
July 11th, 2018





Fuck me sideways.

No one called Remus Lupin happens to be lurking around here, is he?

[James Potter]

You started having those dreams yet?

[Regulus Black]

I had those dreams you keep yammering on about.




Well then. Unnervingly realistic dreams take one.

It was just my childhood, but it wasn't? I grew up in L.A. in real life, but in it? Some place called Central City. I can't find it on maps..Pretty sure it was just my brain being wacky, but I can't let it go? Trying to do research on Central City and coming up with nothing. It felt so real though..

Anybody heard of Central City before?




And here I thought all of you were just mad. But I think I've had one of those dreams you're all talking about. I was just a kid, growing up much the same as I've grown up now. Except I'm pretty sure there was a whole lot of magic. My mum and dad used it all the time, and we even had this funny little creature named Pooky who did all our cleaning for us. She wouldn't let me have any biscuits, which was very upsetting, let me tell you, and I just ended up in the pantry and got to eat my fill before mum and dad found me. Surprisingly, they seemed very overjoyed that I had finished them all off.

These are kind of fun, aren't they?




So. Question. Where the fuck am I supposed to keep a pegasus in this place? Because I totally woke up to my pegasus nosing me this morning. At least she's not dead




Right. Because a female, bunny cop couldn't possibly be able to handle major cases like the rest of these big dumb brutes.

They put me on meter maid duty. Awesome. At least dream me was able to try and do the best she could. Even I'm in awe of her tenacity.




I don't understand this whole 'What Color' sponge thing I keep seeing on instagram. Has anyone else seen it? It looks like that green stuff florists use for flower arrangements and they squeeze out colored water or glitter or whatever. I don't understand it. It's like those slime accounts. I still don't understand those either.