
June 30th, 2020




Hazel's cat just curled up and fell asleep on Ziggy's back and he's just looking at me in confusion. Like he's absolutely unsure about what to do with his little cousin deciding out of nowhere he's a bed. Either that or he's afraid of moving and disturbing her, I'm not really sure. My poor confused boy, either way.




Away from the Network, I don't use the twins' names, ages, or anything to identify them online. That's a decision Amycus and I made a long time ago, because the girls' digital footprint should be entirely theirs when they're old enough to have them. Not something their friends can google when they're teenagers to find embarrassing stories about them later on.

So if I have to mention them at all, I call them Thing One and Thing Two. Before anyone says anything, the girls know this and they're okay with this, except that they disagree on who is one and who is two. Our animals, however? I've got their pictures and names. The dogs, the cat, and the horses.

I had a fan on twitter today ask me what species Thing One and Thing Two are, and I'm just at a loss of words on how to handle this. I finally said my kids, and apparently they now think I have pet goats?