
December 30th, 2014




Aunt May actually glared at me when I suggested doing my own laundry. I argued I was perfectly capable of doing my laundry but she slapped my hand away and told me to get back on the couch. It's good being home.

[Private filter to Harry]
Wanna grab a bite later?




Man, after this past week, work is so boring and...normal. It's what one gets after seeing what the world inside a computer is like, I guess.

I miss the Grid like crazy. I still keep gesturing in the air expecting code to pop up out of objects.




Has anyone else ever had a dream--the kind that seems peculiar to the OC--where their dreamself did something that their wakingself finds very disappointing or highly questionable or morally distasteful? And perhaps understood why the dreamself might make that choice but still felt rather appalled by said choice?

If you have felt that, I am so sorry. If you haven't, I hope you don't experience it, as it is not at all pleasant.




I'm not ready for 2015.