
October 3rd, 2015




Who's excited for Halloween, bitches? That would be me.

Like, shove an entire pumpkin up my ass excited.

Not sure what I'm doing yet, other than having a killer party, but I've got a couple weeks to plan and get things together.

I'm not big into social media, though I'm thinking of starting a vlog or something, but my buddy Sam is on here so what the hell, right?

I'm Josh Washington. Yep, that one. Pretty sure my mom's doing a junket for her new movie or something right now, since my google hits and local recognition have jumped up ever so slightly.

Nice to meet you all. Come say hi! Sign the guest book, what have you.




It is that time of year again. I need Halloween costume ideas. Thoughts? I'm thinking maybe something like a cat or pirate.




It appears my penance for all the things I'd done in the dreams was to estrange myself from my friends, and outlive all of them. A solitary life is no good when it's forced upon you. And in a way I ought to be happy. I never changed the course of France's history but became an ambassador of Spain to France, a good position, but it feels so hollow.

But I feel, in my soul, that this particular adventure has finally come to an end.




Apparently the LAPD in my dreams has nothing better to do than track down animals for foreign dignitaries. Last time it was a damn cat, this time it was some fucking baboon that the former defense minister of Corona (haha! I love that there's a country called Corona in my dreams), General Golan, needed for a heart transplant. Thing ended up getting kidnapped. Monkeynapped. Whatever.

Guy started a civil war in his own country where tens of thousands of people were killed, so we thought it was going to be kind of hairy. Either some animal rights organization or a political rival. Turns out it was just some poor guy with a sick daughter who'd kidnapped the baboon thinking he could use it for her transplant.

The good general ended up getting sniped by someone from his own country in the end. Good, he fucking deserved it, and the man's daughter ended up getting the human heart they'd found for Golan right before he died, so all's well that ends well.

D's sister also showed up. I didn't even know he had a sister, and given his reaction when she showed up I'm not even sure if he did either. But the two were fucking identical. It was weird. That family's got some freaky-ass family resemblance going on. I saw a photo of D's grandpa from 1958 a while ago and I swore it was D. Didn't get to meet his sister more than a couple of times before she went back to their dad though.

She was kind of weirdly hot though. It's amazing what a nice set of jugs'll do.




Wishing my brother, Peter, and brother-in-law, Caspian, a very happy honeymoon :)

I can't wait to hear all about it when you get back. And I promise that Susan and I are going to take good care of Aslan.




I have fall beer. Good, spicy, delicious pumpkin beer. And non-pumpkin beer. Just good autumn brews.

I also have Hocus Pocus on DVD. And kettle corn.

I think I might order pizza. That would make this day perfect.