
December 1st, 2015




I saw a rather nice movie over the weekend. It was an older one called It's A Wonderful Life. I had never seen it before but it was enjoyable.




Snow in this sort of climate? It doesn't seem possible, is it magic?




And we have snow! Again. Should have expected this, but a tiny part of me didn't think it'd happen again. Guess I was wrong. Gonna wait a little longer to see if more accumulates then make Stefan, Care and Anna go outside with me to make a snowman.




I'm not gonna mention the snow

When is it an appropriate time to start dating again after a divorce? Legitimately asking for a friend.




Taking 3 to 1 odds we get a blizzard again!



Filtered away from Ranma

Has anyone ever grown worry about something to come in the dreams by how someone else starts to acting?

This is getting ridiculous
Just stop ignoring
What's wro




Creepy professor dreams continued, he introduced me to some boys and naturally they all started fighting over me.

The crazy thing is that it's like he's teaching us to be some kind of fighting force or military unit. It's not a normal school.

I've had a constant headache all day.





I am building a damn snow fort and anyone who wants to help is welcome. UCI Quad, be there or be somewhere else. Whatever. I'm not your damn mother.




I got Flower to sit still long enough for a Christmas photo.

Cut for large image, viewable to all. )

Yes, he was purring when I took it. He just always looks angry.




Well I once again have a reason to drag my old warm jumpers out of the attic. You can always rely on the OC to give us the wintery feeling though this year it's earlier I'm sure.




I think I have gotten over my 'seclusion' phase and I'm ready to have a few drinks, and get lost in the crowd of a dance floor.

If anyone wants to join me, I'll be heading here: [insert name of gay club, along with address]




Wow. I just realized that I've been out here for a year now. I hadn't realized that a year had gone by already since I decided to move out here. So much had been going on this time last year that I kind of forgot when I moved. I've gotta say that despite some crappy stuff that has happened this year, this year went a lot better than I expected it to and I have to give credit for that to my friends. If I hadn't met you guys this year I don't know what the last year would have been like.

This time of year also means I have to decide if I'm going to decorate. I didn't really do anything last year since it was the first Christmas without my family and I'm still not really feeling it this year, at the moment. I don't know.