
June 29th, 2020




My shitty car finally died. Wouldn't start this morning, like at all.

Traced the problem and there are about fifty problems. There always were fifty problems but I can't fix them anymore, the block finally cracked.




Pretty sure I just had a Dream.

Because that? Was super intense. And not in a good way.




Thank fuck that bad weather's over. I fucking hate the cold, ironically.

Stables were fine, even though the horses were spooked by those walking piles of rocks.

I think I'm glad for a brief reprieve from the drama of my dreams; I'm just wandering through a misty wood with some dryads. No centipedes, no monsters, just this grumpy white-haired man and some really beautiful dryads.




So it looks like the Loch Ness Monster was just a catfish all along. At least, the most recent image is.