
April 6th, 2015




So a friend of mine pointed me in the direction of this open photo shoot for the No H8 movement at the end of May. While I've luckily never really suffered from any sort of discrimination or anything I always feel it's important to show support for the people who have and it looks like a great place to network and socialise.

Would anyone like to come with me?




Some days, Magic really is amazing to have. Once you get going, you can figure out how to make things simpler in your daily life.

I think I'm spending my money on a chunk of land and building a little stone cabin. This no electricity thing is killing me




The human brain is actually quite brilliant. In the face of trauma or torture, it can create an elaborate delusion that life is normal and block out what has happened, and the person has no idea. Except there are signs that eventually start showing up to make you wake up and remember.

So that begs the question.

What's to say that all of this, the lives we feel we've lived, Orange County, all of this is real? What if it's the actual dream, and the dreams we keep having are our subconscious trying to make us wake up?




Okay cupcakes, anyone know where one could get a magical sheathe capable of holding a sword that can destroy ultimate evils but also kill the wielder in the process?

Asking for a friend.




Funny, you'd think I'd remember getting drunk enough to wake up with my face tattooed. I'm not even hung over, which I guess is a blessing since that would only make everything feel worse.

It's got to be some kind of coincidence that I remember dreaming about some elven woman pricking the design into my skin. But I can still feel the sting of it. And I remember that you weren't allowed to cry or acknowledge that it hurt. Something something adulthood rite of passage.

I wasn't drunk last night but I think I'm going to go and GET drunk now.




I think I have to say that as much as being in another body is the strangest thing that's ever happened to me at least I'm not having any dreams right now.

So, yes, I'm currently occupying the body of one of my female friends. As if it couldn't be any more awkward to be in a strange body in the first place. I've also discovered that putting on a bra may be just as complicated as taking one off when I'm a regular guy. I think I've almost got it figured out now.

And I can't complain about having two legs right now, but I feel really bad for Rose because learning how to put a prosthesis on can be incredibly confusing.

Also, I will not be at Mellarky until this clears up, so let me know if you needed to request any kind of baked goods and I'd be happy to meet up with you somewhere else. My brothers would never understand if they saw me now.




I have never taken as much time off of work as I have in the last couple of months. My inner workaholic is losing his mind. It's a wonder that anyone ever manages to get hold a job in this county, with the random truth spells and body swapping and whatnot.

I also have a newfound appreciation for just how annoying catcallers are.




Think we picked a good time to go to Paris. Ain't sure I wanna go back until things get back to normal in Orange County.

Ain't sure shit ever gonna get back to normal.

But Paris is nice.

Laura K





The worst part of my weekend was the Cubs losing the first game of the season. It's going to be one of those years again.