
April 2nd, 2019




On one hand, thank you and no thank you to Tumblr for their April Fool's joke this year for reminding me of my middle school posts with the memories feature. On one hand, it was cool to see posts I hadn't seen for years in fandoms and interests I haven't thought about forever. On the other hand... 14 year old me. That's all I can say about that.

I did kind of like it, but I hate that it was for a joke and won't stick around. Much like the one they did a few years ago that had spreadsheets people turned into art or memes and things. They come out with some really cool things for their April Fools day pranks that would be wanted and useful, and the rest of the year they decide to ban nipples and make LGBTQ tags unsearchable.

I swear, next year their prank will be to make a functional website for a day.




A new month means I need a new list of books to read.

Looking for any and all recommendations, although I'll be honest: non-fiction is boring unless it's about cooking. If it's a good food memoir, then please, give me all the titles.

In the last few months, I've read The Passage trilogy, Howl's Moving Castle, Children of Men and You (which I really didn't like, and gave up on). I have a pretty random taste in books. As long as it's interesting, I'll happily add it to my goodreads.




Pretty sure I had one of those ridiculous dreams you're all talking about...maybe you're not so ridiculous. I need a drink.




(ooc: trigger warning for animal death)

I know I should have expected it to come sometime, because she was getting older. I mean, I guess there never really is any expecting it, is there? She always seemed to have the energy to play with Cesare and Ziggy when Nico and I brought them over to Dad's. And we always took really, really good care of her. Checkups every year and brought her to the vet each time anything was slightly wrong.

Wednesday, Dad was texting me franticly from the vet's office. Sunny hadn't been herself, wasn't really wanting to eat and just seemed very lethargic. He thought maybe it was a bug at best or some sort of blockage at worst. And it wasn't. She had a lot of tumors and where they were ...they just weren't somewhere you could operate.

Nico and I spent the whole weekend there and just. The three of us tried to give her the best weekend that we could. We played as much as she would feel like, gave her her favorite foods, and just loved, petted, and spoiled her as much as we could. Took her to all of her favorite places. And then... we said goodbye at the vet's office yesterday.

I'm still processing it. I know we did the right thing for her, that she's not suffering now. But it just hurts that she's gone. And I'm not sure how to tell our kids the next time we bring them up there where she is. Will they understand? Because I know that they'll be looking for her. They were always so excited each time we went up there.

I love you, Sunny, and I'm going to miss you so much.




Well it’s official - I just signed my first endorsement deal last night. The company’s hoping to translate some of my recent publicity to a new market. Whatever that means. All I know is that I have to go to their events and talk up their sports equipment. Easy enough since they’re what I’ve been using to train at home since I was 15 anyway.