
February 3rd, 2016




Anyone want to plan a trip to New York for rainbow bagels? I'd buy a ton of those to bring home with me.




How do the Dreams follow-up on shooting me in the back? By taking an uncanny tonal shift, of course. Why not?

They have gone from being super serious, action packed, life or death to…I don’t know…comedy? Kind of? I feel like I'm the butt of a very elaborate drawn out cosmic joke.

I’m briefed about an attack by The Meta on a sim trooper base and receive new orders to investigate the whole Meta situation and in doing so I’m told to start at Blood Gulch Outpost Alpha, this random box canyon in the middle of ass-end nowhere. The sim troopers there apparently were the last people to come in contact with the Omega A.I., which apparently The Meta has now, how I don’t fucking know. So I arrive at Blood Gulch and find that there are only two troopers left there. One who apparently has been throwing raves in her empty base every night and is convinced I’m a cop and another who is, I swear to god, batshit insane. He's ignored his reassignment orders and has essentially gone AWOL all in order to…fulfill his orders to fight the Blues?

I knew the sim troopers were scraping the bottom of the recruitment barrel, but Jesus Christ. And the Project thought I was crazy...




...Does everyone on this network get those 'dreams' then?

Not that I have, but has anyone dreamt of not living on Earth?




Anybody else hear that it's National Carrot Cake day today? My brother told me when he messaged me this morning.

I don't have time to make one so I think I will be calling at the bakery later on!




I have some amazing news! This has been in the works for a while for our company, though we didn't want to make an announcement until it was sure.

Baxter Bakery's second location has been found, rented, and is amid renovations! We'll be opening our second location soon! Stay tuned for more details!




I love my new job. I had enough money to pay rent for February, and pay off some debts I'd accumulated during December and January.

It's going to take a few months of legal red tape, but my lawyer and I think we've found a way to get my trust fund back into my hands. So everything's coming up Hawkeye.




I'm so glad to be home in time for Girl Scout Cookie season. Though, I'm afraid I might eat my weight in Thin Mints.




So I learnt today that if a battery bounces when you drop it on a table it means it's dead. I'm not sure how I didn't know this before, it seems like one of those things you should know in life. Kind of like the egg floaty test.

Anybody got any other pearls of wisdom?




Wow, fast-forward to me dreaming about being 33 and becoming my biggest fear in the universe. But, hey, that means I get to go back to Hogwarts and save the son of my best friends from my lunatic best friend. Could be worse I guess.