, we're gonna be jamming out to the B-side of Carly Rae Jepsen's "Dedicated" album tonight. Come dance, enjoy the tunes, and take part in the random CRJ swag giveaway.

Let the bouncer know that "Alec sent you."

PS the bouncer is a pushover. :P

Additional announcement: "Chromatica by Lady Gaga" listening party next Friday! Come give us some "Stupid Love" ;)




I woke up thinking it was Friday. That was disappointing. It's only Thursday. I definitely didn't get enough sleep last night and not enough coffee in my system today.

When you start dreaming about your friends..maybe you've been spending too much time together studying.




Has anyone ever died in their dreams?

Asking for a friend.

May. 18th, 2020




Maybe it's cause I'm so close to graduating that my dreams are getting weird but I've noticed others talking about them.

So, here goes:
I woke up on my 16th birthday. I'm a blue skinned/blue haired elf, as well as my family, and my mom's dating a centaur police officer. We have a pet dragon that acts like a dog, except that it's capable of blowing fire. His name is Blazey; and dad's college sweater finally fits me...but dad's not around kinda like in my real life. Also, Barley, my brother has been protesting the demolition of a fountain so mom's boyfriend isn't pleased about that. Oh, and Barley accidentally almost unthreaded a sleeve from dad's sweater.

I've been thinking about this dream, all day. Seemed so real but like I said...could be nerves about the end of high school.

May. 14th, 2020




We sometimes leave Food Network on for background noise when we're not watching something in particular at the apartment, and Guys Grocery Games was on while I was working on something, so I was only half listening to start with and this may be my fault for mishearing. But this one guy had this really thick French accent, and I have no idea what he actually said. But my brain interpreted it as "sautee the muppet." And I am about 98% sure that THAT can't be right.




I’m really getting tired of them splitting Eren and I into separate groups in these Dreams. I know that he’s a better soldier than me, but I think by now I should have proven my ability to hold my own as long as I’m near him and Mikasa. I’m fast and smart. Well at least General Pyxis gives me credit for being smart - he pulled me into help with making the plan to seal the breach in the wall. Sorry Eren - we kind of decided to just use you in your Titan form to move that boulder. Pyxis sent Eren and Mikasa off with three elite soldiers and that was when I woke up.

May. 9th, 2020




What part of limited availability and while supplies last is hard to understand? Both of those phrases were slapped all over the advertisements put out for the store’s promotional. That and the fact we were opening half an hour early for the author to do a reading and Q and A before signing some books and leaving. We gave more than enough notice that the additional books signed would be available on a first come first serve basis. So do not come in 15 minutes before we close and start cussing me out and screaming at me because we sold them all and didn’t hold one back just in case you came by later. If it meant that much you should have come by earlier, or asked someone to pick it up for you. We can’t not sell to somebody who’s right there on the chance someone else could come in wanting to buy it. We’d never sell any books that way.

Apr. 12th, 2020




....How did George get out of the hutch and into glitter?

Apr. 8th, 2020




Why must there be some sort of reason for someone to get a large pile of books on a given subject? Can't a person just get lost in the history section and end up with nine books that are generally focused because of aforementioned getting lost in the history section?

Apr. 3rd, 2020




Someone needs to explain to Orange County that April Fools Day pranks are only funny when it's April Fools Day. I want my fiancee back in his normal body.

Apr. 1st, 2020




Hey, Orange County, thanks for what has to be the absolute worst belated birthday gift I've ever gotten! Maybe next time just send a freaking gift card. Or not even bother at all. I don't know which is worse, the way this feels or that I need to personally apologize to Mikasa next time I see her for the times I thought she was exaggerating every month, without explaining.

But hey, now I figured out for once and for all which parent I look most like because there's no way Mom didn't just clone herself when she had me.

Mar. 27th, 2020




I’ll admit it - I was a passive aggressive little shit to my coworker today. I’ve been working with her for over a year, almost daily, and she refuses to call me by the right name no matter how many times she gets corrected. And today I just...reached my limit. I’ve corrected her. Our coworkers have corrected her. Our manager has made a point to point out my nametag to her when correcting her. So today...I just didn’t answer her when she started calling for Aaron. I didn’t acknowledge it. I just kept right on with my stocking even after she started shouting it. She finally stopped and angrily asked one of the other guys why I wasn’t answering her and she seemed utterly floored when he responded “Because his name isn’t Aaron.”

I know it was petty but I’m tired of her not listening when she’s told my name. And I’m tired of humoring her and letting her call me whatever she wants. Being old doesn’t make it okay to be rude or just do whatever you want.

Mar. 20th, 2020




I'm not breaking out my 3dmg for this - ghost adventure? But after getting shot at I'm gonna keep my blades on me.

Mar. 16th, 2020




It goes without saying that Purgatory in Orange County, The Seventh Level in Los Angeles, and The Underworld in Las Vegas are closed for the time being. All staff will still receive a paycheck during these difficult times. To our loyal patrons, we apologize for the inconvenience, but I'm am sure you understand that the safety of our employees and patrons are our top priority.




