
March 27th, 2017




So far no strange dreams, but I'm not complaining. I'm actually perfectly okay with this development.

I have to say, however, that the company in the OC has been much better than previously expected thanks to some familiar faces and a couple new ones. So I guess I might stick around for a little while. I might live to regret this decision, but it wouldn't be the first time, so I think I'll survive.




How does anyone in Camelot have any type of routine to their life? Rumors reaching the city of crops dying and then the city well pumps are dispensing sand instead of water and no one has any clue how it’s all going to be solved, but Arthur has to. Although Merlin assured me in the dream he’d come up with something if Arthur couldn’t, which shouldn’t reassure me as much as it did. And I was having to sneak food from the kitchens for Morgana and it’s just one thing after another in my dreams and I can’t make sense of them half the time.




Subject 89P13.

Guess that's what I was called when they did experiments on me. Dream me. Not me me.

And apparently I got a reputation in the universe. Figures.

We got caught, processed, and sent to this place called the Kyln. And I'm pretty sure dream me was already confident that I'd escape out of there.

Still... subject 89P13. I can see why I chose Rocket.




I hate to bother those on this network for something that may seem trivial, but eventually I will run out of sick leave. And there is also that I dislike being away from my work laboratory when there is, well, plenty of work to actually be done.

But I have something of a problem. Magic is one specialization I am not well-versed in, but if there is a way to, say, hide appearances in the event that one has experienced a rather jarring 'dream bleedover'? I would be most appreciative of the help. And would find a way to provide compensation, of course.

At least being home has allowed me to read in excess. The world's largest dinosaur footprint was only recently just discovered in Australia! That is exciting, isn't it?




So now that it’s officially spring, guess I can start thinking about when I can break out the inflatable pub for a party here at the beach house. Who’s in?





I have ceased to be. Whyyyyyyy?????? It's too cute. Someone hold me.




I'm happy to say that my dream self seems to have been cleared. For now. The DA's dropping the charges because the blood evidence was messed up or something. So I'm not sure that they won't try to charge me if they find new evidence again, but I'm not going to jail, which is a positive.

The rest of the dream stuff is pretty overrated, though. Except I'm apparently working on a motorcycle?

Private to Spencer )

Private to Emily )




This may be showing my age, or reluctance to deal with certain popular apps, but I have finally given in and started using Spotify.

I may never get anything accomplished again. There's simply too much music I like. I've already created twenty playlists.




I'm not saying I want to disobey the sign and do this.

But I can say it makes me really, really curious to know exactly why this sign was necessary. I feel there's a story here.

cut for size )