
April 15th, 2015




I feel bad, I woke up from new dreams and the first thing I did was get up and take my violin into the living room. I just finished playing and while I don't think I woke Will or Tessa, I have to remind myself that we're not at the Institute where if I decide to play in the middle of the night, it's big enough that no one will hear.

We seem to be making a little headway in the dreams though. We have an idea to try and find out if Mortmain's plans against the Nephilim are personal or not. Gideon and Gabriel Lightwood are also going to be coming to teach Tessa and Sophie to fight. That should be interesting, considering Will and the Lightwoods don't get a long.

I suppose I should try and go back to sleep now.




I'm a bit disappointed. I ran across a place yesterday called Alchemy Hair. It was only a salon. This place being what it is on it's best day had my hopes up a bit too much even.

[filtered to Emma]
Ever have days where you don't even want to get up?

[Filtered to Raven]
The dreams are not supposed to bring me people. This is fucking stupid. I'm pretty sure this guy I work with though just showed up at the flower shop the other day. My commanding officer with some ah..personality issues.




I have been in America for a couple of weeks now and my father has told me to get my arse in gear no less than 30 times. I realized that I haven't really missed that.

Hi, I am Eggsy. I apparently need to find a job and figure out where to go to college. Anyone know of a school with a good gymnastics program? Might as well get back into it since I am away from the prat back home.

Also I need to know where the best pint is ASAP.




Has anyone else covered Onion rings in cheddar cheese, ketchup, sweet relish and spicy mustard? Because it's the most delicious thing I've ever eaten.




Paris was so much fun that I almost didn't want to get back on the plane. But now that I'm home, I think it's good to be back. Vacations are wonderful, but I missed everyone. And I think there's something to be said for getting back to some kind of daily routine.

I have so many presents from France to people! It's going to take me all night to sort through everything. I think I'm glad I mailed some of this back home so I didn't have to worry about taking it on the plane with me.

How is everyone? I heard I missed some Orange County strangeness?




Since it's spring, I've started wanting to do more things outside. The weather's just too nice to stay cooped up indoors, you know? So I take Moose for a nice long jog, and then do my usual workout routine on the front steps instead of in the gym.

Apparently a sneaky fiancé took pictures of me when I thought he was busy sunbathing. I can't be angry, really. I look damn good in them.




I have spent all day listening to people complain about minor things. I would like to do something relaxing.
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