
May 21st, 2020




Has anyone ever died in their dreams?

Asking for a friend.




I woke up thinking it was Friday. That was disappointing. It's only Thursday. I definitely didn't get enough sleep last night and not enough coffee in my system today.

When you start dreaming about your friends..maybe you've been spending too much time together studying.




Because we can have another listening party, we're gonna be jamming out to the B-side of Carly Rae Jepsen's "Dedicated" album tonight. Come dance, enjoy the tunes, and take part in the random CRJ swag giveaway.

Let the bouncer know that "Alec sent you."

PS the bouncer is a pushover. :P

Additional announcement: "Chromatica by Lady Gaga" listening party next Friday! Come give us some "Stupid Love" ;)