
August 30th, 2020




My phone fell out of my pocket at the shop today, it didn’t break so that’s good, it did however get picked up by a customer who tried to convince me that it was actually their friend’s phone because the case is so similar. Their friend who hadn’t even come into the store so they didn’t know how their phone could have gotten in there so they would just take it back to them in the car. I had to go through every app and contact on there before they would believe it was my phone they had in their hand. After I was able to unlock it and show her the wallpaper which is a picture of Matt and our dad before they shipped out with my face.




Just finished the sketches for the first group of Mythomagic figures and cards based off what I got from my dreams. There’s going to be of course the gods and goddesses and monsters - I really like the designs I came up with for Hades and Cerberus - but I’m also going to do some based off the other demigods in my dreams. Starting with the Hunters probably since they were the first ones I met. Well after Percy and Annabeth anyway.




Tinder still amuses me. Some people are total trash and some are so fake. I think I've been pretty good about sorting out the fake from the real deal. I admit, sometimes messing with the fake ones is fun. I'm not giving them anything, but I want to see what they say.




How many people here get dream reruns that kick off a new set of dreams? Anyone? That's where I'm hoping the reruns lead. I need answers to my cliff hanger.