
August 31st, 2020




Did anyone ever watch that show How Far is Tattoo Far? I think it was on MTV last year. Basically, two people would go on and pick out a tattoo for the other person, but they never knew what it was or where it would be ahead of time. And most of the time the other person, who was their friend or significant other would choose the most horrid tattoos. They would always do it to get some type of revenge on the other person for something. I mean, what are the odds that both people have something to get revenge for?

When it was on I saw maybe one or two episodes one time, but yesterday I happened to come across a video on Youtube of all the tattoos that had been on the show and honestly, some of these people were just simply mean to the other person. I couldn't imagine, no matter how angry I was at someone, choosing some of the designs they did on this show.

Does anyone else know what I'm talking about? I feel like I need another person to talk about this show with.




FFS - these dreams, I swear.

It's just basically some vague-ish dreams about growing up. There's a very prominent moment when I give this girl, Katniss, that I have a crush on some bread. My mother smacked me for burning the bread and when I went outside to dispose of it I saw her out there and decided to throw the bread towards her instead of the pigs. I've heard rumors of how her family wasn't doing well after her father died and she looked on the edge of starvation.

Then more of a fast forward to being 16 and we're at the reaping ceremony for the next Hunger Games. And of course my name and her name are picked. Of course. I feel like I basically blacked out as I made my way to the stage for the cameras. I don't remember much except my mother telling me that she thought District 12 may finally have a victor and she didn't mean me.





Dad, I love you so much. But when your closet is spilling into the coat closet in the living room? You might just have a shopping addiction.

I don't mind the clothes so much as I mind opening it to find a pair of shoes and a wig and the head it was displayed on falling on top of me.




Last I checked, the grocery store parking lot was one way. I didn't steal your spot, you tried to steal mine but I got to it first. But please, continue ranting Karen. I only came for sandwich stuff and by the time you've finished your tantrum I would have already been out and out of that spot.




Wrapped up work on a movie this weekend. It's been awhile since I've been on a movie set and I've gotta say, it felt good. It especially felt good to be doing legit stunts again. I coordinated a couple fight scenes and jumped through a window a couple of times plus some slightly more dangerous stunts that they wouldn't let the lead actor do. I'm hoping to get some more stunt jobs soon. I like teaching at the gym, but stunt work is my passion.