
October 20th, 2015




So, after mulling it over a little, I think I've decided to bite the bullet and get a little thematic with Seventh Heaven for Halloween! Would anyone be interested in coming to a lowkey costume party at my bar Halloween night? Just curious--I'll be open either way! I don't usually celebrate any holidays, but given the insanity of the year so far... I thought maybe a little fun couldn't hurt!




Okay so...

I have dreams, of a dream life. But in the dream life... I have dreams of another dream life. So, I have the equivalent of two fake lives in my head right now and this super weird feeling that something bad is going to happen. Like it can get much worse.

I mean, really. I almost said yes to marrying a flying monkey. What even...

Plus side, I actually have a moderately respectable gamer score. Score one for raising the kid in at least one life.




The more I dream the more I find myself growing frustrated with my current job. Perhaps it is time to look elsewhere or a change in genre perhaps as I enjoy the work just not the subject.




If you ever find something called Cat Cafe do not be tempted. The food is likely poisoned or cursed. It does not mean "cute" cats.




Using the on call beds are definitely not recommended for long term sleep.

As my back is angrily protesting right now.