
March 25th, 2020




Yanno what's better than bacon.

Breakfast Sandwiches.

With bacon.




In the continuing adventures of ten-year-old dream!me is a dumbass, after running into some mysterious mists to get away from people, I ended up cornered by a giant... centipede? But like, a giant death centipede.

I got saved by a white-haired man who had yellow eyes and the biggest, shiniest damn sword I've ever seen. He told me to climb the tree, then struck it down in the most epic fight.




Mid-May is when I will get my results back.

The last four week have seem to drag by....not sure if I can make it another month or so.




So I mentioned in first post that I'm an event planner. Now that I'm all settled I'd like to work with a few charities to plan events/fundraisers for them. Any recommendations?




...is it Thursday? Wednesday? Did I turn in my homework?

I think I fell asleep and slept for a day straight.

Text Message to Kachan )

Text Message to Denki Kaminari )




I feel hiding our keys was a completely unfair way to get us to clean the house. Just say you think the place turned itno a pigsty while we were all cooped up in here! Meanwhile my poor little girl thought all those blankets on the couch were for her, and she wasn't happy I took her newfound nest away from her to throw it in the laundry.