
July 10th, 2018




And after some rumor and getting things all worked out, there will be a Bandstand reunion for Fleet Week (August 31st - September 3rd) where we'll be performing every night an abridged version of the show. There will be auditions for the ensemble with an emphasis on dance experience and familiarity with swing dancing in particular.




So...today's grocery store trip was interesting. I wasn't trying to impress anyone so just went in my work out clothes to get what I needed and while I was putting the bags in my trunk this older man came up with his wife and started talking to me. It was innocent enough at first until he started talking about how much he'd always liked tiny blondes and would like to get to know me better. Before I could even think of a response to that his wife turned to look at him and went "Are you serious? She's our granddaughter's age and I'm standing right here!" before dragging him off into the store.

I'm not sure who to feel worse for - her having to live with him doing things like that or him when they got home.




I think my dreams are done for now. They feel it, anyway.

TLJ spoilers )