
May 16th, 2015




So strange. I didn't even eat that much last night and I had the strangest dream. World War II and all my siblings were there. So peculiar. Perhaps it was something from a book I, read before or a show.

Peter and Lucy
I had the weirdest dream of us all the other night. It was in the 40's, during World War II, in England and we were being bombed badly. Our parents sent us to live in the country with the most curious old man in a large house. We were exploring because it was raining and we happened upon a wardrobe. I don't think we even owned such a thing back home, did we? Anyway, it was the only thing in the room. Then I woke up. So weird. Perhaps I'm still adjusting to California time.




Public service announcement courtesy of dream!Buffy? Don't stay out late. Possibly carry a cross. Actually, do that. Gonna go ahead and jinx things by saying: I've got a bad feeling about this. The... this being my not-so typical dream Dream. It's so fun being me.

Did not take me long to give up on the super optimistic posts, geez. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe nightmares are just nightmares.

Filter: Friends
What's your stance on the legitimacy of prophecies?




This Mage situation in Thedas has gone completely out of hand thank you, Anders, but something had to be done, I suppose, to put an official end to the reigning status quo. The politics of it all is tiresome, and being Justinia's 'left hand' in all things is exactly what I pictured it being - emotionally and mentally taxing, while dealing with semantics of finely veiled threats in regards to Orlesian nobles. Unsurprisingly, I do it well. It's...not the road I expected myself going down. But some things are necessary, in the name of change.

Now Justinia's called forth a peace conclave to help ease Mage-Templar relations. I can't imagine a compromise being reached, so I'm going to suspect her orders for forming an official Inquisition will be followed. Cassandra, we're practically co-workers. ♥

Aside from that, I have two new nugs, and now must built a fence around my yard to keep them at. Thank you, Dreams, for making my home adorably crowded.