
December 15th, 2014




Enzo and I went out to cut down a tree for casa Salvatore.

Best Friends for Life - And Partners in the Hunt for the Perfect Tree )



Cold Weather Tips from a Canadian Abroad

As many of the local inhabitants seem to believe that "winter weather" is anytime below 20 degrees (Celsius, or 68 degrees Fahrenheit, by American reckoning), and requires sheepskin boots and Winter Storm Watch on the local news, I thought I might offer some advice as a Canadian who has spent the majority of their adult life living in a climate where the amount of snowfall we received is a yearly occurrence.

For those of you effectively stranded due to the snow and Southern California's inability to deal with it, let me offer a few tips:

- To prevent pipes from freezing, keep the taps on a slow, steady stream. I understand that this is counter intuitive if you have resided in the area for long, since the area is in a drought and water conservation is a behavior ingrained from birth, but trust me. The reservoirs will be overflowing with melted snow.

- Feline litter product is just as effective as gravel in terms of providing traction on icy porches and/or walkways.

- Should the power fail, do not burn candles unattended, nor should you utilize propane or kerosene camp stoves indoors, as carbon monoxide gas can build up to unsafe levels.

If anyone is in need of assistance in terms of needing food and/or supplies delivered who is reading this, I have the use of a neighbor's SUV and Diefenbaker and I will be rendering assistance to those who require it.




Last night I had this pretty amazing dream. It was kind of a clairvoyant one, which is strange. I'm a psychic, but not that kind of psychic, normally. Maybe I have some latent precognition? Who knows.

Anyway, I was just wishing for some kind of sign. About my mom. It's been years and years. We never did find her. And I think I saw her. I caught a glimpse of her, anyway, and it was just nice. She was doing doctor things, saving lives, and she looked like... well, like she was at peace, anyway. It seemed too real to just be an ordinary dream.

I look a bit more like her in some place than I thought. It's hard not to see her when I look in the mirror now. But anyway, it gives me hope. That she's still out there somewhere.

And now that this quiet little reflective post is out of the way, I better get back to keeping a house full of teenagers entertained during a blizzard.




Nobody panic.

But I'm totes not a vampire anymore! MY HEART IT BEATS AND IT BEATS FOR CHOCOLATE YO




Yeah all right but what in the God given bloody bedamned fuck are these dreams I've been having? Insect demons, witches with monkey familiars, full on balls to the wall black magic shit.

God that poor girl, I can't even think about what happened to her.

And that's not even touching on the lung cancer. Which I suppose isn't too far fetched, considering how much I smoke. But I did manage to fool Hell's top three demons into letting me live, cancer free. Points to me, there.

The rest can fuck right off, though.

Jesus tapdancing Christ on a chariot driven crutch.




Ever since I've gotten to the United States I can't help but but notice things that are different here, than back home. Like your toilets are too low down and the stalls have massive gaps around the door so that people can see in. You can put a man on the moon but can’t design a setup whereby I can use the lavatory in comfortable privacy? Sort it out America.




I have been doing a lot of reflecting, lately, given the holiday season. I think back to my childhood Christmases in Europe, and I realize that our Christmas Eve dinner was not entirely dissimilar to the idea of American Thanksgiving, which I experienced for the first time this year.

The Christmas Eve dinner would have twelve dishes, to represent the twelve Apostles, though we would have fish and vegetables instead of your turkey.  The children would perform a little song or a poem, or something similar before they could open their presents. Though that was just in Lithuania, Christmases in France were a bit different.

It makes me miss my parents, my dear little sister, my aunt and uncle. In a way, it makes me long for a family Christmas again.




You know, when I came to California from London, I was expecting something distinctly warmer than this. Certainly not a blizzard.

But while I'm stuck inside for the day, I might as well give this thing a try. My cousin says it's a good way to meet people in the area.

So hello, my name is Monty Navarro. I've recently moved over from London, and am currently crashing on my cousin's couch. I have no job prospects yet, so if anyone is in need of a business major, I'm available.

Pleasure to meet you all.




I'm really sorry it took me until today to post something, but I've got good news at least. Cora woke up today, and they say that after a couple more days of observation, she'll be able to go home. What made me a little mad was they just said she had some kind of "strange pneumonia," which is totally stupid, but she's better, so I'm not going to fight about it.




I woke up with two hands this morning.

Two hands. I'd forgotten what it feels like.

I hardly know what to do with myself. Other than call in sick from work, because showing up with an extra hand might be odd.




I AM GROOT! I am Groot!

I am Groot...

[OOC: Translation - "I've been turned into my dream self! This is so badass! And kinda frustrating since no one is understandin' a word I'm saying..."

Gabe has been turned into his dream self, Groot! Besides being able to say only those three darling little words, I thought it'd be funny if he could only type them too (when he can manage to type. He uses voice to text and keeps forgetting no one understands him.)]