
May 8th, 2020




It’s that time of year again - Laurel and Madison have put their countdown calendar up onto the fridge with how many days there are until the end of the school year. And I am honestly hoping that mum and dad will be willing to take them for a few weeks again this year so that Regulus doesn’t go completely insane.




On the one hand, I always dig when I go bad-assed in my dreams. Like phasing an entire ship through another ship.

On the other hand I really, really hate it when the bad guys wear hoods.




The most tragic dream I've ever had

cut for bop spoilers )




So. Waking up with artifacts from the dreams is a thing?

Because I've got a god damn bracelet on my wrist and it's reading my vitals and sending them back to the mother ship or something.

What the hell?