
February 18th, 2019




Future Industries Press Release

After ten months, FI CEO Asami Sato has returned to Orange County. Ms. Sato left FI in capable hands in April 2018, and embarked upon a world tour. While abroad, Ms. Sato oversaw the breaking of ground in a new Girls in STEM center in Ontario, Canada, the start-up of a salt to fresh water plant in Mozambique, a satellite launch platform off the coast of California, and numerous other charitable and technological projects that Future Industries funds around the world. She even substituted for Future Industries' Formula 1 driver in the Monte Carlo Grand Prix last year.

In honor of her return, the Future Industries Race Course is once again open to the public and a special race is scheduled for February 28th! Prospective racers can compete in heats leading up to this race, where the top 10 will compete against Ms. Sato herself.

The top three racers will have $10,000 donated to the reputable charity of their choice. And if anyone is able to beat Ms. Sato, they'll a win 2019 FI Lightning electric sports car

End Press Release

Okay, now that that's out of the way, have I missed anything particularly earth shattering?

And I'm serious about that race and the fact that no one is going to win that car ;)




Got my freedom back on a Monday...so now it's back to work anyway. Unsure how to feel about this. I like my job, but it feels like it'll be a long week.

That was the opposite of a fun Dream. Nearly died a second time.

Know what's weird?




I moved here last month and I swear I saw melting snow still hanging out in places??? This is California, I LEFT Canada to get AWAY from the snow. Me and snow are not besties anymore, okay?

Then I get on here to see if anyone has an explanation, and, wow. Are you telling me this entire COUNTY is like this? You know that's not really hallucinogens in the water, right? Maybe I should go back home now before whatever's actually in the water gets to me, but that would be boring. So, challenge accepted? Bring it on, whatever it is.

Just someone tell me where to get some good coffee, because Dunkin' Donuts isn't it.




Thank the Gods that Valentine's day is over. The salon was so utterly jam packed with people they even had me washing hair. Spoiler alert: I'm terrible at it.

Instead of going out, I decided to spend the night with Henry Tilney in Northanger Abbey. Who doesn't love a man with a sharp wit and exceptional taste in muslins?

So who is your favorite Austen hero? Or couple, whatever, and why?




I've been forced to think about light versus dark as a metaphor for good versus evil for the last infinite number of weeks.

And you know what? That metaphor is bullshit.

You know what lasers are made of? Fucking light, that's what.

You know what would destroy everything on earth if it wasn't for the ozone layer? Fucking light from the sun, that's what!

Light is not inherently synonymous with happy good friend feelings. I hate this metaphor.

Another complaint for thought.




I've decided that maybe I need a late Valentine's gift to myself. I need a new car, or a truck maybe. What's good out there?




It's so strange being back in the house I grew up in. I mean, I've been back here to see Elena, of course, but now I'm living here again and it's just so strange. Dragon is also getting used to living in a new house. I can tell that he's still trying to find Myrcella, but he's also taking to Elena and Katherine pretty well, which is good cause it's made this whole move easier on him.