
December 11th, 2014




I was working on a wedding in my Dreams. I hate them. I hate everything about them, but damn if I don't shine like a diamond in them. At least there's something of a silver lining. Doing what I do best--event planning, working the fashion angle, preparations for flowers and wedding dresses and the like. It gives me a bit of a boost. And I need it when it's so snowy and cold outside.




Flower Alchemy is still open! I just can't put any of the flowers out front without risking them being frostbitten. Luckily the main shop's heating system is working well and it's nice and warm.




My Christmas wish lists consists of people learning to drive in the snow.

If someone wanted to, they could make some serious money teaching this very valuable skill that has made the last week much longer than it needed to be.

In other news, an ex-girlfriend called and asked if I had one of her sweaters from six months ago, after she made sure she took all of her shit out when she left in the first place.




Dear Greenpeace, fuck off.

As a newly minted nature and human photographer for National Geogrpahic, even I know that you don't walk on the Nazca Lines sites. You just don't! The ground is fragile, and sensitive and ontop of it all you damage one of the lines. What were you thinking? You just don't do that. You damage a world heritage site for a climate change message?! It's an important message, Climate change is a big deal, but you don't use a freaking world heritage site for it.

You don't damage something so old, so important to a people.

What the ever living fuck is wrong with you? If you don't know what I'm up in arms about, go read this.




First snow, then a merger at work, and now preparing for Christmas at the last minute. I've had a really busy couple of weeks since Thanksgiving. Sorry if I've missed anything. At least no more Dreams




[Any characters with extra-sensitive hearing and/or are in Pitzer College Campus right now, there was a horribly loud banshee scream.]

Where is Cora? I'm not getting any response from her phone and I have this horrible feeling, like I just know something is wrong. Anyone at UCI? Can you tell me anything? Please.