
February 2nd, 2016




What in the statement I have two small children led the real estate agent to think a house with unfenced in ground pool would be acceptable to me? Looks like we'll be in the hotel a few more nights while looking for a house that will actually be safe to move into with my family.




I watched a little bit of kids tv with Ben this morning and it's awful these days. So dumbed down and just terrible storylines, I've decided I need to show him cartoons from the good old days when his dad was a kid :)

Anybody have any favourites?




So, apparently, I'm anti-social, far too wrapped up in my work, and putting way too much pressure on Skye to act as my only source of companionship, and this is neither healthy nor productive for the overall well-being of either of us. Or at least, so says my shrink-- I mean, older brother.

So, even though he knows full well I'm not exactly good at it, I'm supposed to attempt this whole 'making friends' thing the kids are crazy about these days. And apparently the way you do that is by forcing other people to tolerate your presence instead of awkwardly waiting for them to approach you.

So, hello.

Oh, yes! Name. Name. My name is Grant Ward. I'ved lived here awhile. So of you might already be familiar with me. And that's... Everything. I think.




Happy groundhog day.

I have to admit I like this holiday what with it being based on a rodent seeing its shadow. Makes as much sense as anything else around this place.




Oh no. I got to the studio this morning and we've already had notice that the girl scouts will be coming by soon - it's cookie time! I am doomed, they are so addictive.




I want to apologize to everyone who got caught out in the fog during the last week of January. I know some really bad things were out in it. It was a dream thing and it was my fault.

I'm really sorry.