
December 16th, 2014




I don't even know how it happened and I don't care; I've got a SHIP. My boat's turned into a SHIP. A glorious SHIP.

It's gigantic and has really really tall sails and I'd need a whole crew to actually sail the thing. SOME of you ought to come see the Captain's Cabin. I could use a cabin boy or five. ;)




Cut for Possible Character Death Triggers, viewable to all )




It really is the most wonderful time of the year! I am happy to report that I am no longer with Starbucks! I'm training and working towards becoming a flight attendant with BAER Airline! I'm so excited because it's something completely different than anything I've ever done! It's social, I get to travel...it's the best! Training has been hard, but better than serving coffee to shopping crazed people!

Plus, I just celebrated my 21st birthday! My wonderful friend took me to Disneyland for the first time and I LOVED IT! I can understand why so many people get annual passes. I won't lie, I was tempted!

But now that I'm legal drinking age in the US, I'm ready to go out and celebrate! Anyone interested? If not but you're out anyway and see a blonde celebrating, make sure to get me a drink! ;)




You'd think that the holiday season would be quieter work wise but instead I've spent even more time working than I normally do.

Someone commented that they found it surprising that I could actually find time to work even more than I currently do.




I've spent the past two weeks wrapping up all of my work here in LA and as of 10pm tonight, I will be flying back out to DC to spend the holiday season with my family. I will try and check the network during my time with them but I can't promise how much I will be around.

That isn't to say you aren't welcome to text/call/email me if you wish to talk though.

I look forward to seeing you all again when I return in the new year though.




Triggers: Mentions of character death, etc, open to all )

Private to X-Folk, Lina, Cindy, Astrid, Rose, if i forgot you, you! )




So while I won the last fight, I took some time to myself to rest up. It was a long match, and I ended up looking like a raccoon for awhile. But it's nice to see snow, even if I'd rather there not be any. I wanted to be lazy and lay out by the pool but oh well. Guess that just means more training time! And running in snow...

What shall we do for christmas this year?

I suppose I should ask, instead of just try to guess, what you would like for Christmas this year? I'm preparing my lists, and since you are here and it is that much easier to get you your gifts, I do hope you'll indulge a girl.




For the first time in a long time, I feel pretty good. This is the second day in a row now where these dreams haven't bothered me, and the headaches I was getting last week are gone. I even slept in, which never happens. A guy could get used to this.




I've decided i a fan of the snow. even more a fan of the bourbon hot chocolate that comes with it. And the lack of swimmig lessson attempts. And it's just pretty. Thesnow can stay. I may be somewhat tipsy adn i dont care.




I have grown accustomed now to the unexpected snowfall, and am, to a degree, beginning to grow accustomed to these dreams as well. It will take more adjustment to get used to my lack of reflection. I think perhaps I have mastered shaving without one? If only because by now it is all out of memory, though I've cut myself several times trying. I am also glad that I keep my hair short.