
November 12th, 2014




A couple things to address. First off, and not very originally I suppose, but I want to thank all the men and women out there who have served and continue to serve their country. One day isn't enough to thank everyone for what they've done, but it's all we officially get, so there you are.

Secondly, I'd like to apologize for being an angry seventeenth century Frenchman for a few days there, and making embarrassing posts. Apologies to anyone I shouted in French at.

And last, congrats to Clint on his new place, looks gorgeous.




I can't seem to stop eating potato chips today. Maybe it's because they're delicious?

I got into a huge fight with my dream!sister last night. In my dreams. When I woke up this morning I called her, but she was already in school. I hung up the phone after talking with my mother, and realized how silly that phone call was.




I have two wine coolers and no class tomorrow. Ladies only need apply.




Nothing like an impromptu trip to Russia.

Apologies for vanishing without notice like that -- now be honest, how many of you thought someone actually killed me and threw me into a ditch? Don't be shy!




I just spent the entire day with my sister and my adorable niece. Natty cuddles are the best cuddles. We watched Frozen, I took them out to Ruby's on the Pier for lunch. Got Natty a few new toys and after she was down for her nap, I spent some quality time with my sister.

Tats, she finally showed me the pictures she took 'spying' on us for the big proposal. But you don't get to see them until the party :)

Love you Rebekah. Thanks for spending the day with your way cool older brother.

Damon, Nik, it's clear I'm her favorite Uncle. It's time for you to give up.




I'm sick of these fucking dreams. Every time I have them, things get wroes worse. At least I finally know what thhat chiips that chip is I found last month.

And these goddamn tremoors iiny my hand won''ts stop.

Cancel my fucking subscription.