Driving to work was easier than most days, but sadly I have to hit the grocery stores tonight and I have no idea where to go. I have been planning simple meals and I need water, with lots of wine.

Since I'm new to the area, anyone got a suggestion on the best place to go?




Hi, my name is Mark. My poor sister Helen told me to join this network and I think she's regretting all decisions to let me crash at her place.

I just got back this weekend from the UK and I get to spend 14 days self-quarantining. The best part is we haven't spend this much time together in 6 years, so we'll see if we end up killing each other or not. The worst part is not being able to see the rest of my family until this is over, but at least video chats are a thing.

So, please, to help my sanity - give me any and all suggestions of things to do to pass the time.

Mar. 6th, 2020




Eren is just as reckless in our Dreams as I’ve seen him be at times here. And somehow just as convincing. We still have a cannon pointed at us and the only thing protecting us is that disintegrating Titan rib cage he transformed into but he has a plan to get all three of us out alive. Well two: either go full Titan and get himself killed but protect Mikasa and I that way or I get to convince Kitts, the commander with the canon, that Eren is an asset with this ability, not a danger. I think I manage to, after almost shitting myself at the idea of having that kind of responsibility put on me for the three of us, but at the last minute Kitts orders the cannon to fire again. But this man named Pixis shows up with his troops and saves the three of us, because he apparently agrees with me about Eren.

You better not be planning on exploring that basement on your own there. I know you can’t control what DreamEren does but I’m pretty sure my Dreamself feels the same about it.

Feb. 22nd, 2020




My job wouldn’t allow me on a register if I couldn’t tell a twenty from a ten. So do not get offended, customer, when you hand me two ten dollar bills and five ones on a thirty-five dollar purchase and I don’t cash out your transaction. You still owe ten dollars for your books. Making me prove to you FOUR times by counting your money out onto the counter to show there were no twenties doesn’t change that. Also giving me another ten doesn’t suddenly make it that you’ve given me fourty dollars so I owe you five in change. You’ve just finally given me the thirty-five you owed.

The couple that pulled this on me has been coming in pretty regularly the last few weeks and always making sure to check out with someone else. And now that I think about it, a few weeks ago is when the owner started mentioning everybody being short five or ten dollars in their register at the end of their shifts. Thinking over how confident they were with me and how long and how hard they tried to stick to their claims despite my proving they hadn’t given me the amount they were claiming, I think they could be part of why people have been short those specific amounts.

My phone’s charging, dinner’s on time-cook in the oven. I’ll be home as soon as I can and we can watch whatever movie you want. Even something scary that I’ll watch from between my fingers. I need to go up to the store and try to catch the owner before he leaves to tell him what happened and what I think is going on. He’s scared his employees are stealing from him and if I’m right - this clears everybody. They’re not thieves. Just...distracted. Which still isn’t great but it’s still a little better.

Feb. 20th, 2020




This might come as a surprise as an archaeologist who's father was a curator at the British Museum, but I fully support returning cultural treasures to their countries of origin. Perhaps the one good thing to come out of Brexit.

Ideally, treasures would be something shared around the world, as sort of an ongoing collaboration, but they should start at the very least where they belong.

Feb. 18th, 2020




Seriously dreams?? SERIOUSLY???

Why is it everyone else gets badass stuff and I get THIS Cut for Image )




The worst part of Eren's internship? The late nights he has with both that and the bakery leads to me not being able to sleep well sometimes. Which leads to me going on the pokemon center website to take a look at the new plushes because it never hurts to look right?

Until it leads me to discover the real reason why Team Rocket is always trying to capture Pikachu - they're trying to stop him from killing and skinning any more of his fellow Pokemon to wear them as capes.

Feb. 13th, 2020




I really wish my dreams didn't take months to happen. Especially not when in a lot of them we're in legit life or death situations. I hate not knowing what's happening to my friends in them. I finally found out what happened to one of our friends. Negan had taken him earlier and was keeping him captive so I went to try and infiltrate Negan's hideout, but I ended up getting there more or less exactly when Daryl was making his escape. So we went to Hilltop and not long afterwards Rick and the others showed up; they'd had a rather unfortunate visit from Negan at Alexandria and Rick wanted Hilltop's help to take him down, but of course Gregory said no. He's such a coward.

So then I decided it was time for Rick and the others to meet King Ezekiel. Yes, I said King. He calls his location The Kingdom and oh yeah, he's got a tiger. A legit tiger. I kind of forgot to tell Rick and the others about Shiva though and their reactions were pretty amusing. In the end Ezekiel didn't want to risk the deal he had with Negan and the Saviors, but he let Daryl stay at The Kingdom where it was less likely that Negan would find him. So things aren't looking that great, but we're trying to stay as optimistic as we can.

Now lets hope it doesn't take another six months for me to have another dream to find out what happens next.